View Full Version : Counts-as Beastmaster squad

02-20-2011, 06:25 AM
I am a big fan of the Dark Eldar Beastmaster squad, love their fluff and the rules, but after seeing their prices on the GW site I have decided thay are just way too expensive (I also run a Wraithzilla army, and that is expensive enough).
This is why I decided to look for alternatives to create a Beastmaster squad.

The Beastmasters themselves are quite easy, just converted Hellions .

For the Khymera I'm considering Chaos Possessed Marines. The codex entry says the Beastmasters use captured Astartes, and I bet the Haemonculi ''improve'' them to such extent I can justify the I 6 and the 4++.

Likewise, Chaos Spawn for the Clawed Fiends.

I'm still looking for a cheaper alternative to the Razorwing Flocks.

So what are your thoughts on these Count-As? Do you have a better alternative? Please let me know, and thanks in advance.

02-20-2011, 07:14 AM
I f you want a chaos theme

Spawn are fine as clawed fiends, there are some claw pasrts in the kit. I'd put some of the chaos posessed helmets as the heads so the look like terrible mutations.

I wouldn't have thought of using posessed marines as khymarae (fantasy hounds or dire wolves seem most popular) but whatever works for you and you can mix in some of the extra spawn bits.

Razorwings are tricky, easiest way is just to double up and use two on each base of the new models but doesn't fit your theme. Alternatively, combine the wings from the posessed kit with more of the spawn parts. Won't look like a flock but could be a mass of tentacles with wings

A totally different theme would be to use tyranids and convert them slightly e.g. GS over the eyes where they've been blinded by their new maasters, ditch the fleshborers, mind control implants, spiky dark eldar bits replacing amputated limbs, chains from the raider kit etc.

All plastic and cheaper per model. Add a few tyranid trophies, like spare heads to the hellions/beastmasters and you have a nice themed unit that fits the fluff.

Tyranid raveners = clawed fiends
Genestealers = Khymarae
Gargoyles = razorwings (2 per base or just one)

02-20-2011, 07:20 AM
I know its not a cheep alternative but the forge world tyranid winged rippers do the job as razorwings, a little bit of green stuff later and they look better than the GW ones.

as for clawed fiends, if your good with green stuff there are a few minis that would work, chaos spawns, Genestealers??

02-20-2011, 07:31 AM
I know its not a cheep alternative but the forge world tyranid winged rippers do the job as razorwings, a little bit of green stuff later and they look better than the GW ones.

as for clawed fiends, if your good with green stuff there are a few minis that would work, chaos spawns, Genestealers??

Forgeworld cheaper, what's happening to the world :eek:

Be warned though, those winged rippers, while looking great, are a bas**** to put together.

02-20-2011, 07:38 AM
Forgeworld cheaper, what's happening to the world :eek:

Be warned though, those winged rippers, while looking great, are a bas**** to put together.

agreed. LOL:D

02-20-2011, 10:19 AM
warmaster carrion, or giant elf eagles

02-20-2011, 05:15 PM
(N.B.: These aren't my models - my camera's broken. These are photos from coolminiornot of the models in question.)

I'm currently using some of these from the Doom Boardgame as Khymera:


They're about the right size, you get six with the game, and it only costs £35. Plus you get the rest of the boardgame too, which includes six of these:


Which you can use as Clawed Fiends (or as Grotesques...)

02-20-2011, 07:06 PM
Dude the birds are GAY don't use them. I saw somewhere on this site someone using the leaves from the citadel tree set on flying bases painted black and with a little red splashed in there for eyes and I thought it looked cool. Maybe just go in on the leaves with some green stuff and pinch up some wings but it really looks like a flock!

Morgan Darkstar
02-20-2011, 07:31 PM
the birds are GAY

Why are the birds so happy? :p

02-20-2011, 10:26 PM
I've used the following sinse the codex came out.
Beast masters = hellions:eek:
Khymera = WH Goblin Spider Riders (minus the riders)
Clawed Fiend = some old Citidal minature I had, like the idea of a choas spawn
Razorwing- LotR Giant Bats (about the same price)

Just need to swap out bases for the correct 40mm bases listed in the new GW product.:mad:

02-21-2011, 06:18 AM
i doant really like the look of the clawed fiends they just dont look scary, but those guys from the doom game with some converting would make cool fiends

02-21-2011, 06:49 AM
Because they're the word.

Why are the birds so happy? :p

I'm making some little beast control collar things out of greenstuff and Dark Eldar bitz to make tyranids, Orks, Kroot and a vast assortment of other GW and non GW critters into beasts for my Dark Eldar. I will be getting the GW sculpts but I want variety in my beastpacks. I'm even thinking of having the Beastmistress riding a carnifex-counts-as-skyboard. Or perhaps standing on the backs of two Astartes, I've not decided. Astarted wearing nothing but little loincloths.:rolleyes:

02-21-2011, 11:02 AM
Why are the birds so happy? :p

because they look so bad they won't ever see the battle field and won't get blown up.:D

02-21-2011, 11:07 AM
Because they're the word.

I'm making some little beast control collar things out of greenstuff and Dark Eldar bitz to make tyranids, Orks, Kroot and a vast assortment of other GW and non GW critters into beasts for my Dark Eldar. I will be getting the GW sculpts but I want variety in my beastpacks. I'm even thinking of having the Beastmistress riding a carnifex-counts-as-skyboard. Or perhaps standing on the backs of two Astartes, I've not decided. Astarted wearing nothing but little loincloths.:rolleyes:

Please do the beast master riding carnifex that would be awesome. Have him in some chains maybe cut his head open to make him look lobotomized. Give him a dumb droopy tongue. :p

02-22-2011, 12:20 PM
Haha, that would be awesome!