View Full Version : Thunderbolt Apoc Data Sheet

02-25-2011, 12:02 PM
Hey does anybody have a Apoc Data sheet made for a Thunderbolt with punisher gatling cannons?

02-25-2011, 04:03 PM
are you sure you dont mean vulture? aka valk with awsomesauce?

cause a thunderbolt with punishers is..cool but odd?

02-25-2011, 04:50 PM
Fuzzbuket is right, the Punisher Cannon equipped vehicle is the Vulture; a Thunderbolt only has options for missiles or bombs (bombs are the better choice as one-shot missiles at BS3 are often wasted).

As for the stats for it, they are in IA7 and so they can't be divulged in the forums but if you download the trial for Army Builder and the 40K data file then you should be able to get the information you need.

02-25-2011, 06:07 PM

Page 16.

02-25-2011, 06:41 PM

Page 16.

That update has everything except for the Hellfury Missile options for the Hellstrike Missile hardpoints. If you don't plan on using hellfury missiles then Gir's link gives you everything you need for a Vulture.

02-26-2011, 04:45 AM
oh and if you dont have the IG DEX the stats for the guns are here


02-26-2011, 03:15 PM
I do mean the Thunderbolt eqiuped with twinlinked punisher cannons. Reason I ask:
I remember seeing a homebrewed data sheet for this.
I'm not great on the PDF formating or I would just do it myself.
I have 2 Thunderbolts with twinlinked punisher cannons on them. I actually just got back from useing them in an APOC. battle. They where great! 20 shots from the gatling, 4 from the AutoCannons, and 1 Las shot all twinlinked! Well they didn't win the game. They did rack up some kills and they never got shot at after the second round. But they did what I thought they might. I added 40 points onto the normal cost of the Thunderbolt. Think I'll take it down to plus 20 next time. Like I said they where not a serius threat. Just fun to own the skies with.

02-26-2011, 08:54 PM
what weapons do you replace to get the punishers?

afaik the vulture looses a total of 2 twinlinked (so 4 weapon ahrdpoints) for one set of TL punishers and pays ~50pts for it.

just adding them to a flier you'd prolly add 70 or so points (counting each hardpoint as half a hunter killer in price!)

02-27-2011, 03:41 AM
wait if you are not replacing the guns your turning a 'heavy' 'fighter' aka i shoot planes and titans into a

YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH (i has moar dakka than a gunship) fighter1!

reasonably id say at least +100 pts! why because homebrews work well if it goes with the fluff or dosnt replace a current unit- e.g. a rhino with a thunderfire turrret +50 pts is just glueing more guns on. BUT a predator with targeting sponsons(+1BS) and a thunderfire +50 points is okay. im not too keen on just glueing guns on cause it make me shootier!!!1one! thats like buying a shadowsword and glueing all the turrets on ontop of each other.

//rant over

+ 100 pts

-fluff the 'ripper' thunderbolt is a tool usualy used by the imperial navy to shred the aurmor of larger aircraft (such as renagade bombers, tau mantas or renagare thunderhawks)

weapons : shreadder gatling cannon (x2) range 18' S6 ap- heavy 10 'shred 'im boys,
lascannonx2, autocannon x2

ruels : the thunderbolt may use either the las/auto cannon or the shredder cannon but not both

-fuzz (in the wayyyy to early moring :P)

02-27-2011, 01:50 PM
Well Fuzzbucket ya kinda lost me there in what ya said so....yeah

Anyways, The punisher cannons where added under the wings. they fit great where bombs would go. Points wise: (I know at first glance it seems monstrous) But in reality 20 extra shots didn't do much of anything. (I mostly shot Necrons) It would drop on average 5-6 and then 4-5 would get up again. Really not worth +100 points. I did over price them before and they really don't add up. Actually I went with the comparison of the Lemon Russ battle tank which has twin linked Punisher cannons. as my example. So 40 points extra for twinlinked was maybe a lil much. Then again depending on rolls. Never mind I will stick with +40 points. It really does even out. (Don't believe me? Try it, roll 20 die at a time with strenght 5 and no AP against marine style stats and see how well you do.) O aslo I kept the (bolter lenght range the same)
Come to think of it I really should have shot more at at tanks, probably would have better luck. Expescially with 10 armours.

02-27-2011, 04:16 PM
sorry about that.. my early morning-not-make-mush-sence-rant :P
ahh i originaly thought the thunderbolt didnt have bombs.. .well if you replace them yeah +50pts

02-27-2011, 05:20 PM
Hmmm.......50 points. Not bad. I could go with that. Could be worth it. Like I said it's getting fairly close to the point range that is acually worth a Thunderbolt. +40 points seems ok with me, but again thats with actual numbers implied.
Any mathhammers out there to help me out? What do you think 40 or 50 to add twin linked punisher gatling cannons to a Thunderbolt? How many points could that be worth?