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View Full Version : The ever popular Crown Royal bag

02-17-2011, 10:13 AM
So I have noticed that the Purple Bag that a bottle of crown roayal commes in, has made an apperance in many gaming groups I have been in. (from Frankfurt Germany, Maryland, Kentucky and now Maine) I was wondering exactly HOW popular this device is on a larger scale. I myself utilize said bag as a dice, template and tape measuring carring devise, but I dont think I have ever actually BOUGHT a bottle of Crown Royal? Does anyone else share in my experince?

02-17-2011, 10:50 AM
I had a bacardi black and gold one years ago, i think its still in my closet. 2 friends had CR bags when we all played D&D each week. Now I have a smaller bag as we are playing DH/DW, since I only need 2 dice, not 10!

02-17-2011, 11:06 AM
never seen anyone whip out a bottle while the kids were around. The LGS top dude has issues with drinking in general, but when he's not around, i've seen jack, crown royal, and tequila shots, no chugging contests or anything like that, but sips and/or a shot or 2. At the Gw store, just the bags no bottles :(

02-17-2011, 11:53 AM
Is this about alcohol or 40k?

02-17-2011, 12:05 PM
In D&D circles, the bag is almost ubiquitous - loads of people use it to house their horde of dice.

In Warhammer circles, the bag is much less common. I've seen a few people use them but on the whole, people just prefer the original chessex box.

02-17-2011, 02:39 PM
Is this about alcohol or 40k?

well it was about dice transportation...then it got weird.

02-17-2011, 10:37 PM
In the LGS I used to own, someone in almost every group of gamers had one... in the store that I manage now, only one person that comes in at all has one... so much less common in a more rural area.

02-17-2011, 11:17 PM
<Raises hand>

Yup. Guilty, right here.

Brass Scorpion
02-22-2011, 10:52 PM
The true game geek, especially if one came to Warhammer via RPGs as I did, prefer "real" dice bags which of course, resemble the kind of purse type pouches that the imaginary characters carry in-game. A friend of mine in my role play group bought me one decades ago and I still carry my dice in it for Warhammer, though I took out the now unused non-six-sided dice when I stopped with RPGs years ago. The War Store (http://www.thewarstore.com/dicestoragebags.html) and other independent stores usually still sell dice bags and they are relatively cheap, available in multiple colors.

Emerald Rose Widow
03-12-2011, 05:16 PM
I have never used a crown royal bag for my dice, never like it because it was so common. I have always strived to be unique in everything i do, and so thus i have never used one for my dice. My dice bag is a suede drawstring pouch with those little sliders that hold it closed. It has a skull on it though that is not why i bought it, i bought it because i liked the design and how sturdy it was and that was the only one that was at the game shop i bought my beloved dice from. Its black and the skull is kinda just a lighter black, so its really subtle, but the dice bag is soft and protects my wonderful emerald coloured dice.

I play both wargames and rpg's, and so i might get a mini pouch to hold my d6 for easy access when im playing a wargame. Stick the mini dice bag inside the big one, just so they are seperated for ease of grabbing. I did the same thing with my world of darkness dice, all those d10 for that game. Just have to find a little bag to do so with.

Drew da Destroya
03-14-2011, 08:35 AM
I use two dice "tins". The first is a standard-sized Altoids box, which holds my bigger D6, scatter dice, etc...

The second is a Batman Assorted Chocolates tin, which is a bit taller than the Altoids box, but otherwise the same length and width. Because of its increased volume, it holds a ton of Chessex-sized dice. Plus, it has the Bat Signal on it!

Emerald Rose Widow
03-14-2011, 12:39 PM
I use two dice "tins". The first is a standard-sized Altoids box, which holds my bigger D6, scatter dice, etc...

The second is a Batman Assorted Chocolates tin, which is a bit taller than the Altoids box, but otherwise the same length and width. Because of its increased volume, it holds a ton of Chessex-sized dice. Plus, it has the Bat Signal on it!

awesome, thats classic, when i only had the one set of dice i used to keep them in an altoids box. That was until my aunt sewed me a stars and moon drawstring pouch that i used for a long time for my dice.