View Full Version : Thousand Sons Cataphract Robot (counts as Dreadknight)

02-19-2011, 08:02 AM

In the heresy thousand sons book there is a section where the pyrae cult thousand sons can animate giant robots, controlling them psychically. I wanted to do one of these for my thousand sons army.

With the new dreadknight coming, I think that this would make a good model for that. Based on the blurry photos doing the rounds it is perhaps a little short (I guess about 1-1.5") but otherwise what do you think?

Construction & painting:

The core is a furioso dreadknight made taller uisng the old leman russ track wheels.

The arms have been extensively converted to incorporate big shields (eldar support weapon bases I found on a bit site) and wraithlord swords (ditto, very lucky to get these in stock).

The head is supposed to be carved from psychically attuned crystal which I made using a daemon prince head with the mouth GS'ed over.
The sunbutrst chest plate comes from a tiranoc chariot and the loincloth from phoenix guard cloaks.

The weapons really shouldn't be paired like that, but the balance of the model is so much better that way. I had one punisher cannon spare already and was able to get the second online.

The new dreadknight looks to come with a Trygon base, so I made a detachable version so that this and my dreadnought can be converted to work as either unit without being on an illegal base.

The thousand son is meant to represent the astral projection controlling the robot and so has been painted in the same colour as the daemon tutelaries that the resto of the force have.

In the fluff, the robots are in the post heresy blue and gold, which is nice as it allowed me to use a different colour scheme.I used the same part-metallic style mix as my red.


02-19-2011, 09:00 AM
I love the use of Support weapons bases as shields. So stealing that for my next Wraithlord....

02-19-2011, 09:21 AM
*head explodes from awesomeness*

Great work bro, love the detail and the parts used. This is freaking sweet.

02-19-2011, 11:07 AM
Epic. Very good use of other kits. Good paint job. Epic work!!

02-19-2011, 11:44 AM
One word: awesome.

02-19-2011, 01:24 PM
Lovely composition; really nice 1000 Sons feel to it.

My only complaint is the lack of motors/ammo cases for the two punisher cannon. Yes, I know it's Tzeench so they run on magic, but still doesn't look right to me.

02-19-2011, 03:34 PM
Pre Herasy right? Shouldn't it be red. Looks good though.

02-19-2011, 07:44 PM
Pre Herasy right? Shouldn't it be red. Looks good though.

In the fluff, the robots are in the post heresy blue and gold, which is nice as it allowed me to use a different colour scheme.I used the same part-metallic style mix as my red.

Last bullet of his post.

02-19-2011, 08:34 PM
First of all, i want to say I love your work and always look forward to your innovative and unique conversions.

That being said, i'm not a big fan of this one. the punisher cannons seem to unwieldy and don't share the same aesthetic as the rest of the model. I believe the shields clutter the model and might be better used if it were holding one of them instead. also, the hands holding the swords seem much too small.

anyways, these are just constructive ctiticisms from a fan that has been spoiled by your past work.

02-20-2011, 07:27 AM
Lovely composition; really nice 1000 Sons feel to it.

My only complaint is the lack of motors/ammo cases for the two punisher cannon. Yes, I know it's Tzeench so they run on magic, but still doesn't look right to me.

First of all, i want to say I love your work and always look forward to your innovative and unique conversions.

That being said, i'm not a big fan of this one. the punisher cannons seem to unwieldy and don't share the same aesthetic as the rest of the model. I believe the shields clutter the model and might be better used if it were holding one of them instead. also, the hands holding the swords seem much too small.

anyways, these are just constructive ctiticisms from a fan that has been spoiled by your past work.

Thanks for the comments everyone.

In retrospect, the FW aircraft punisher cannons would have been more elegant and have given me a bit more room to create a traversable mount for them, I blame it on having one of the punishers already in my bits box. An extra punsher from a bits site was much cheaper than the FW version.

The shields are intentionally a little clunky and oversized, I wanted to mark this guy out as a robot construct rather than the dreadnought it started out as. If I do a second using the new dreadknight kit I think I will use the same idea (eldar support base) but as a shield attached at the wrist, as the new kit will be taller. This one just isn't big enough and I couldn't find any of the smaller guardian weapon bases in stock.

I agree the sword hands are smaller than I would like, but my sculpting isn't quite good enough to make my own.

02-20-2011, 03:53 PM
O.o WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Excellent work! I love the hologram-esque Thousand Son controller and the shields. It looks almost nothing like a dreadnought, the hallmark of a great kitbash! :D