View Full Version : Black Templars Recruitment.

02-28-2011, 11:41 PM
Greetings Brothers, I am new to the Eternal Crusade. I just had a quick question. I was reading Damnation Crusade, and read about Neophyte Raclaw's recruitment trials. This seems to be somewhat different from what is described on this very website, and to a small extent in Helsreach. So do Black Templar recruitment trials consist of physical and mental screening, then undisclosed "testing" to be claimed by an Initiate? I was also curious: what happens to the failed aspirants? I heard that they undergo servitor conversion. Is this the case? And for what reason?

Thank you, my Brothers and fellow Crusaders.

03-01-2011, 12:57 AM
Greetings Brothers, I am new to the Eternal Crusade. I just had a quick question. I was reading Damnation Crusade, and read about Neophyte Raclaw's recruitment trials. This seems to be somewhat different from what is described on this very website, and to a small extent in Helsreach. So do Black Templar recruitment trials consist of physical and mental screening, then undisclosed "testing" to be claimed by an Initiate? I was also curious: what happens to the failed aspirants? I heard that they undergo servitor conversion. Is this the case? And for what reason?

Thank you, my Brothers and fellow Crusaders.

;) G'day BK!
I think you have summed it up pretty well.
BT Neophytes are screened to ensure no Pyscher traits or taints & if an asperant suvives the rigorous testing & enhancements but is not considered suitable he can be accepted as a serf who will assist the Crusaders of if impaired would be lobotomised & turned into a servitor.

03-01-2011, 01:22 AM
Welcome to the Eternal Crusade Brother.
Also take in account that due to the crusading nature of the Black Templar each crusade is responsible for it's own recruitment and training of it's neophytes. It's therefor very likely that the method varies somewhat from crusade to crusade even though the general principles are the same.

03-01-2011, 06:13 PM
Ahh, I see. Thank you brothers. That's very informative. Those that aren't accepted into the Brotherhood are accepted as serfs, or, if they lack in character, they are converted to servitors to serve the Chapter in whatever way they can. It looks like their is honor in every duty.

03-01-2011, 06:20 PM
Bloody BKs, I got your crusade right here!

03-01-2011, 07:37 PM
Generally for most chapters failed aspirants end up as serfs or servants. There was a thing on the GW website about a guardsman going through the trials to become a black templar neophyte. Dunno how cannon it is as he's fully grown and souught permission from his sarge to undertake the trials. normally recruits into marine chapters are in their very early teens or younger. They converted a model out of mostly bretonian parts and the guardsman without a helmet's head.

03-01-2011, 07:52 PM
Ahh, I see.

03-01-2011, 09:12 PM
There are several instances where fullgrown men try out for the trials, and I can think of at least Thaddeus from DoW2 that passed the trials. I think however most simply try and fail. The main character in Eternal Crusade and many of the ones that fail the trials also seems to be fullgrown suggesting maybe that Black Templars are more likely to recruit from adults than other chapters.

03-01-2011, 09:22 PM
So where do Black Templars get their serfs and servitors, exactly?

03-02-2011, 06:43 PM
Ahh, question answered. Thanks, Brothers.

03-02-2011, 09:22 PM
Don't worry about bodies...er..I mean serfs and servitors, these the Imperium has in spades!

03-03-2011, 06:04 PM
Begone, savage.

03-03-2011, 08:53 PM
Grrrr. Stuffy dandies! Outie.