View Full Version : A Couple of Unrelated Questions

02-21-2011, 01:49 AM
Heya guys! Very excited about the upcoming Warhammer 40K stuff! Also, I have a few questions at once, so I really don't know where to place this thread:

Does anyone know of someone selling custom templates? I've always wanted unique templates!

Does anyone know a really good custom dice company? I want to make some GK

Has anyone tried out that new mold gel that people are advertising around 40K forums? If so, is it worth it?

Lastly, is there anywhere besides Forgeworld that sells purity seals? :P

So if anyone can answer those, I would be very very happy. I'm sure there are other people seeking this information, too.

On a sidenote, I played a compiled rumor GK list against a friend (very very friendly game, haha). They are from what I can tell a blast! (I didn't use any wargear, since I didn't know what it does).

Had: Draigo, 10 man paladin squad, GKSS, GKPS and two dreadknights. Fun times!

02-21-2011, 02:57 AM
For dice, I would go with these guys:

Good designs, good product.

Otherwise, they guys do more intricate dice designs, but I haven't got anything from them:

Also, I assume you have a copy of the leaked codex? Otherwise, check the comments in the latest rumor article; should help.

02-21-2011, 10:49 AM
Aside from the supposed functions of the various nemesis force weapons, most of the wargear in the codex is a complete mystery.

02-21-2011, 01:10 PM
Hey guys, thanks for the information! I shot off an email to [email protected] about dice.

DarkLink, do you know which page it refers to the NFW on? Yeah, I have the leaked codex copy. We've just been using the statlines of the old codex and ignoring new wargear, to be fair. But I was wanting to compile a list so I get see more how they play as a fully fleshed codex. Thank you for the help, though =)

02-21-2011, 01:35 PM
I have not seen the leaked copy, so I don't know anything about it. But rumors have been that Nemesis Force Swords grant a +1 to your invulnerable save in CC, Haliberds grant +1 I, Nemesis Daemonhammers (not normal Daemonhammers, no one is certain what they do but acting as a thunderhammer is a good guess) grant +1 str, and Nemesis Falcions are taken as a pair and grant rerolls to wound. And, of course, Nemesis Warding Staves grant a 2++.

Aside from the effects above, all Nemesis Force Weapons are plain old force weapons (no other bonuses like the current +2 str). This means they're all power weapons, and it has been implied that you can pick one wound caused by the unit and take a psychic test to inflict instant death, as opposed to rolling each and every model separately and each being capable of causing instant death.

02-21-2011, 03:59 PM
Yeah, supposedly all GKs have power weapons. Which is pretty sweet, especially since Storm Bolters may still count as pistols for everyone.

02-21-2011, 10:10 PM
Hell yeah! If all of their weapons count as power though, it's going to be pretty awesome. x3

Also, I heard from a random guy at my local hobby store that his dad was into a certain type of printmaking that works with the same materials as the templates, and that he had his dad make him some custom ones.

Soooo wanting to find out if that can actually feasibly happen. I would love to have templates with the Grey Knight sword and book on them. =)

02-21-2011, 11:49 PM
There is an existing thread centered on the possibility of grey light coolness.
