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View Full Version : Greetings from Mississippi!

09-01-2009, 02:01 AM
G'morning folks.

I'm finally checking into the forums here, I'm a long time reader of the site here, but only recently found out about the forums.

So without further delay, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Drew, otherwise known as Red__Thirst on several other warhammer forums. A pleasure to know ya.

Been playing warhammer 40k for about 8 years now, give or take. My armies include Blood Angels, Eldar, and most recently a Vostroyan Imperial Guard army that I've devoted a good deal of attenton to lately.

As you might have noticed in my title, I live in central Mississippi, I play around the area with friends, and work allowing do attempt to make it to tournaments when I can in the southeastern area.

Looking forwards to contributing to the forum here as often as I can. Thanks everyone and take care!


09-01-2009, 08:42 AM
Welcome to the Lounge. :)