View Full Version : Best Codex for Dreadnaught Spam?

02-17-2011, 02:41 PM
So, I'm waiting to put together a list filled to the brim with dreadnaughts. Why? Because I like them. No other reason :)

So there are three (sorta four...) options:
1) Space Wolves. 4 dreads. Not exactly to the brim...
2) Codex Marines. 6 dreads with MotF. Can choose between Reg, Ven, and Iron.
3) Blood Angels. _Technically_ could have 11 dreads, but no scoring troops. Meh. But can certainly have 5-9 Furys, Regs, or DC (and Libby!)

4) Chaos - could have 3 dreads and 3 defilers...but not really the same thing.

So, just curious as to what people think might be the "best" codex to choose if I want my opponent to go "My, that's an awful lot of walking boxes of doom" and still be a decent army with a chance to win.

-- Andy

02-17-2011, 02:52 PM
Well there is blood angels where you can carry them around in planes along with scoring units. Plus you get better dread like the furiouso or the librarian dread to use.

02-17-2011, 03:06 PM
Ive got the 11 dreadnought list ive made it into 2500 pts list its sooooooooooooooo fun

and lead by mephiston so i class it as 12 dreads lol

02-17-2011, 03:45 PM
I run a 7 dread army with Mephiston and a Librarian at 1500 points, I always have fun with it. I find it more enjoyable to play then my DOA and Mech BA. I don't really care that I have no scoring units I play the list for pure fun and to me a tie is a win in my books, or I set my own personal objectives like say kill the Landraider and something else. I find the game way more enjoyable when its carefree and based around an army that you really have fun modelling and building. :)

First post on BOLS no longer just a creeper

02-17-2011, 03:55 PM
I'm gonna agree with the BA guys. The fact that you can take Librarian dreads for the cover saves and psychic defense on top of the dreadnaughty goodness is key. Plus the jump-packing power lets them get where they need to be easier. And this build isn't dependent on taking any particular HQ choice.

02-17-2011, 04:19 PM
3++ is the new black has some armylists for Space marines and BA Dreadnought spam here (http://kirbysblog-ic.blogspot.com/2010/04/ba-dread-pods-2k.html), here (http://kirbysblog-ic.blogspot.com/2010/08/email-in-mass-riflemen-dreads-list-1850.html), here (http://kirbysblog-ic.blogspot.com/2010/11/motf-list-1-thunderbubble-dreads.html) and here (http://kirbysblog-ic.blogspot.com/2010/11/motf-list-2-dread-mech.html).

I'm sure you can get something useful out of one of those articles.

02-17-2011, 05:05 PM
3++ is the new black has some armylists for Space marines and BA Dreadnought spam here (http://kirbysblog-ic.blogspot.com/2010/04/ba-dread-pods-2k.html), here (http://kirbysblog-ic.blogspot.com/2010/08/email-in-mass-riflemen-dreads-list-1850.html), here (http://kirbysblog-ic.blogspot.com/2010/11/motf-list-1-thunderbubble-dreads.html) and here (http://kirbysblog-ic.blogspot.com/2010/11/motf-list-2-dread-mech.html).

I'm sure you can get something useful out of one of those articles.

Agreed - great articles, and I had already read them :) I was just asking for more opinions... don't want to get help from just one source :)

02-17-2011, 05:48 PM
I'm more partial to SM Dread spam. Riflemen and MMs to taste. You could also go with 6 Ironclads (all AV 13/EA) with HKs, and slowly move your wall towards the enemy. Blood Angels are limited to 3 AV 13 Dreads, who don't have range (although they can be jump infantry which is fun).

Also, the support elements of the SM codex are a bit cheaper.

You can go really nuts and do a Vulkan/MotF list with 6 MM Dreads in Droppods and 5 other Droppods, giving you 6 Dreads in front of the opponent first turn. Not the greatest, but very entertaining.

02-19-2011, 06:40 AM
is this an imperial thing?

as with 2 big meks

orks can lay down 2 deff dreds and 9 killa kans

dave l

02-19-2011, 08:51 AM
If you really want to get obsessive, use the Ork Dread mob list.

2 HQ Dreads (These provide the 4++ cover save for your Dreads)

18 Troop Dreads

9 Fast Attack Dreads

3 Heavy Support Dreads

32 Dreadnought models in a single army list. This list comes out to 3250. If you cut out 9 Troop Dreads, you can make this a 2490 point list.

02-19-2011, 11:13 AM
LOL - excellent examples of Dread mobs, and if I was playing Orks, I might consider it. Killa Kans are pretty righteous, and to quote my son (who plays Orks in both 40k and the Dawn of War computer games) Deff Dreads are dead 'ard.

But I was talking about Marine Dreads this time :) I'm not sure I get get the list I want with Blood Angels - with that codex, the majority of my dreads are assault oriented (only 3 regular shooty dreads)... which means I need to get them in the thick of it fast, which means stormravens (which are expensive, and use up a dread slot), drop pods (which I haven't had much luck with , to be honest) or running (which works, but it means a turn or two of just booking across the field). In my mind, I have more of a vision of the slow, methodical walking wall of doom unleashing firepower until getting up to the enemy line, and then picking things up and ripping them apart :) So I'm leaning towards C:SM.

02-19-2011, 11:45 AM
With the IA10 Siege Marine list you can get up to 13 if you use the Dreadnought HQ choice, but most will have to be Ironclads or Siege Pattern.

02-21-2011, 06:03 PM
I have a 5 dread list that I run at tournaments. I have had good success with it.

4 regular dreads
1 venerable
1 MoTF
2 Tac squads (razorbacks)
1 Assault Terminator squad w/ chaplain in Land Raider

I know it isn't pure Dreadnought spam but it seems to work well and my opponents tend to be confused by the mass of armor 12. (This was also before C:BA and C:SW)

02-22-2011, 07:44 PM
Vanilla Marines

MotF with Bike and Conversion Beamer (Relentless shoot-n-scoot for constant max range and LOS)
6 Ironclads with 2 HK missiles each (12 missiles total) A wall of AV 13 walking to the objectives. Out of Missiles and range- Pop smoke!
9 Land Speeder Typhoons (18 missiles per turn) Hang back and shoot
3 Razorbacks with Standard Marines for Objectives. Come in from reserves and race to the objectives.

30 missiles in turn 1. And a Strength 10 ,AP1 Blast from the MotF every turn for fun.

04-20-2011, 11:15 AM
Have you thought about Grey Knight Dread's ?? They have some nice options as well, and if you take a librarian you can summon the Dreadnoughts around the board to you if need be. It would be 6 Dread's, 3 elite and 3 heavy.

"To the righteous we bring hope. To the tainted we bring fire."

- Castellan Garran Crowe

04-20-2011, 11:25 AM
Are we sticking strictly to SM armies?

Orks can walker spam like no tomorrow. In a standard list I can take 9 Kill Kanz (3 skwads of 3) or 3 Deff Dreadz (4 weapon systems over SM's 2). Throw a big mek into the mix as an HQ and you can take 1 skwad of Kanz or 1 Dread as a troop choice. Giving you between 4 and 12 walkers.

Have them walk around with the Mek in the middle with a KFF and your walkers are hull down baby!