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View Full Version : Stormknights? Whats your Fav and why?

02-18-2011, 02:12 PM
Recently I've had the oppurtunity to test all three units of Stormknights, Stormguard, Stormblade and Stormlances, all three are fantastic choices and a very nasty unit that gives Cygnar a close combat option, I find the Stormblade to be the most threatening with a standard but I've had their charges stunted the assualt shots kill everything I wanted to tie up in combat. Once I lost a unit of Trencher Commandos who'd wander to close to the lightning AOE death that sucked big time XD, I'd have to say my fav is the Stormguard I've been using them alot and thou not as deadly as their brother units and they cost more then Stormblade, I've never had them fluke on me infact their the only unit that always makes it's points back in my army plus they look awesome with those massive halberds. So far their greatest achievement was weathering a fallisade of fire from a unit of troll scattergunners, a dire troll bomber and a pyre troll and only losing three guys, used eHaleys Deceleration plus Journey's Arcane Sheild to pump them up to Def 15, Arm 20. They then charge the Dire Troll ate it alive and one the following turn added a Troll Impaler and Janissa Stonetide, lost the game anyways when Haley and the Defender botched the assassination attempt on Gunnjborn but it was awesome to watch the Stormguard chew through his army. Charger got the Pyre troll with an awesome round of shooting.

02-19-2011, 08:41 AM
Do you mean Sword Knights, instead of Storm Knights?

I love the units also. Try the Stormblades with their gunner weapon attachment, it's fantastic.

02-19-2011, 10:31 AM
I use Storm Blades, due to the solid number of pow 14 shots, then 15 melee attacks you get after an Assault. They can kill just about whatever they charge, and thanks to the assault order they have a good 14" threat range. I just hang back behind a Cyclone's templates, then counter charge when the enemy gets close.

02-19-2011, 10:53 AM
Storm Knights and Sword Knight two very different units lol, I've used Stormblades with officer attachement and two storm gunners don't get me wrong they hauled *** and look sick on the feild, however I like the Stormguard even though the don't get an assualt order or a ranged attack of any kind except the shot after they smack some things. Their reach rule gives them a charge threat range of roughly 10 inches and the set defence is great for when a foe tries the get 'em first tactic I find Stormblade don't do so well when they get charged first that -2 to charge attack rolls really changes the flow of combat. All three have electroleap so they chew through units very quickly (I often forget this rule XD sad I know), so far I'd say Storm Lances are the ultimate on the charge but way to expensive to feild regurally (both in money and points), Stormblades great at dishing it out but valunerable when they get charged. Stormguard aren't bad assualting but they do have an advantage when recieving a charge and they have a 2 inche threat range limiting your opponents attempts to move past them, had enough bonejacks try to sneak by only to be within that two inche combat range. Also they have Ranked Attacks allowing friendly faction units behind them to draw line of sight through them, they draw line of sight through each other too, I view the Stormgaurd as Cygnars best defensive unit.

02-19-2011, 09:16 PM
Heh, sorry about that. I thought you were listing Storm Knights as another unit, not as the overall heading that the other three fall into. My bad.

02-19-2011, 10:17 PM
It coolbeans no biggy Sword Knight are an awesome unit too, wish I had some.