View Full Version : BA + DA Team, 1250 points each

Brother Cruorem
03-02-2011, 08:33 PM
Hey BoLS peeps. I'm going to be in a Team tournament near the end of March. I'm going to be playing BA and my friend is going to be playing DA. Here are the lists we came up with. Let me know what you all think. FYI our favorite armies are BA and DA and mostly we just wanted to play them together, but I did try to keep it fairly balanced.

DA Army
HQ: Belial 130pts
-Deathwing Banner 30
-Apothacary 25
HQ: Interigator Chaplin 120pts
-Termi Armour 25
-Combi-melta 5
T: Termies 215pts
-cyclone 20
-4 TH/SS
-1 twin LC
T: Termies 215pts
-cyclone 20
-4 TH/SS
-1 twin LC
T: Termies 215pts
-cyclone 20
-4 TH/SS
-1 twin LC
FA: Ravenwing Attack Squad (3) 120pts
-melta gun 10
-flamer 5
FA: RW Support Squad 65pts
-Typhoon 10

BA Army
HQ: Librarian 100pts
-JP 25
E: 2x Sang Priest 100pts
-1 w/ PW & JP 40
-1 w/ PW 15
E: Furioso Dread 125pts
-Blood Talons
-Heavy Flamer 10
-extra armour 15
-Drop Pod w/ beacon 45
T: Assault Squad (10man) 190pts
-PF 25
-IP 15
-2 melta 20
T: Scouts (5man) 75pts
-camo 15
FA: Van Vets 115pts
-JP 50
-2 PW 30
-2 LC 30
-3 SS 60
-PF 10
-2 melta bombs 10
HS: Dev Squad 90
-4 ML 40

Both armies cost 1250 each so thats a grand total of 2500 points. Basically everything but the BA Devs, Scouts, and 1 Sang Priest will be deep striking in unless we face a horde army like Tyranids. Fairly straight forward, pop tanks on the deep strike then clean up. We will probably be facing just about every type of army. So what do you all think, do we stand a chance?

03-03-2011, 09:16 AM
It looks pretty good, so I'll just list some options for things you can change around:

-The Interrogator could be changed to a Librarian. You lose Litanies of Hate, but gain a second hood in case one dies (although at Ld9). The powers available may not seem like too good, but Mind Worm can be a nasty surprise. It doesn't deal wounds, so you can snipe that Power Klaw Nob from the unit of 30 ork Boyz that is charging towards you. Or you could get rid of a Trygon (Primes are harder to deal with).
-You could try to swap the Ravenwing Assault Squad for a Predator Annihilator (just with Lascannon sponsons) for a bit more. A tougher target, and more likely to be able to open cans.
-Try to give the scouts a ML. It really increases the unit's effectiveness, and it's cheap. In fact I'd almost say it's more important than having Camo.