View Full Version : GK Inq. Henchman Warband

03-03-2011, 06:22 PM
Looking over the leaked pdf of the rules section of the GK codex, I decided I would share a few thoughts on the members of the Inq. warband. BTW, this leak is almost certainly inaccurate on some details and the pdf is supposedly 5+ months old.

Elite by default, w/ a character that makes them Troops, I think these can make a very flexible (and fluffy) squad. 3-12 of the following:

Arco Flagellant
Death Cult Assasin
Inquisitorial Servitor
Warrior Acolyte

Arco Flagellant
Pros: High Strength, Attacks and has FNP.
Cons: no ranged weapon, no power weapon
Thoughts: Good for soaking lots of attacks in for the points cost.

Pros: Make daemons re-roll successful saves, can be upgraded to carry and eviserator.
Cons: Really a 1 hit wonder and wouldn't be as useful against non-daemons.
Thoughts: Given his low points cost it still wouldn't hurt to put him in and have a wound dump if there are no daemons around.

Pros: 3++ save, power weapon
Cons: 1 attack, no ranged weapons
Thoughts: Good place to soak up low AP attacks due to the 3++

Pros: 5++, random buff
Cons: Buff is random and doesn't always synergize with the squad. A bit squishy.
Thoughts: Would go all or nothing with this one. Since it will be filling a random niche each turn I would be hesitant to attach anybody to them that can't keep up.

Death Cult Assassin
Pros: Med-High attacks, S, WS and high I with power weapons
Cons: A bit squishy
Thoughts: Trades in a bit of the Arco-Flagellant's attacks and strength for initiative and power weapons. Higher I than just about everyone (except DE). Should take apart MEQs well.

Inquisitorial Servitor
Pros: Heavy hitter, either ranged or close
Cons: Mindlocks whole squad
Thoughts: Another all or nothing unit. Synergizes well with Corteaz's ability (think old mystics).

Pros: Provides a random buff to the squad pre-game, has a multifunction weapon similar to Oblits.
Cons: Random buff could leave you with close combat upgrades in a shooting squad or vis-a-versa, doesn't have any CC ability
Thoughts: Bring one along, it a bit pricey for single model, but can be useful

Pros: Teleport homer
Cons: Just a generic guardsman for all other purposes
Thoughts: Just bring one.

Pros: Combines like Voltron with an assault 1 blast ability
Cons: Only one power, perils effects every psyker
Thoughts: Pretty self-explanatory

Warrior Acolyte:
Pros: Flexible, you can build them as you wish
Cons: A squishy human unless you upgrade
Thoughts: Cheap base unit to build upon

Any thoughts on what to run? I'm seeing a couple different builds here, melee, support and shooty.

03-05-2011, 11:36 AM
Well, right now this is a case of counting chickens before they hatch. However, I think that of the options known so far, the best two squads are going to be a combination of DCAs and Crusaders, or a Jokaero with a squad of Warriors tooled for ranged combat. In the case of the close combat unit, the Crusaders will provide a crucial save against ranged shooting right up until the unit connects in assault. In the latter, you are going to have some good shooting squads which might be also benefit with some ok close combat ability or get even better at shooting.

Being that an all-henchmen group isn't going to have deep strikers (except for maybe the Daemonhost), I wouldn't see a good reason to take the mystics. The psyker squad is only good if you are taking the Callidius, so you can instant death the low-leadership models left behind.

03-06-2011, 12:24 AM
Keep it cheap and efficient. A couple warriors with meltas (the rest of the army severely lacks melta, but can do long-medium range AT pretty well, so you'll probably rely on henchmen to provide melta), then some Crusaders for their 3++. You drive up and melta something, then tie up your opponents units with your storm shields.

Alternatively, you can take some Jokearo and a few other of the longer range options, and sit it in a chimera in the back. An Inquisitor with a conversion beamer and psychic communion and 4 jokearo would work best.

You could also make an actual assault unit, as well, by trading a few crusaders from the first unit for something with a little more punch than a str 3 power weapon. A couple DCAs and an eviscerator or two would work best.

You can also do storm bolter spam for really really cheap, though that probably won't fill any niche that your army needs. If you happen to find yourself with a list with plenty of CC and plenty of melta, but lacking anti-infantry, then ten guys with storm bolters is, what, 70pts?

03-06-2011, 12:59 AM
do the inq warband still get servo slulls/familiars?
do they still get medics (witch hunter churi...thingy)?
or have these things become war gear options of some sort (medi pack/ferisan wolves style) or will they have to count as some thing else?

my eldar fluff is based on a inquisitor "forensic" report on an imperial colony by unknown raiders. now the eldar part of the project is out the way I'm looking at the inquisitor him self.

i have collected the following models for his unit

squad of servitors
primaris psyker
storm troop srg => warrior acolite
tech preist => suppose a jackero ( was planning taking him as a sage)

so it looks as if shooty is the best way to go with this crew.

dave l

03-06-2011, 07:55 AM
Servo Skulls are wargear for Inquisitors, and are cheaper than meltabombs. Some GK units can get Apothecaries, but there's nothing else that could fill a medical role.

03-06-2011, 01:20 PM
so it looks as if shooty is the best way to go with this crew.

Did you miss the whole "crusaders with power weapon and storm shield for 15pts", or the "death cult assassins with ws 5 and 4 str4 power weapon attacks on the charge for 15pts":p?

03-06-2011, 02:56 PM
I started collecting the odd weirdo/ henchman yonks ago only now am I getting round to painting them. It is just dumb luck I end up jumping on the new dex band wagon

Dave l

03-06-2011, 09:01 PM
Did you miss the whole "crusaders with power weapon and storm shield for 15pts", or the "death cult assassins with ws 5 and 4 str4 power weapon attacks on the charge for 15pts":p?

You forgot to mention the DCA's have I6.