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View Full Version : "Quick-swap" Planetstrike Force Org

02-22-2011, 06:28 PM
Here's my "quick-switch" Planetstrike Force Org which I intend to offer in a Planetstrike game I am trying to organize (these sorts of games need to be done in advance at our club, typically). It's "Quick Switch" in the sense that it's intended to be the same force for both attacking and defending.

If anyone thinks this sounds cool, I plan to run at least one round this coming Sunday at Games of Berkley (http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=181412578461) in Berkley, California at about 12:30-1pm (or whenever enough players show up for a 2000+ per side point match, teams are fine).

Force Org:
1-2 HQ choices
0-4 Elite Choices
1-8 Troops choices
0-4 Fast Attack choices
0-4 Heavy Support choices
Codexes which allow more than 2 HQ options will work as normal for this game.

Defender resources:
4 Normal Bastions
1 Extra Bastion (secondary objective) (Must be placed or taken as Dirty Trick)
Any number of Defense Lines
Up to four pieces of additional cityfight and/or area terrain
Up to two Interceptor Guns per bastion

Any comments or critiques, especially on the force org, would be appreciated!

02-25-2011, 02:07 PM
Great idea coming up with a standard template for Planetstrike!

I like the Defender Resources; it's a nice balance for the table and should keep the event moving pretty quickly. I do think though that having one balanced army will tend to favor the Defender over the Attacker, since the Attacker needs to have a ton of meltas and other anti-armor power in order to deal with the bastions and heavy support, whereas the Defender can get the job done with just about anything. There may be some clever ways to design a balanced force to work well in either role, but you may want to tell participants to have two lists prepared. I hope you have a good turnout!