View Full Version : Imperial Templars

02-16-2011, 01:27 PM
Hi all

I've created a new chapter (well I've been working and playing with it for a while) and need some help. I created a new chapter logo/sigal and wonder if it is OK to use. Ive used the Templar cross and the imperial eagle. Are chapters allowed to use the eagle or is it reserved for the Imperial Guard?

Any help or advice would b great!!

02-17-2011, 05:35 AM
The Aquila is a catch all across the Imperium, everybody uses it. In fact if you look at some of the chest pieces of some of the marines you may have lying around some of them have one where the winged skull is on your color template.

Other then that, I think the colors on the marine look good, but I don't think the chapter symbol is striking enough. Maybe a white Aquila over a gold cross on a black background? As it is now the Aquila is going to just blend into the shoulder color.