View Full Version : WorkshopWarriors.com catch all painting and moddeling thred

02-22-2011, 01:14 PM
well with brents artical on starting blogs out today i think it is as good a time as any to open up my own blog i have ben working up for a little wile now and i like nothing more then an excuse to start a new project. witch is why this thred is left open to what ever i am doing right now. might be imperial fists today custodies tomaro and a titan next. you will never know unless you pop back in an take a look :) to get things started i will give you a few pics of current projects.
not sure if bols softwhere will shrink this pic automaticly but i will come back and fix it if is to large. (edit: ok deffentaly does not resize.... damn they are hige pics unedited.but still fixed now)
if you are intrested in reading the painting steps to how this was done or seeing the rest of the uncut pics of him the artical is

and somthing for fans of yellow armer
this is my devistator srg and the artical for more pics and what not for him is


i hope you enjoy our time togather on this thred and on my blog http://www.workshopwarriors.com i know it pushes me to paint more and actualy finish projects that i start. just haveing a place to gather my work is nice.

so lets get some painting done!

02-24-2011, 01:03 AM
well i finished a 2ed Custodes not really as happy with the paint job on this one as i could be...but there are 4 more with base coats for me to try with tommaro

if you would like to see a little more of him here is the link

03-20-2011, 06:15 PM
just a few things that are done or at least close to it. please excuse the poor pic's i am still working on geting the lighting right


the first 2 are done and i am happy with them. But the other 2 i am still not 100% on. If any one has any suggestions on a way to bring them up to the level of the finished ones please feel free