View Full Version : shrike's stuff

02-20-2011, 04:27 AM
So here's a load of pics of my favorite models:
http://picasaweb.google.com/ConnorMarrs39/20110129?authkey=Gv1sRgCKDB5YiqhPF1#and if you have time, here's what it contains:
ones with a "-" are from my heresy-era raven guard, ones marked with a ":" are from my 41st millenium-era raven guard, ones marked with a "=" are from my blood axe clan, ones marked with a "*" are from my death korps, ones marked with a "+" are from my steel legion, and ones marked with "uf" are unfinished (modelling wise)
uf-sniper A
uf-sniper B
-sniper sarge
uf-sniper C
uf-sniper C
uf-sniper D
uf-sniper D
-banner bearer
-banner bearer
:diorama libby
:diorama libby
:diorama termie A
:diorama termie B
-devastator sarge
-devastator sarge
uf-sanguinary guard A
uf-sanguinary guard A
uf-sanguinary guard B
uf-sanguinary guard C
uf-sanguinary guard D
uf-sanguinary guard D
uf-sanguinary guard E
uf-sanguinary guard E
uf-ursus rhino
uf-ursus rhino
uf-ursus rhino
uf-ursus rhino
uf-ursus rhino
uf-sanguinary priest
-sternguard A
-sternguard A
-sternguard B
-sternguard B
-sternguard C
-sternguard D
uf-sternguard arm
:6th company captain
:):chief librarian
:chief librarian
uf:5th captain
uf:5th captain
uf:7th captain
uf:7th captain
:8th captain
:8th captain
:8th captain
:8th captain
:termie (the raven guard freehand was not done by me)
:termie (yes it does say "your face here" on the power fist)
:termie sarge
:vanguard A
:vanguard B
:vanguard C
:vanguard D
+veteran sarge
uf+veteran ML
+veteran A
+veteran B
+veteran B
:4th captain
:vanguard E
uf GK grand master
uf GK grand master
uf GK grand master
uf:chapter master Areth Caan
uf:chapter master
uf:chapter master
uf:chapter master
+fortress of arrogance
+fortress of arrogance
+fortress of arrogance
+fortress of arrogance
+fortress of arrogance
size comparisons
uf-dreadnought MM
uf-dreadnought MM
uf:terribly painted shrike
uf:7th captain
:6th captain
:4th captain

click to enlarge, and tell me what you think!

02-20-2011, 02:55 PM
are you meant to have hyperlinked the text? :confused:
what id do is paint up 5 then display e.g.

model name
model name

ect, ect

but apart from that i like the scout (http://picasaweb.google.com/ConnorMarrs39/20110129?authkey=Gv1sRgCKDB5YiqhPF1#55676142364499 94386)

the freehand raven (http://picasaweb.google.com/ConnorMarrs39/20110129?authkey=Gv1sRgCKDB5YiqhPF1#55676139641624 77106)

and THIS (http://picasaweb.google.com/ConnorMarrs39/20110129?authkey=Gv1sRgCKDB5YiqhPF1#55676131306715 85234) seems to be an intresting conversion (remember to use paint stripper beafor appliying a spray undrecoat)

because nothing seems finished i wont give my opinions on paintiing but 3 tips for better models

1) start fresh: no matter how tempting it is to just 'quickly repaint ' strip and re-prime models if you are going to re-paint!
2) mold LINES!: always take the long hard option af scalpels+ files rather than quickly building models
3) THIN YO PAINTS!: from these pics i see the problem, any time anyone ever asks 'how do i improve my painting' 99% of the time the folks over at CMON/BOLS yell this!


02-20-2011, 03:15 PM
thanks for the constructive critiscism. Most of the models were that thick when I got them off my cousin, so that wasn't my fault.
mold lines- ATM I tend to de-mold every non-troop model I have, but these I didn't, I was in a rush.
what do you think to this guy's paintjob:
http://picasaweb.google.com/ConnorMarrs39/20110129?authkey=Gv1sRgCKDB5YiqhPF1#55676136290418 48194
and this guy's model:
http://picasaweb.google.com/ConnorMarrs39/20110129?authkey=Gv1sRgCKDB5YiqhPF1#55676146814272 98866
^ he looks a lot better in-person, the pic doesn't do it justice at all.
Bear in mind he IS made up of lots of different models:
-grenade launcher
-grenade launcher
-power fist (lightning claw hand)
-left wing
-right wing
-right arm
-left arm
-jump pack
-purity seal
-helmet on base
-lightning claw

and all without the use of green stuff, or any other modelling putty.

02-20-2011, 04:10 PM
lets see

the shadow captain is a average TT quality but with a bit of work he could be really nice

and the other conversion

1) WOW great idea
2)great modeling!!
however like the others his paint needs a wee bit of work.

p.s. to paint white use a light grey (astronomican grey) and slowly blend with thin layers of white

but the convesrsion is FANtastic!

02-20-2011, 04:56 PM
haven't you seen the Incredibles? Capes + Flying = uh oh!

02-20-2011, 07:25 PM
There is some interesting potential in the models, nice conversions and all but the paint.... it looks like you've just taken a thick layer of paint right out of the bottle and smeared it on there...
To do the army justice i recommend stripping them down completely and redoing the paint job

02-20-2011, 08:19 PM
p.s. to paint white use a light grey (astronomican grey) and slowly blend with thin layers of white


White is so very hard to do. If you want it to look really top notch, you need to work it up over at least 4-5 really thin layers.

Also remember there are three major types of white you can do: Warm, neutral, and cool.

A cool white I generally start off with a Space wolves grey color, warm a denheb stone, and neutral with astronomicon.

If you don't want to do that, cheat: base the model in white then paint the other colors. It'll take about the same time as making the white look good, but will be much easier.

02-21-2011, 07:06 AM
lets see

the shadow captain is a average TT quality but with a bit of work he could be really nice

and the other conversion

1) WOW great idea
2)great modeling!!
however like the others his paint needs a wee bit of work.

p.s. to paint white use a light grey (astronomican grey) and slowly blend with thin layers of white

but the convesrsion is FANtastic!

I'm going to re-do the white on quite a lot of these, with that method.
thanks- converting was always one of my favorite aspects of 40k.

the incredibles? yes I have. But that's only if you fly next to a jet turbine...my guys jump a hundred feet up or so, not a thousand. :)

But the paintjob on both models look better in real life. The chapter master's TT quality, and the captain's the same, but I'm very pleased with his face. I love doing pale faces, it really contrasts and brings out the detail of the face.

so what do you do to strip paint, without fumes and stuff? I'm 14 and so stuff like that's a no-no.

02-21-2011, 08:59 AM
In the states the best thing to use is a over the counter cleaner called Simple Green. I don't know if it's available across the pond.

02-24-2011, 04:29 AM
hmm...it seems there's only spray bottles and 4-litre versions, and for only 10 or so mini's...seems a tad of an...umm..."overbuy"?
will the spray stuff work?
can I do it indoors?
how do you do it?

02-24-2011, 08:15 AM
Honestly, I buy the big *** one because you never know when you're going to want to strip stuff. It's not going to hurt sitting around under the sink or in a closet (although Mom/Wife) may want you to clean with it!).

Pour enough to fully submerge your miniatures in a container (I use cheap plastic food storage containers) then dump your minis in and let is sit. You'll hear lot of different time frames. I usually let mine sit for about 36 hours. It may be overkill, but leaving them in there that long will ensure that the paint will come off nice and easy.

To get the paint off, I use and old toothbrush. Though it may make sense to, DON'T DO IT OVER THE BARE SINK! I lost St. Celestine's arm down the drain once, and that sucked. I bought a cheapy (4 bucks?) mesh strainer and do my stripping over that in case any parts jump ship on me.

Again, it's super easy, and the stuff if good for resin, plastic, and metal.

02-24-2011, 09:18 AM
Nice bunch of models! I especially like the terminator with two thunder hammers. :D Say, where did you get the heads from that you used for the scouts? They look neat. And I'm looking for replacement heads for mine as well, I detest those standard scout heads with a passion... ^^

02-24-2011, 03:49 PM
It'll cost a bunch, but they are steel legion heads. Those guys serve as steel legion veterans with carapace armour and shotguns and as my scouts.;)
Thanks for the advice, I'll be buying some when I have the time on my hands to paint the mini's (probably summer hols- august-time).
The termie with twin hammers is my GK grand master- ALL-PLASTIC!
It's really easy to file down a regular termie head into GK.