View Full Version : DoWII:Retribution mini-review.

03-04-2011, 04:41 AM
I just spent most of the night playing Dawn of War II: Retribution (yay insomnia), thought I'd post a few of my impressions thus far (Eldar campaign finished, third of the way through IG):

In my opinion, it is the quintesson 40k video game, they really have the balance between base building and combat right, it just feels so 30k.

The Eldar campaign story is excellent. No spoilers, but it is well written, none of the 'lets stand around until our enemies obliterate us, huzzah!' that bothered me about DoWII. The Eldar feel like the arrogant, ammoral, deeply traumatised species they are.

Edit: Oh, I forgot, theres a female Young King. Gav Thorpe must be so proud.

C.S. Goto's books seem to have been retconned out of the DoW canon, another huzzah.

Graphics are pretty, and things like ordnance barrages and whatnot feel much more real.

Sound is excellent, voice acting is superb as well.

I was right again, Alaitoc is pronounced Ally-tok, not Alay-tok, and the Eldar Farseer sounds like she was taught her English by the same people who taught me.:rolleyes:

9/10, the best 40k video game yet.

I've forgotten what else I meant to write, probably ought to go lie down.

03-04-2011, 08:09 AM
I'm installing it right now, only I'll start with the Tyranid campaign. I've heard all the campaigns are somewhat similar, so I want to replay it at least once to see.

03-04-2011, 08:29 AM
I've continued on with the saga of the Blood Ravens (Marines).

Agree - graphics are great! Story is stating to get interesting right away. New options to build units and tack on extra troops is nice touch I've been waiting for!

Can't wait to try some of the other story lines!

Buy a set of good headphones so you don't keep the rest of the house up all night! ;)

03-04-2011, 08:46 AM
...it is the quintesson 40k video game, they really have the balance between base building and combat right, it just feels so 30k.

New Game from Games-Workshop: Warhammer 30,000 !
Glad to hear it's that good! Thanks for the review.

03-04-2011, 08:54 AM
I've played a bunch of it - and i have to say that I REALLY REALLY REALLY don't like what they did with squads being "upgrades" for your heroes. Its nigh infuriating.

03-04-2011, 09:13 AM
I've played a bunch of it - and i have to say that I REALLY REALLY REALLY don't like what they did with squads being "upgrades" for your heroes. Its nigh infuriating.

Pretty much this. I feel the unit management is clunky, especially since you can only hot key any one unit to a single keybind. I like putting all of my units together so it's easier to move them, but if I want to give them separate targets, I don't have an easy and quick way to access them.

So far I like it. I'm only about half way through my first campaign, but it does everything that drew me into DoW in the first place pretty well. :)

Ghost of War
03-04-2011, 11:57 AM
I played bugs on Hard and it was grossly easy though. You can basically build out to have global health regen at a very high pace with equipment and talents. My starting force never dies on any mission.

So I thought to myself. I am gonna do the Eldar campaign (was saving it since I am an eldar player - hi5 Eldargal) on VERY HARD.

Dude... banshees die like gretchen on Very hard. they cant even respawn fast enough from a falcon or base to remain on the board. My heros get flippen MAULED.

I really fear some of the comming missions.. if you have played it.. you know the ones I am talking about.

If you want to enjoy the game. I recommend playing it on HARD or VERY HARD. Because anything else is pretty weak... course then they will patch it and i will get frogstomped.

03-04-2011, 03:19 PM
I was right again, Alaitoc is pronounced Ally-tok, not Alay-tok, and the Eldar Farseer sounds like she was taught her English by the same people who taught me.:rolleyes:

I wouldn't use the voice acting work in DoW games as canonical. Give the DE Warriors and Scourges a listen in Soulstorm and listen to their pronounciation of Commorragh. The pronounce it COM-uh-rah and not kuh-MORE-uh like in the designer round table videos.

Just saying!

03-04-2011, 03:45 PM
Pretty much this. I feel the unit management is clunky, especially since you can only hot key any one unit to a single keybind. I like putting all of my units together so it's easier to move them, but if I want to give them separate targets, I don't have an easy and quick way to access them.

So far I like it. I'm only about half way through my first campaign, but it does everything that drew me into DoW in the first place pretty well. :)

They took the micro management to 11 on this one and I really don't like it at all.

03-04-2011, 04:16 PM
tyranids are hilariously easy thats for shure. venom cannon warrior squads (1 VC per warrior WTF?!) seam to be grossly OP in singleplayer. I started on hard and just walked trough each mission (the only thing that manages to die are gaunts and zoantropes. and if your totally dumb genestealers but the ranged stuff is smart enoguh to obliterate everything with a heal buff once or twice).

then I did chaos mission and was blown outa my shoes how hard it is!
those chaos marines seam to wear paper armor (especially my plaguemarine keeps dying)!

it was hard until I got my dreads. their autocannons do basically the same as the venom cannons. it seams that those high rof medium damage vs ALL weapons are very powerfull!

03-04-2011, 08:32 PM
Sorry, I mean't 40k, sleepy!

Yes there were a few annoyances too, Howling Banshees die easy on every difficulty, by the end I was just using upgraded Wraithlords with my heroes.

I'm not sure what you mean by squads being upgrades for heroes? You can take a hero or a special squad on a mission, and heroes give passive upgrades to squads. I quite liked that aspect actually.

2:30am, enjoying the IG campaign too. Though I haven't been able to get my commissar to say 'drive me closer, I want to hit them with my sword'yet, which is a great dissapointment.:rolleyes:

03-04-2011, 09:22 PM
welp, I really must suck at these RTS games... just so much going on. I can't even beat the SM campaign's 4th mission on normal :(

I go focus on one thing and in an instant all my other guys are dead.

03-04-2011, 10:21 PM
there is a cool combination in the marine storyline.
use the armor that gives you permanent infiltration + The Ancient + a plasma cannon.
you can go around destroying anything in your path with just him.

03-05-2011, 09:32 PM
Finished with the Tyranid's and SM's campaigns. Tyranids are easy mode, but don't have much story. And only having 1 hero to equip and stuff makes sense, but sucks hardcore. I'm doing Eldar and IG right now, and I'm really liking the game. Although yeah, only one control group per unit is dumb.

I'll give this game 9/10. AWESOME value for your money. However, the guy that decided that for the Tutorial they would use part of the FINAL MISSION, WITH MASSIVE SPOILERS was retarded. Any awe I could have felt at the end was destroyed.

there is a cool combination in the marine storyline.
use the armor that gives you permanent infiltration + The Ancient + a plasma cannon.
you can go around destroying anything in your path with just him.

There's another combo in the Tyranid storyline. Play Warriors and Carnifexes and win. =P
But jokes aside, there's a similar combo in the eldar campaign.