View Full Version : Tau, what would u like to see

02-15-2011, 03:33 AM
Theres a lot of rumours and sources pointing to tau later this year
So what would u like to see.
Personally, i would like to see new suit models like the forge ones.

I would also like to see kroot get biomorphs, as well as power weapons and options like flamers. Tau fw should get gun drones with special weapon upgerades. As well s some decent special chars including one that make crisis teams troops. Vespids should be troops as standard to make them usful. And get rid of that 1+ stuff.

02-15-2011, 04:36 AM
Personally I don't think they need new models. All the stuff looks good as it. Little more customisable maybe, but they don't need much new stuff

Rules wise...they don't need assault troops, but some assault drones would be cool, attach them to the squads

Increased heavy weapon support, but not in FW squads, to keep up with the fluff

Something to help improve the strength of a gunline, and help them in avoid assault...disrupt deepstrikers and outflankers, something like stand and shoot in Fantasy for firewarriors perhaps...

02-15-2011, 04:41 AM
A slew of special characters as well as upgrade characters for units (named Broadside team leader, Pathfinder, Crisis Suit Shas'ui, etc...) as well as updates for Shadowsun (please don't kill her off! She is my Major Motoko!), Farsight, and the named Ethereal.

Make Ethereals useful

Army-wide BS4 or a reduction in points for units that can't take targeting arrays (FW especially, super overcosted right now). This could be coupled with a simplification/nerfing of Markerlights.

Enhance Piranhas, a model's sole redeemable quality shouldn't be its size.

Special/Heavy weapons for Fire Warriors to bring them in line with the capabilities of other compulsary troop choices. No railguns here, that would be nuts, but options for flamers, missile pods, plasma carbine (smaller and shorter range then XV8 Plasma Rifle), and maybe even burst cannon. These options can either be carried by a Fire Warrior or could be a special heavy drone that replaces a Fire Warrior (both to keep a hard unit size cap and to keep them economical enough to be useful).

A change to the Hammerhead's railgun. Broadsides are perfect as they are, expensive yet reliable tank killers. Hammerheads are expensive but they aren't reliable at all due to the lack of a twin-linked effective weapon. Solution to this would be the rumored "draw a line" railgun rule. The issue here would be if it auto-hits or not and a simple solution would be to have it scatter D6 - Tank's BS and wherever it scatters to, the line is drawn through that point. This railgun would hit the exact targeted spot 2/3rds of the time (same it does now) but it also factors in the size of the target vehicle's chassis for hitting and it allows for accidental hits on nontargeted units, both enemy and friendly.

02-15-2011, 06:47 AM
Models wise I would like to see (assuming three-four plastic kits)

New plastic multipart battlesuits and broadsides (probably two boxes with a common frame)
Plastic barracuda flyer
Plastic pathfinders with a variety of special weapons (markerlights, rail rifles etc.)

Rules wise:

Improved hammerhead weapons (I like the hits everything in a line idea for a heavy railgun and I think the ion cannon should get multiple small blasts to set it apart)

Markerlights (maybe +1 BS for friendly unit firing at marked enemy unit or remove cover saves) and more options for taking them.

Pulse carbines make the enemy count as in difficult terrain to slow them down (only available for pathfinders and drones) Pinning is too easy to circmvent.

Vehicle drones don't count for kill points (assuming this hasn't already been FAQ'd)

Stealth for stealth suits.

02-15-2011, 06:51 AM
I could care less about the models,but rules-wise.....

Keep them as a shooty army, but I think that a concentrated meat shield unit (Cheaper drones, or a new type entirely) would be a really neat edition to the army.

Fast variant of Devilfish.

Make Pathfinders double not only as Scouts, but also as the Frontline Assault unit, loaded up with Plasma, Melta etc.

02-15-2011, 07:14 AM
Personally I don't think they need new models. All the stuff looks good as it. Little more customisable maybe, but they don't need much new stuff

I do think they need new models. For one I think those Vespid models, are lame. Not that Wow I need them for my army. Also if you don't have new models, or new stuff why bother with a new codex then?

It will just be an update then. You want to pay $40 for an update?

I am not a Tau player, but I would like to see more variety in Alien races the Tau have. I would like to see the Tau have more human militia or what ever they were called. Sorry I forget. Maybe they can have some Eldar in thier as well. Also some more alien races, Kroot, Vespids and some others would be nice to make the Tau, the melting Pot of 40K.

02-15-2011, 07:33 AM
What would I like to see?

I'd like to see them go the way of the squats.

02-15-2011, 07:50 AM
Generaly was looking for constructive posts, like wat people have so

02-15-2011, 09:46 AM
Special weapon drones (missile pod, plasma rifle, flamer, etc) in FW teams, heavy gun drones, maybe give the Skyray a boost (additional missiles?) to make it viable, I would like to see some of the alternate Hammerhead weapons from Imperial armor make an apperance (TL LR Burst cannons anyone, with AA mount if you please). See the Kroot become viable by changing their rifle from rapid fire to assault, giving them assault grenades and give the Shaper a power weapon/fist/eviscerator option. Let O'Shava count Suits as troops. Bring in Human Auxilaries with Tau weapons.

02-15-2011, 12:07 PM
Tau is my first and main army so I've got quite a bit of wish listing.

1) Farsight makes battle suits troops.

2) Plasma rifles on piranhas

3) Battle suit leaders to be able to take a power weapon.

4) Barracuda

5) Defensive drone so when fire warriors flee from combat they don't get killed by sweeping advance.

6) I want them to rip off Jango Fett and have fire warriors with jet packs and duel pistols. Range 18" assault 2. Honestly if they did this, even if they sucked in game, I would use them. :D

7) Change marker lights to assault instead of heavy.

8) Battle suits BS 4

9) New guns for the Battle suits. Maybe even a disintegrator ray just for removing terrain.

10) stealth suits worth taking.

11) A special Fire Warrior Shas'O with special command squad.

12) A big dreadnaught sized battle suit with jump pack to be used as a brawler!

13) A little fast open topped transport that fire warriors can shoot out of would be pretty cool.

14) Pinning to return...

15) Something to represent how insignificant they are in terms of the warp. Like psychers have a hard time targeting them.

16) Something to disrupt deep striking

17) Sniper drones to be able to pick which models they wound. This would probable be the only way to justify them taking up a Heavy slot.

18) Pathfinders no longer have to take a devil fish.

19) Balancing of points but that's expected.

Also I'd like to know who you people think should write the codex? Personally I think whoever wrote the Tyranid codex should at least do the fluff. I really liked reading the little part in there about the tau fighting the tyranids.

02-15-2011, 12:25 PM
Auto hit Hammer heads are you serious, they would have to be very expensive. Crisis suits that fight in CC doesn't go with Tau. I could see Kroot or Human auxiliaries with close combat weapons, power weapons, etc...

02-15-2011, 12:29 PM
Auto hit Hammer heads are you serious, they would have to be very expensive. Crisis suits that fight in CC doesn't go with Tau. I could see Kroot or Human auxiliaries with close combat weapons, power weapons, etc...

But I want a crisis suit that fights in CC so bad...

and I defiantly do not want humans in the codex! or squats for that matter! If they dare try to slip them in I will fly to GW and whoever is responsible I will kick their balls into the roof of their mouth.

02-15-2011, 12:35 PM
To make stealth suits useful and show how tau adapt id give them special issue ammo

02-15-2011, 12:51 PM
better battle suits would be nice, forge world standard or near, but more mecha/ anime like as in Infinity miniatures,
eg http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.moogaloo.com/artificer/images/images-inf/panoceania/pocu/pocu06.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.moogaloo.com/artificer/pocu.php&usg=__QTQM5qspiNPHXfHJhrnCk_hMehc=&h=633&w=589&sz=83&hl=en&start=107&sig2=X9VxosgS3SFt4Bfvzg2jsg&zoom=1&tbnid=2MJOW2ihJtPZ6M:&tbnh=116&tbnw=112&ei=3spaTbeRLYaw8QOXjt3VDw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dinfinity%2Bminiatures%26um%3D1%26hl%3 Den%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:en-gb:IE-SearchBox%26rlz%3D1I7ACAW_enGB411GB412%26biw%3D134 5%26bih%3D529%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=114&vpy=80&dur=1779&hovh=233&hovw=217&tx=153&ty=104&oei=lMpaTejyEpKGhQex3LDqDA&page=6&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:16,s:107


02-15-2011, 01:02 PM
No anime looking things please. Anime does not belong in Warhammer.

New suits would be nice

The Experimental Fail Safe would be nice to see in Firewarrior squads so they do not die from Sweeping Advance.

A codex written well like DE would also be nice.

Drew da Destroya
02-15-2011, 01:10 PM
Also I'd like to know who you people think should write the codex? Personally I think whoever wrote the Tyranid codex should at least do the fluff. I really liked reading the little part in there about the tau fighting the tyranids.

Dude, you don't want Crudface anywhere near your codex.

I don't play Tau at all (although I've proxied them a few times, and they're fun), but I'd like to see the Kroot enhanced a bit. An HQ Shaper would be nice, and split up the crazy 3-units-in-one setup they have now... have Kroot Hounds classed as Beasts and moved to Fast, maybe? Also, the Kroot Rifle needs to be an assault weapon.

02-15-2011, 02:46 PM
What would I like to see? Not that I expect to see all of this, but in a perfect world...

- More reasonable point costs, especially on Devilfish
- Pathfinders w/o the Devilfish requirement
- Pathfinders as a third Troops choice
- Fire Warriors bumped up a little in the Assault department, like WS3/I3 to go toe-to-toe with a Guardsman
- Alternately, BS4 Fire Warriors and Crisis Suits
- Kroot w/Fleet and/or Furious Charge (I want Kroot Leap from Dawn of War 1)
- Stealth Suits with the Stealth USR, as well as the current Night-Fighting-esque rules
- Stealth Generators that work the way they did in 4E (units assaulting them are I1 on the first round)
- Named characters that change the FOC (i.e., Farsight making Crisis Suits as troops, etc.)
- Useful Ethereals
- Tetras, Remoras and/or XV-9s as Fast Attack choices
- Revised (and cheaper) Markerlights
- The rumored "draw-a-line and hit everything under it" railgun rule

02-15-2011, 03:59 PM
Dude, you don't want Crudface anywhere near your codex.

I don't play Tau at all (although I've proxied them a few times, and they're fun), but I'd like to see the Kroot enhanced a bit. An HQ Shaper would be nice, and split up the crazy 3-units-in-one setup they have now... have Kroot Hounds classed as Beasts and moved to Fast, maybe? Also, the Kroot Rifle needs to be an assault weapon.

Yeah I don't really want him to write the rules but he did fine fluff.

Why the hell don't they just put all the codex writers on one book at a time?

I totally agree with you on the Kroot Hounds needing to be put in fast attack as beast!

02-15-2011, 04:26 PM
i hope that battlesuits start coming in packs of three and you can get plastic pathfinders. I hope there will be more obvious good options in the tau army as well.
Hopefully kroot will be able to take special weapons on their squads and can enter play like ymargls. Also I wouldn't mind seeing kroot kits including shapers and ktootox or kroot hounds.
one final thing, I would like to see plastic vespids and fire warriors BS4 in squads up to 20

02-15-2011, 04:30 PM
Auto hit Hammer heads are you serious, they would have to be very expensive.

Hammerheads are already far too expensive for what they do. 150 points gets you a Railgun, Burst Cannons (the cheapest of the required second weapon systems), and no other upgrades. So you get a very effective weapon that only hits 66% of the time with no option to twin-link it or take complimentary secondary weapons (all secondary weapon systems are distinctly anti-infantry/anti-ultra light vehicle). Its extremely overcosted, especially when a Space Marine predator can get three lascannons (one twin-linked) for only 15 points more and thats considered ridiculously overcosted. The tri-las predator is kitted out with complimentary weapons, ensuring that it will never waste its points by targeting a unit that its other weapons can't harm. People are just so afraid of the railgun (its only 1 strength and AP better then a Lascannon folks) that they feel that the Hammerhead isn't cause for complaint.

Revising the Hammerhead (and only the hammerhead, broadsides are fine at their cost because of the twin-linked railguns) to have the line of damage and auto-hit or the slight deviation I detailed in my post would make them worth their hefty points cost. For now they are criminally overcosted and only succeed on the table when upgraded with things like disruption pods and multi-trackers and placed in the hands of a skilled tactician.

02-15-2011, 07:29 PM
I would like to see the rules for the bonding knife be an army wide special rule and Ethereals become useful, like granting stubborn to troops in LOS as opposed to just allowing a re-roll of a failed leadership test.

Render Noir
02-16-2011, 09:01 PM
I agree with a lot of what has already been posted, so I'll just add what has not been said from my wishlist:

a) Stealth Suits should have as many options as Crisis Suits, basically a smaller suit with one weapon & one support slot.
b) Lots more special ammo to reflect the technology and provide diversity to the FW
c) BS4 FW seems bit much. How about the Pulse Rifle is Rapid Fire or Heavy 3.
d) Better Defensive grenades. Maybe -1 A & count as difficult to terrain to charge?
e) Variety of Seeker missile warheads. A small blast template version for anti infantry, EMP warhead, or borrow so of ideas from the APoc Reloaded.
f) The rumored Power from Pain Markerlight system (1 hit=+1 BS, 2 hits = reroll wnds, 3 hits=ignore cover saves)
g) A new alien ally that makes life difficult for psychers, kinda like a Necron Pariah
h) More drone options. Sensor drones that grant Acute Senses, Missile Drone (SMS), Shrouding Drone that gives FW the Night Fighting ability Stealth Suits have
i) lose the networked vs. non networked markerlights.
j) bring the Forge World Variant Suits part of the Codex

02-16-2011, 09:08 PM
i like see'n tau ripped up by my chainswords....:D

Uncle Nutsy
02-18-2011, 01:53 AM
FW at the same cost, but with heavy 2 instead of rapidfire
battlesuits with a bump in ballistic skill and initiative. drop the weapon skill.
Stealthsuits with the ability to take more than two guns. flamers anyone? :)
Sniper drone teams that are more mobile AND moved into the elite slot.
Sky Rays with a reload option.
Tetras, TX42's, and the Hammerhead variants
HQ having the ability to call in a precision strike.

Then just bring them up to the 5th ed levels.

Bedroom General
02-18-2011, 02:40 AM
Ahh the Tau, my favourite depth perception challenged blue guys. I have always fancied fire warriors having a "stand and shoot" type reaction to being charged, Kinda like fantasy has (used to have? dunno new edition.) or sort of the reverse of what the ork bikes used to be able to do in last codex. It makes sense that a poor h2h army would want to give the enemy a face full of pulse before any new openings can be introduced to their bodies via chainsaw etc. Also reload on Skyray might just make me look at one.
Also the Airburst template should be a regular piece of war gear for suits. No mandatory Dfish for pathfinders, it has always seemed awkward to me.