View Full Version : Internet Tactica

02-17-2011, 12:37 AM
I like to consider myself reasonably savvy as to the internet metagame, but one thing I think BoLS is missing, is a more or less up-to-date glossary or description of a lot of the nicknames we have for a lot of the dominant strategies.

I can start, but it'd be better if people more knowledgeable than I would take up where I leave off.

Leafblower IG:

It's history eludes me, but in essence it is a Lot of Leman Russ, a Lot of Chimera, and whatever else an IG player can put down to table their opponent.

... Man I really am not suited to this. Halp pls!

02-17-2011, 12:46 AM

thats where leafblower came from. but I agree, sometimes its hard to keep up with the lingo and whats real vs made up. For example, a guy at my LGS calls his Ork bike + truck army the "Mad Max List", but ive found no real mention of that anywhere. I think he just made it up and is hoping it will catch on.

02-17-2011, 01:34 AM
The word Leafblower means absolutely nothing. Usually it means Mech IG, but the term is so maligned and used by people who don't really know what they're talking about. I've seen all foot IG lists called Leafblower. Basically Leafblower is an IG army that beat you.

Mech IG is a shorter and more obvious term that describes that style of list, and it avoids people dismissing you outright for using the Leafblower term.

02-17-2011, 01:11 PM
The word Leafblower means absolutely nothing. Usually it means Mech IG, but the term is so maligned and used by people who don't really know what they're talking about.

Pretty much. I think the only common trait I've observed in "leafblower" lists is chimera spam and multiple vendettas,

02-17-2011, 01:19 PM
My brother always gets made when I called his IG leafblower. He played Mech Vets. He said leafblower was all infantry. It was named so because the best weapon against that many models was to literally use a leafblower to get rid of them all.

Most of the names are pretty descriptive of the list or playstyle. I think some of the other names are just people trying to be clever.

02-17-2011, 01:29 PM
From an interview given by the guy who came up with the first 'leafblower' list, I think the main criteria for a leafblower list would be Chimera spam and a high focus on alpha strike. The original version was aided by allied DH =I= shenanigans. He basically took everything overpowered and undercosted in the IG book and made it into a list.

The leafblower is potent because it is extremely point efficient, and can effective protect its hard hitters (usually manticores and hydras) that could hit you so hard the game is effective over by the end of the first or second IG shooting turn.

The allied =I= and right henchmen upgrades also gives the leafblower a very good chance to go first as well as make DS almost suicidal, so it was extremely hard to counter such lists.

02-17-2011, 02:50 PM
Pretty much. I think the only common trait I've observed in "leafblower" lists is chimera spam and multiple vendettas,

This is funny because the original leafblower list ran valks.

02-17-2011, 04:33 PM
Valkyrie, vendetta, no big deal. The point of the list was that there was a core of guard artillery raining down str 10 blasts, shielded by a wall of chimeras, while large flying things zipped around being annoying. It worked well, and still does, though now good players know how to face it.