View Full Version : New Spacewolf Army

Morgan Darkstar
02-23-2011, 07:50 PM
Ok I am currently working on an ig army but have started to think about what i wanted to do next

after toying with Blood Angels and Orks i have Decided to go with Space Wolves

my idea for the army is to do a completely mech free army

any ideas


i am mostly looking for a fun to play and play against army, rather than kills everything on turn one army.

Silver Drakes Legion
02-23-2011, 09:49 PM
I play 13th company Space wolves so have never played with any vehicles. Are you thinking entirely no vehicles or a few heavies?

The great thing is it allows you to have a wolfguard without losing the melta in a rhino since no mech. The standard 11 man greyhunter squad with wolfguard is 2 melta, Mark of the wulfen, a standard(optional), and WG(Combimelta and powerfist) The best troop option in the game.

You'll need to start collecting missle launchers though since you have to have a reason for the opponent to want to get closer. Wolf scouts are great in this type of army to hurt artillery of any kind. Cheap fenrisian wolves can be good for cheap screeners. A really fun option is to have a Wolf-priest with saga of the hunter give stealth to the unit he joined.

The stealth option from the wolfpriest makes Bloodclaws pretty fun to run since they are more likely to survive even blasts.

Morgan Darkstar
02-24-2011, 06:17 PM
definitely no mech whatsoever. I dont want vehicles in this army, although i am begining to struggle on ideas for delivery systems for the Space Wolves other than footsloggin across the board.

02-24-2011, 07:41 PM
I have been running a no mech space wolves army and is fun.

I agree with silver Drake, let them come to you. How can they not? Patience is a virtue.

I try to run 4 HQ's, and then Wolf guard squad leaders, so I end up with 4 gray Hunter units each with an IC and a WG.
that's 12 guys each unit,Hard to kill, good assault capability, good shooty at 24 inches.

Don't offer them a weak link to attack

02-24-2011, 08:51 PM
How many points? I'll assume around 1500, but either way consider this just as an idea:

A) Thunderwolf Army: Njal, Rune Priest, 20 Grey Hunters with Fist and Meltas, 2x3 unique Thunderwolves: This is more a fun, elite army than anything competitive, since you won't have the numbers or the survivability to really win in a competitive environment.

B) Shooty Wolves: Logan, 2 Rune Priests, 3 groups of 7 Wolf Guard, each with 1 Hammer and 1 Terminator with Cyclone ML, 3 groups of 5 Long Fangs with 2 MLs and 2 Lascannons: And this is a more playable list. Put the termies with your Long Fangs if you want, either way it's just a way to get 6 more Missile Launcher shots per turn. Fire away from cover, using JAws and anything else you find appropiate to survive. 12 ML shots per turn seem like enough to put a dent in any horde, and that plus 6 Lascannons should help against mech. If you want, cut one body from each Guard unit to get an extra wound on your Fangs, maybe even two bodies per unit.
EDIT: Remember here Wolf Guard are troops.

Silver Drakes Legion
02-24-2011, 09:45 PM
If you're going to run thunderwolves use two to three wolflords joining a fen wolf squad. It gives you a lot of extra wounds to be able to run up the field with maybe with a screening unit of wolves so the wolves protecting your lords get a 4+ cover. I've found thunderwolf units standing alone get shot up to easily as the run up field.