View Full Version : Chaos, FNP, and Warptime

02-28-2011, 11:35 AM
Hey everyone,

Just wanted to clarify a couple of things which we have had come up to see what your take is:

1) A T5 plague marine gets hit by an AP3 weapon, does it just get a 4+ FNP save, or nothing at all?

2) Warptime. It says models can re-roll all hits and to wound rolls, however does this also mean you can re-roll armour penetration rolls, as you are "wounding" the vehicle??

Any help is appreciated! Thanks :D

02-28-2011, 11:42 AM
They get FNP. Only stuff that ignores all armor saves denies FNP. So if it ignores a 2+ save, you don't get FNP. AP 3 does not ignore a 2+ armor save.

No, you are not "wounding" the vehicle. You are rolling for armor penetration. That's different, so you don't get the reroll.

Now you're good to go :).

02-28-2011, 01:37 PM
They get FNP. Only stuff that ignores all armor saves denies FNP.

Also things that are double the model's toughness.

So, if it was a S8, AP 3 weapon, then you would not get a FNP roll (note the reason a S8 weapon would inflict instant death is because the Plague Marine's real toughness is 4).

02-28-2011, 05:10 PM
All correct AP3 does allow FNP unless causing instant death and as its rolling against armour no re rolls

03-01-2011, 12:15 PM
Also things that are double the model's toughness.

So, if it was a S8, AP 3 weapon, then you would not get a FNP roll (note the reason a S8 weapon would inflict instant death is because the Plague Marine's real toughness is 4).

which is a pretty dumb rule in regards to plague marines. Its not like they are riding a motorcycle, they ARE tougher than normal marines, and you are paying points for it!

03-01-2011, 01:09 PM
which is a pretty dumb rule in regards to plague marines. Its not like they are riding a motorcycle, they ARE tougher than normal marines, and you are paying points for it!

They are indeed tougher than regular marines. They are just not enough tougher to justify a battle cannon not turning them into paste.

03-01-2011, 03:05 PM
which is a pretty dumb rule in regards to plague marines. Its not like they are riding a motorcycle, they ARE tougher than normal marines, and you are paying points for it!

It's representing Nurgle making them tough enough to shrug off normal fire, not actually increasing their vitality.