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View Full Version : The Waaagh Begins - 40k Special Mission

02-24-2011, 02:49 AM
-The Waaagh Begins-

A huge Ork Nob has done something particularly impressive, such as wrangling a Squiggoth, punching out the ‘Boss, flying a rokkit right over a ‘humie base, etc., and has begun to attract clans of followers. There is no real order to the new warband, it simply wants to get into its first fight!

The Waaagh Begins is a special mission which is actually just a set of modifiers that can be added to a normal game of 2500 points. Determine the mission type and the deployment type, with the following modifiers:

-Before deciding game type and deployment, the Ork player designs his list in a special manner:

1. A core “mob” of up to 500 points is made, and must include a Warboss and two Troop units.

2. Two separate groups of six mobs are made, each consisting of up to 500 points. Each mob is allowed to include Troop choices, but may also include up to three choices from one other section of the Force organization chart, excluding HQ. No two mobs may be identical, and there must be at least one Elites, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support choice per group of six mobs.

3. The two groups of six mobs are assigned numbers 1-6, and the Ork player rolls two dice for each group of six mobs. The two numbers that are rolled for each group decide which mobs compose the Ork player’s army. This may mean that the Force Organization limits are broken. If doubles are rolled, reroll one die.

4. Any points left over from the five mobs chosen may be used to buy upgrades for or to increase the squad sizes of already chosen units.

The Ork player's opponent chooses deployment zones, but the Ork player deploys second and takes the first turn. The opponent may not steal the initiative. Deploy normally if both players are Orks; this will be one to remember!

Example: 2500 points.

Core Mob: New Warboss Gutkruncha, Nobz, Boyz.

Group 1: Group 2:
1) Nob Bikers 1) 3 units Killa Kanz, 2 units Gretchin
2) Warbikers, Boyz w/Trukk 2) 3 Battlewagons
3) 3 units Deffkoptas 3) 3 Deff Dreads, Boyz
4) 2 units Stormboyz, Deffkoptas 4) 2 units Stormboyz
5) Burna Boyz, Boyz w/Trukk 5) Meganobz w/Battlewagon
6) Battlewagon, 2 Looted Wagons 6) Nob Bikers, Boyz w/Trukk

The Ork player rolls a 3 and 6 for Group 1, and then a 1 and 6 for Group 2, so Warboss Gutkruncha is followed by his loyal Nobz and Boyz, as well as some new followers: 3 units of Deffkoptas, a Battlewagon, 2 Looted Wagons, 3 units of Killa Kans, 2 units of Gretchin, Nob Bikers, and Boyz in a Trukk!