View Full Version : Immolator: Advice XD

02-14-2011, 02:48 AM
I run an immolator with TwL H Flamer, smoke lauchers and dozerblade 73 pts, it carries my canoness and retinue. It has never made it past the 2nd turn and I'm thinking it's not worth the points.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
02-14-2011, 03:19 AM
You have to remember that it's a transport not a tank. Sure it has twin-linked weapons, but it's not meant to go toe-to-toe with a Land Raider or such.
Some suggestions, try using them in teams, moving three together gives them better chance to kill off your opponent.
Also it can be hard, but there should be cover you can use to your advantage. The only problem is with arming it with twin heavy flamers, it needs to close the distance to be effective.
I try to arm mine with a Hunter killer missile too. Sure its more expensive but can be used to take out tanks with a lucky dice roll.

I usually run several together, one for my Cannoness, and two filled with Dominion squads. Arming one with twin heavy flamers, and depending if your facing more tanks or infantry i can arm the other two with more flamers, heavy bolters or multi melta's.

Hope that helps.
Oh, and pray that any new SoB codex we get a new tank.

02-14-2011, 04:09 AM
Thanks for the help, I generally run a mech sisters and haven't tried dominions yet. Usually play 1500 so their hard to fit in my list.

beyond the grave
02-14-2011, 05:31 PM
at 1500, I run one with a multi-melta and three rhinos bubbling it up, and it seems to do pretty good each game. the problem with running one is that it is a high priority target, and usually has the canoness and her retinue and not many people want to get in to close combat with her.

and, i'm betting that the we will get new tanks, hopefully the repressor!

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
02-14-2011, 08:00 PM
The Repressor is a great transport with its bulldozer blade, and multiple firing slots. I own 3 of them so far.

beyond the grave
02-14-2011, 10:37 PM
i've always loved the look and concept behind it. Plus, it's the only forge world thing for the Sisters. I just hate that it is forge world, and we don't really play with the IA books.

02-14-2011, 10:47 PM
Repressors would be awesome I have one but never get to use it. I think we deserve it or if they make the immolator fast like BA rhinos... nice to dream eh?

beyond the grave
02-15-2011, 06:20 AM
I can see that. immolator rush would be great! hopefully, we will get a codex that is full of usable units too....

A man can dream, oh a man can dream

02-15-2011, 06:50 AM
i've always loved the look and concept behind it. Plus, it's the only forge world thing for the Sisters. I just hate that it is forge world, and we don't really play with the IA books.

There's no reason not to with Sisters. You can actually get those Rhinos for the same price as space marines using the IA books plus they come with search lights and smoke launchers. Repressors though may actually be too good for the price at 50 points they have the equivalents of 7 gun ports, a heavy flamer, a stormbolter, and a dozer blade for 15 points more than a Rhino.

02-15-2011, 01:01 PM
I don't imagine SoB players would mind a Repressor at the points of an IG Chimera, that tank has 5 firing slots, a hull mount, a turrent and the option of a defensive weapon for only 55 pts plus upgrades, and a fast Immolator would be more towards the play style of the sisters. As for their troop choices I don't mind the points value of the basic sister (11 pts) as I field these Squads at 146 pts each (10 Sisters, H. Flamer, Meltagun, Vet Superior), the 50 pt rhinos gotta go thats insane I run two at 58 pts (dozerblade, smoke launchers) XD. I'm hoping they give us a dedicated Celestian squad using basic sister with trimmings and adding decoration is okay but it takes some of the flavour outta the army and I get tired of explaining that it's a Celestian squad not a Battle sister squad. As for the other units the SoB ones are fine I like them but the Inquisitorial crap is garbage I ran a unit of Flagellants once and wow that pissed me I'm thinking reduced points for them and a larger squad cap 6 just isn't enough and Inquisitoral Stormtroopers 100 pts for ten dudes no upgrades no thank you I'll stick to the sisters.

beyond the grave
02-15-2011, 11:14 PM
There's no reason not to with Sisters. You can actually get those Rhinos for the same price as space marines using the IA books plus they come with search lights and smoke launchers. Repressors though may actually be too good for the price at 50 points they have the equivalents of 7 gun ports, a heavy flamer, a stormbolter, and a dozer blade for 15 points more than a Rhino.

yeah. I understand that there are perks with the IA books but, one guys use to play at our shop with his IA book and it just made the game no fun to play. also, the IA books are expensive!! lol

I'm content waiting a little longer for the new codex. It's not like the old point costs are hurting me so much that i can't compete with the newer armies

beyond the grave
02-15-2011, 11:26 PM
I don't imagine SoB players would mind a Repressor at the points of an IG Chimera, that tank has 5 firing slots, a hull mount, a turrent and the option of a defensive weapon for only 55 pts plus upgrades, and a fast Immolator would be more towards the play style of the sisters. As for their troop choices I don't mind the points value of the basic sister (11 pts) as I field these Squads at 146 pts each (10 Sisters, H. Flamer, Meltagun, Vet Superior), the 50 pt rhinos gotta go thats insane I run two at 58 pts (dozerblade, smoke launchers) XD. I'm hoping they give us a dedicated Celestian squad using basic sister with trimmings and adding decoration is okay but it takes some of the flavour outta the army and I get tired of explaining that it's a Celestian squad not a Battle sister squad. As for the other units the SoB ones are fine I like them but the Inquisitorial crap is garbage I ran a unit of Flagellants once and wow that pissed me I'm thinking reduced points for them and a larger squad cap 6 just isn't enough and Inquisitoral Stormtroopers 100 pts for ten dudes no upgrades no thank you I'll stick to the sisters.

I can see the Repressor at like 60- 75 points, Rhinos at 35 with the standard load out, Immolators at like 50-60 with smoke and fast (maybe a few other options like adding a storm bolter on or something so you still have something)

Troops are fine. I run three units of ten with vet superior, heavy flamer, and melta in a rhino and they do good.

but, the penitent engines, flagellants, repentias, ect. are just about useless. the Stormtroopers are good, if you use them right. Think about this, a unit of 5 with two plasma guns, loaded in a rhino or immolator. it's a cheap troop choice that can capture points, and if they are in the immolator, drop them off on a point while the tank can go contest points, or even take them along, it still 4 plasma shots plus whatever else.

02-16-2011, 08:26 AM
I can see the Repressor at like 60- 75 points, Rhinos at 35 with the standard load out, Immolators at like 50-60 with smoke and fast (maybe a few other options like adding a storm bolter on or something so you still have something)

Troops are fine. I run three units of ten with vet superior, heavy flamer, and melta in a rhino and they do good.

but, the penitent engines, flagellants, repentias, ect. are just about useless. the Stormtroopers are good, if you use them right. Think about this, a unit of 5 with two plasma guns, loaded in a rhino or immolator. it's a cheap troop choice that can capture points, and if they are in the immolator, drop them off on a point while the tank can go contest points, or even take them along, it still 4 plasma shots plus whatever else.

Stormtroopers cannot take the immolator as a dedicated trasnport however. Assuming you are taking Sisters at all you will only have a few as dedicated transports and really why would you use your heavy slots on Immolators?

Penitent Engines have their moments as do Arco-flagellants. I have been using them to some good effect recently. I've tried holding them in reserve for counter assault. The obligatory priest I put on my Canoness' retinue so its not a complete waste of a unit.

02-16-2011, 12:16 PM
I find the penitent engine not to bad an awesome reserve unit very useful against enemies who bring the fight to me, penitent engines pop on and tear hell this also mean i have a turn or two to deal with some of their long range anti-engine guns, in an apoc game I had three of these tango with a gargant, a baneblade and a dreadnought that had rushed to the baneblades aid. The dreadnought *****slapped them but not before little baney got creamed, Sister Repentia work well in this aspect as well especially tooled up with a priest or a nearby Inquistior toting the Inquistional Mandate lot of points though for whats essentially a suicide squad. The assassins have their moments I've had lots of fun with the Death Cult and the Callidus and been inching to give the Culexus ago (might have spelled that wrong) but the sniper dude sucks for 110 pts never freaking hits XD Back to the penitent engine try it against orcs or tryanid who don't bring oodles of heavy weapons that unit will get it's points back quick if you get the charges and it can cause alot of enemies to avoid a portion of the battlefield out of sheer awesomeness, the models look great and scary.