View Full Version : Viablility of "Tabling" lists

02-16-2011, 03:01 AM
I have seen alot of army lists, primarily guard, whos primary goal is to essentially table their opponents, forgoing any objectives and I myself have noticed that Tabling an opponent is not always that far off in alot of the games I play so my question is really just how viable tabling my opponent is as a strategy, especially since alot of list only run 3-4 scoring units which they generally drive around in vehicles rather that actually ever leaving on objectives.

02-16-2011, 03:16 AM
Generally, it's not reliable enough to make a play for every game.

3-4 scoring units is all you really need most games - even in 5 objective games all you need to win is one objective held and all others contested.

02-16-2011, 04:53 AM
if you are able to do it, then it is very viable.
if you are not able to do it you can end up loosing because you spread your firepower to thin or ignore objectives for too long!

02-16-2011, 07:11 AM
Some armies Like guard can do it, armies like tau generally need to withold kill points and go for the objective win.

02-16-2011, 09:26 AM
Why do you think certain lists like the leafblower do so well in tournaments? Most tournaments use battle points systems, where you need to table your opponent to get the highest possible score. This encourages very aggressive play, and inevitably someone will have a lucky day and pull it off in every game.

So, yes, tabling is viable. You won't table your opponent every game, but just inflicting as much damage as possible is a good way to go with certain armies. Not everyone can do it, though.

02-16-2011, 11:25 AM
Tabling lists are VERY viable.

Generally tabling lists are best when they're assault focused. This is simply because in 40k in general most of the squad-wiping is done in cc due to fall backs, sweeping advance and the negation of cover saves.

I find the best tabling armies are Orks, SOME CSM & Daemon builds, and all Death Company Blood Angels.
IG Is about the only shooty army that has a decent chance at doing it in the shooting phase and not the assault.

A player at my local GW runs an all Death Company list and routinely tables people, my Orks do it with fair regularity; it's just a playstyle, I like killing things.

02-16-2011, 11:45 AM
Some armies Like guard can do it, armies like tau generally need to withold kill points and go for the objective win.
IG can do it against bad lists, but it's not a viable strategy for them in a competitive environment. Too easy to hide in cover or out of LOS to dodge the worst of most of the weapons.

I agree with blackarmchair that assault lists are the ones that will more likely result in tabling. But I'd still plan on trying to hold objectives...

02-16-2011, 02:13 PM
What I've noticed is that generally If i don't table them, I can simply blast a vendetta in to contest their objective and force it to go to victory points anyway, which I almost always win.

02-16-2011, 06:09 PM
Tabling lists are VERY viable.

Generally tabling lists are best when they're assault focused. This is simply because in 40k in general most of the squad-wiping is done in cc due to fall backs, sweeping advance and the negation of cover saves.

I find the best tabling armies are Orks, SOME CSM & Daemon builds, and all Death Company Blood Angels.
IG Is about the only shooty army that has a decent chance at doing it in the shooting phase and not the assault.

A player at my local GW runs an all Death Company list and routinely tables people, my Orks do it with fair regularity; it's just a playstyle, I like killing things.

Demons will straight mess up any infantry based army. AP doesn't matter, and everything has eternal warrior. Combine that with the number of fast moving monstrous creatures / power weapons and the generally high toughness value guys running around and it's quite easy to understand. Against mech however... even with Fiends and T.Heralds it's an upwards battle, especially against Eldar.

Black Templars, Blood Angels, and Space Wolves are all up there... along with the IG leafsucker / trailerpark. What ork builds were you thinking of?

Tabeling is viable until you meet the wrong opponent. Like a Rock / Paper / Scissors kind of deal. The wide variety of units and armies in 40k prevent this to some degree.

02-16-2011, 06:46 PM
I've had lots of success with the old Ork battlewagon build.

I usually run Ghazzie, a big mek, meganobz, lootas, komandoz, and lotsa boyz.

Works well.