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View Full Version : 1700 points of Eldar for my first tournament.

09-01-2009, 03:05 AM

In about 2 weeks I got my first ever tournament. I decided to go with my new Eldar. Here I have a couple of list I'm thinking about taking. About halve of the people there play SM and the rest mostly Eldar and Guard, some Tau, some Tyranids.

HQ 365

Eldrad 210

Yriel 155

Troops 370

Dire Avengers, 9, Exarch, Double weapon, Bladestorm
Wave Serpent, Spirit Stones, Brightlance

Guardians, 10, Shuriken Cannon 85

Elites 489

Howling Banshees, 6, Exarch, Executionar
Wave Serpent, Spirit Stones, Star Engines, Shuriken Cannon

Fire Dragons, 6, Exarch, Fire Pike, Crack Shot
Wave Serpent, Spirit Stones, Star Engines, Shuriken Cannon

Heavy Support 475

Wraithlord, Brightlance, Missile Launcher, Flamers 155

War Walker Squadron, 3, Scatter Lasers x6 180

Dark Reapers, 4 140

Total: 1699


HQ 365

Eldrad 210

Yriel 155

Troops 607

Dire Avengers, 10, Exarch, Double weapon, Bladestorm
Wave Serpent, Spirit Stones, Star Engines, Shuriken Cannon

Guardians, 10, Shuriken Cannon
Wave Serpent, Spirit Stones, Brightlance

Guardians, 10, Eldar Missile Launcher 100

Howling Banshees, 6, Exarch, Executionar, Acrobatic, War Shout
Wave Serpent, Spirit Stones, Star Engines, Shuriken Cannon

Heavy Support 475

Wraithlord, Brightlance, Missile Launcher, Flamers 155

War Walker Squadron, 3, Scatter Lasers x6 180

Dark Reapers, 4 140

Total: 1700


HQ 776

Eldrad 210, Warlocks, 8, Destructor x6, Enhance, Embolden, Singing Spear x2
Wave Serpent, Spirit Stones, Star Engines, Shuriken Cannon

Yriel 155

Troops 382

Dire Avengers, 10, Exarch, Double weapon, Bladestorm
Wave Serpent, Spirit Stones, Brightlance

Guardians, 10, Shuriken Cannon 85

Elites 246

Fire Dragons, 6, Exarch, Fire Pike, Crack Shot
Wave Serpent, Spirit Stones, Star Engines, Shuriken Cannon

Heavy Support 155

Wraithlord, Brightlance, Missile Launcher, Flamers 155

Total: 1699


HQ 636

Eldrad 210, Warlocks, 4, Destructor x2, Enhance, Embolden, Singing Spear x2
Wave Serpent, Spirit Stones, Star Engines, Shuriken Cannon

Yriel 155

Troops 237

Dire Avengers, 10, Exarch, Double weapon, Bladestorm 152

Guardians, 10, Shuriken Cannon 85

Elites 672

Howling Banshees, 6, Exarch, Executionar, Acrobatic, War Shout
Wave Serpent, Spirit Stones, Star Engines, Shuriken Cannon

Fire Dragons, 6, Exarch, Fire Pike, Crack Shot
Wave Serpent, Spirit Stones, Brightlance, Star Engines

Striking Scorpions, 6, Exarch, Biting Blade, Stalker, Shadowstrike 138

Heavy Support 155

Wraithlord, Brightlance, Missile Launcher, Flamers 155

Total: 1700

So what do you think? Which list is better or how would you make your list out of my models. I can't really afford to buy anything before the tournament atm so I'll have to make due with these models. 2 Wave serpents still need constructing and the War walkers aswell..

09-01-2009, 03:37 AM
i am a veteran eldar player with a 5th position at a regional tournament and the most obvious thing to me is that your gaurdians will not stick around dire avengers are better and will live abit more thanks to 4+ saves and will do far more damage.
also you have very few models even for an eldar army i mean really.
and war walker are bum in 5th ed because they are an open topped squadron vehicle so penetrating hits destroy you on 3s and glancing destroy on 5s and if they have ap1 weapons like marines gaurd and tau will that will make it 2s and 4s / remember penetrating hits will do weapon destroyed on 1s

09-01-2009, 09:08 AM
I'm a veteran player with a 2nd position at a regional tournament (?) and I suggest dropping the FD Exarch - 5 will do the job, he's a points sink. If you can't buy anything else in time, there's not much you can do to change.

Wraithlord > War Walkers, unless there are any Ork or IG players.
Banshees > Scorpion, all the time.
Fire Dragons > Any other Elites
Foot Guardians need an Avatar nearby, or, failing that, an EmboldenLock. They should also have EML or Scatter Laser.
Bladestorm is virtually never worth the expense. If you had 30 DAs it may be a different scenario...but you don't.

Good luck.

09-01-2009, 05:29 PM
I like list one the best, but I think that you should spend the guardians points on something else, guardians are just so bad.

Also, I prefer max size units of banshees- that way they can lose a few models and not be completely overwhelmed

09-01-2009, 05:46 PM
war walker are bum in 5th ed because they are an open topped squadron vehicle so penetrating hits destroy you on 3s and glancing destroy on 5s and if they have ap1 weapons like marines gaurd and tau will that will make it 2s and 4s / remember penetrating hits will do weapon destroyed on 1s
War walkers are not open topped. They are in fact, awesome. I'm a big fan of 3 with 6 shuriken cannons. 40 points each as opposed to 60 points for the scatter laser ones, and they have a better AP to boot which will generally only matter vs IG.

09-02-2009, 01:49 AM
I would probably go with list 1, though I would consider dropping either the Fire Dragon Exarch or Crack shot and Blade Storm, and upgrading one or both of the Shuriken cannon armed Serpents (but then I hate Shuriken cannons, so maybe I'm biased).

I take it from these lists and your previous thread, that your stuck with at least one squad of guardians to make up your compulsory troops?

I'd be wary of taking lists 3 and 4, because in my experience Seer Councils tend to be a bit hit or miss for such a large points cost, okay in a friendly match, but too unreliable for a tournament.

Also do you know what scenarios you will be playing? objective based, annihilation, random Etc.

09-02-2009, 11:53 AM
Yeah I'm stuck with atleast one squad of Guardians at this time. After one serpent drops of his squad it'll go back to get them save inside. I don't know what missions will be played. I won't be firing a lot with those two shuriken serpents since atleast one drops of the load after moving 36" the first turn only too move 36" away the second turn.

09-02-2009, 12:02 PM
You are taking way to many points in your HQ. I run a farseer with 2 powers and a autarch for 82 points. That lets you beef up other units.

09-02-2009, 12:20 PM
I welcome you to the ways of the Eldar. In the hands of an experienced general, they are without question the best army in the game. Think synergy.

I think with this list, you will have an extremely hard time winning any tournament with standard 5th edition scenarios. Any opponent that knows what they're doing, will wipe your troops out without much trouble and you will be stuck playing for draws!

As has already been covered, War Walkers are not open topped anymore. They are a great outflaniking unit when armed with shuriken cannon or scatter lasers (or one of each at 50 points!). Eldrad with Yriel is a truly nasty combo, but the Avatar is probably the best HQ buy in the army - especially if you plan on advancing towards the enemy. Plus Eldrad AND Yriel in such a small game is a huge points sink!

Guardian Squads have their place when used with other units. I like to use a squad of 12-15 with a scatter laser or shuriken cannon led by a warlock with conceal and a singing spear to screen my dire avengers and or assault units as I advance. I like to use a basic defender unit of 10 models with either scatter laser or occassionally a bright lance to sit back in cover and hold objectives in my own deployment zone (not the most effective unit, but better than leaving a 162 point squad of dire avengers out of the game).

Fire Dragons are the best elite choice currently, but I would definitely bring the exarch with tank hunter, crack shot, and a fire pike. Few things are as enjoyable as taking a melta pot shot that hits on a 2+ and ignores smoke launcher, turbo boost, and flat out saves! It can really catch people off guard.

What you need are a squad of jetbikes or two and maybe a second squad of dire avengers. Eldar have some great troops choices and this is where their advantage lies in 5th edition. That and Eldrad. Good luck and let us know how it turns out!