View Full Version : Need Motivation

02-21-2011, 11:17 AM
Ok, so after about 3 years my Ultramarine army is no closer to being finished then when I first got it. I am getting ready to strip the miniatures and start again. I have never even started the tanks. The bright side is is that I do have every thing assembled:-) So is hopes of having my army done before the 4th year I am looking for input on what I can use for motivation? What have other folks done to make the army not seem so big a project to paint?

Thanks for the tips:-)

02-21-2011, 11:27 AM
Split the units up into 5s and Batch paint them, after 20+ paint the tanks as a breather from all those squad members.
And just repeat until you have finished. When you have finished you will be sick of seeing blue but just remind yourself how good your army will look on the tabletop.

02-21-2011, 12:47 PM
I find the best way to motivate is just paint the models you enjoy the most while listening to some tunes for me its my dreadnoughts and then in between stages of the model you like flip over and paint a stage of say like 5-10 other guys or a stage on everything. That way you cant wait to finish to get back to the one you want. I find the biggest problem i have is i keep buying and building/converting and then move onto the next model without ever finishing it. Just bought a stormraven to add to the pile.

I've been working on my army year and half and never seem to make headway on the painting department good luck with yours.

02-21-2011, 04:23 PM
I've been struggling with this problem in one way or another since getting into the game a couple years back. It doesn't help that I have 8 armies at this point, either.

I've found that batch painting, when done right, can work out pretty well, though. The technique I'm employing now is:
Batch paint 5-6 models out of a squad at a time, and after completing a squad or two, spend some time working on a unique model (like an IC or HQ or cool elite unit, or a tank) as a 'reward' for the monotony of painting all those dudemans.

It's working out pretty well so far. I've made good progress on my IG (painted most of one of my platoons now - Command Squad with Commisar, 3 Infantry Squads, one Special Weapons Team and a Leman Russ. My Space Wolves have benefited from this technique too (Wolf Guard Battle Leader, Ulrik, Wolf Priest in termy armour, 15-man Blood Claw squad, 10-man Grey Hunter squad + rhino, 5 Wolf Guard termies, 6-man Long Fang squad + Razorback, Bjorn and a regular Dreadnaught).

The next step that I'm trying now is switching which armies I'm working on every time I do a unit or so. Helps prevent me getting bored of working on the same scheme on similar models all the time. The last squad I finished was the Special Weapons Team for my IG, and now I'm doing 5 guys out of an assault squad from my BA army. The two schemes are as different from one another as the models are. If you have another army going, doing something like that might help.

02-21-2011, 04:25 PM
Either find some really good looking armies, I find that helps. or u could comission them out lol :P
But seriously just look at paint jobs to get u started.

02-21-2011, 06:34 PM
For me, I've got to have a model I love. When I try to paint models I don't like, I get bored and I end up not painting for an age. Doesn't help get the army painted, disuades me from getting on with the models I do want to paint and puts me off in general.

On the one hand this means my armies are a little eccentric, and occasionally less than codex legal. I also find having a few armies on the go handy (as I can switch between what I'm in the mood for painting, such as armour, flesh, alien flesh, etc...).

My final tip would be to put the army away. Big blocks of grey (or in my case often undercoat black) can be really intimidating. If the army overall is hidden in a carrycase under the bed and just a couple of units/models are out on display they dont seem quite so daunting, I also like to have a few of my better painted models out on disply to remind me what I can do and to motivate me to try to do better still.

Hope that helps.

02-21-2011, 07:06 PM
You need motivation?

When your time is up, I'm going to put on my big boots, hunt you down, and stamp on every single model that isn't based with 3 colours.

:) J/K

Or am I.

Brass Scorpion
02-21-2011, 09:22 PM
What have other folks done to make the army not seem so big a project to paint?1) Spray the base coat.
2) Shade or highlight the bulk of the army, not both. Only shade and highlight key details on the bulk troopers to make them pop a bit.
3) Spend a bit extra time on the centerpiece models.

I cranked out a Green Tide plus Lootas, Burnas and two Ork Trukks this way in about 5 weeks and it's not the only army I've cranked out quickly with those techniques over the years with good results I've been told. You can check out my picture gallery if you like (http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/user/13937-BrassScorpion.html). Good luck.

02-21-2011, 10:32 PM
I feel your pain been working on whats basically a 1500 pt army for over a year now. I've tried many speed painting techniques but it is easy to lose focus. Music helps alot and I know it's heresy for alot of people but I found using the models on the gets you eager too finish them. The batch painting works well and your skill and timing will improve noticably. Hoping to have pics up soon.

02-22-2011, 08:11 AM
You, private, are a worthless maggot, my grandma paints faster than you !!!! :mad:

If you don't get a move on, I'll stick my boot so far up your ***, you'll be sucking on shoe leather 'til judgement day!!!! :mad:

How's that? :D

Seriously though, I recommend the Simpsons/Futurama on DVD whilst painting. I've seen them so many times I don't need to concentrate on them but they help pass the time. For batch painting I recommend two-four at a time.

02-22-2011, 01:33 PM
1) Spray the base coat.
2) Shade or highlight the bulk of the army, not both. Only shade and highlight key details on the bulk troopers to make them pop a bit.
3) Spend a bit extra time on the centerpiece models.

I cranked out a Green Tide plus Lootas, Burnas and two Ork Trukks this way in about 5 weeks and it's not the only army I've cranked out quickly with those techniques over the years with good results I've been told. You can check out my picture gallery if you like (http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/user/13937-BrassScorpion.html). Good luck.

I was glancing through this thread, and then you dropped your link. 3 hours later I realized I wasn't even 1/3 through the gallery. You suck.


Brass Scorpion
02-22-2011, 07:22 PM
I was glancing through this thread, and then you dropped your link. 3 hours later I realized I wasn't even 1/3 through the gallery. You suck. <3Thanks, I think.

One tip someone else mentioned that I neglected to put on my short list was batch painting. When I was cranking out my Imperial Guard, Orks and even Chaos Warriors, I batch painted large numbers at once. It takes longer to see a finished model overall but the time spent per model is greatly reduced this way. I batch painted anywhere from 10 to 30 models at a time for each of these armies with large units.

02-23-2011, 10:27 PM
Thanks everyone for all to pointers. I like the ideas of batch painting. Also, I really love the idea of switching between armies although not sure how my wife would feel about me getting a second army;-)

Thanks for the tips!!

02-23-2011, 11:47 PM
Thanks everyone for all to pointers. I like the ideas of batch painting. Also, I really love the idea of switching between armies although not sure how my wife would feel about me getting a second army;-)

Thanks for the tips!!

If you don't want to spend a ton of money, buy one or two models that you like the look of. I do this all the time to break the monotony of painting stuff in batches. There are so many wonderful miniature producers out there and switching it up can be really fun.

For example, I was tired of painting ratmen one weekend, so I busted out my Epic 40k boxed set and painted a bunch of the marines for it. Was such a nice departure from what I was doing, but in this instance mostly because of the change in scale.

So switch it up. Switch product lines. Switch scales. Diversity is the spice of life!