View Full Version : Which Imperial Armour Book?

02-15-2011, 03:44 PM
Essentially as the title says. I would like to buy an imperial armour book, but am not really dedicated to any faction and I don't really know where to start. Which is the best Imperial Armour book out there?

Also, any tips working with resin would be greatly apprecaited.


02-15-2011, 03:51 PM
Well, Imperial Armour Volume 1 is all Imperial Guard and Imperial Navy stuff

Volume II is Space Marine and Inquisition stuff.

The rules for all the stuff in these two books is on the FW website as a PDF.

III and IV are outdated but deal with IG & Tau and the IG & Tyranids respectively.

V/VI/VII is all the Death Korps of Krieg, Renegades & Heretics, Chaos Space Marines, Red Scorpions, BFG and Daemons. The army lists for these are available online from FW

VIII is Elysian IG, Raven Guard and Orks

IX and X is all Space Marine stuff.

IA Apocalypse 1 & 2 are fairly self explanatory, they have lots of units from many factions for Apocalypse.

*PERSONALLY*, I like the Siege of Vraks story and the Death Korps of Krieg a lot, IA V especially but the entire saga of V/VI/VII is really good.

I NoSe
02-15-2011, 06:50 PM
I've read the books up through seven. The Siege of Vraks is amazing stuff and is the reason I now run a siege style IG list(complete with DKOK models). As far as working with resin it is fairly easy. Clean the models with a little dish soap and water to get the resin oil off. The stuff warps easy but the nice part is its easy to warp back.

Be careful though the stuff is fragile. A lot of the barrels on my lasguns snapped just in their cases so I'm in the process of using plastic tubes to replace all of them.

02-15-2011, 08:43 PM
I've read the books up through seven. The Siege of Vraks is amazing stuff and is the reason I now run a siege style IG list(complete with DKOK models). As far as working with resin it is fairly easy. Clean the models with a little dish soap and water to get the resin oil off. The stuff warps easy but the nice part is its easy to warp back.

Be careful though the stuff is fragile. A lot of the barrels on my lasguns snapped just in their cases so I'm in the process of using plastic tubes to replace all of them.

I once kneeled on my Solomon Lok model... I had to scratch build a sowrd, and his hand... It was a sad day...

I personally really like IA 4. The desperation of Anphelion Base and those sent to secure it is quite gripping. However, I have a soft spot for IA 7, as it features both the Grey Knights and the bad *** Inquisitor, Hector Rex.

02-18-2011, 01:40 AM
I like vol3. Tau fighting guard. Desert warfare with railguns aplenty. What says high-tech future war than flying railgun tanks?

Space marine this and space marine that is just so bland and there are only so many times you can read the same stuff with different marine names. They are like elvis sightings, yet should be rarer. The average imperial citizen will hopefully never see one (or in worst case, will be the last thing he ever sees).
i've never liked chaos, in any form, so the vraks books just didn't appeal. At all.