View Full Version : 2000 Dark Eldar, Feast of Blades

02-27-2011, 10:52 PM
Here is what I plan to bring to a local tournament

Baron Sathonyx
Asdrubael Vect
5 incubi
Raider dark lance, night shields flicker field X 4 (for wyches incubie with vect, and 10 man warrior squad)
10 wyches 2 hydra gauntlets hekatrix with agoniser (second squad has razorflais)

20 Kabalite warriors , X 2 dark lance
10 Kabalile warriors blaster splinter cannon
10 Hellions Helliarch Agoniser
Ravager night shields flicker field shock prowl
Ravager, X 3 denigrators, night shields, flicker fields

Plan here is to try to secend with Baron, isolate part of the openents army with deveplement and then sieze. This, however is only my ideal situtaion. The wytches and Vect with Icubie hit first, followed by Baron and friends. The 10 warrior squad is for enamy objective holding, while 20 man squad is for home objective, firebase. My area tends to have more xenos players, then what's averge

02-28-2011, 01:56 AM
Honestly, for Feast of Blades, which is a no-comp tourney, I think this list is going to get blown away at 2k points. You've only got 10 anti-tank options in your entire list, which just is not going to cut it against mech guard, mech wolves, mech BA, or any of the other major competitors out there. Vect is a beast, and the Baron + Hellions is a solid choice, but they're not built around in this list. What exactly are you planning on hitting with the Wyches and Incubi on turn 1? The 1 or at most two squads you've managed to de-mech? Never mind the fact that the Incubi have no grenades and the Hellions are too few to really do much.

I think you need to start rebuilding from the ground up and focus the list more. Vect is a force but I don't think he's an optimal choice in a competitive list. Not to mention your whole strategy is to hopefully get second turn with the Baron, deploy for an alpha strike, and then trust your game to Vect's 4+ to seize. Surefire way to get most of your mobility and antitank, if not most of your army, blown away on turn 1 if you don't get that 4+

Wish I could be more help with this man. All in all I think you have some nice components in a few spots, but the list doesn't really have a clear direction or way to open up enemy armor. Back to the drawing board is really my only suggestion.

Unzuul the Lascivious
02-28-2011, 04:58 AM
He's not wrong. You need a shed load of anti-tank, literally. I played Imperial Guard at the weekend 2500 points, and there were just so many tanks it was ridiculous. Frigging multilasers were just mowing my guys down every which way. The Incubi would get absolutely raped by a Hellhound. Seriously, the Imperial Guard are really the ones to watch for - I've not had many problems with anything else, but just the shher amount of firepower packed in to a load of tin cans...It just takes some doing. And that is without the annoying heavy weapons teams and Leman Russ aiming at your floating lanterns...

02-28-2011, 07:48 AM
I see your point however I would like to point a couple of things out. I think you missread something as I have 14 lances not 10. Whle not hugely groundbreaking that's not as shaby as you said. Another thing is while I know one guy will bring mech guard most people in my group don't play mech wolves, or Blood angles. I think your right to a degree but I don't think it's as sever as you say