View Full Version : IA11, anyone looking to get it?

02-13-2011, 12:31 PM
Is anyone looking to get IA11, or any of the new stuff that are being released with it?

I would love to get my self an Infernus, its rules look good, and is almost reasonable for its points. Ok, so its almost a super heavy Hell Hound, but I like the Malcador anyway.

Whats other people looking at and forward to?

02-13-2011, 12:33 PM
Is anyone looking to get IA11, or any of the new stuff that are being released with it?

If it has Eldar and IG then it's a must have for me.

02-13-2011, 12:50 PM
Eldar player, got £1000 saved up rerady for it

Phantom, one of every tnak and aspect and a few extra bits.

Going to the FW open day in April, so hopefully should be one of the 1st to be able to buy it/preorder

02-13-2011, 04:47 PM
definately! already got hornets, warp hunter and spectres are on the list too

02-13-2011, 05:19 PM
Sure, I buy all their books. As an Eldar and Space Wolves player I'm set to buy lots of their new models.

02-14-2011, 03:56 AM
I will buy multiples of all th Eldar kits. Except the Phantom Titan, just one for now.:rolleyes:

02-14-2011, 07:17 AM
Already picked up two of the warp hunters. Will probably get a couple of lynx. Not too thrilled about the Phantom TBH, it looks like an overgrown Revenant, my Armorcast phantom is much cooler I think.

I read something about a new eldar flier for IA11... if its rules are intriguing, I'll look into getting that.

02-14-2011, 07:27 AM
Well, I can't agree with that, it looks just like Jes Goodwins concept art. Tracked down an Armourcast Phantom myself last year, took one look at it in person and passed on it, didn't like it at all. Different tastes.:)

02-14-2011, 07:58 AM
Already picked up two of the warp hunters. Will probably get a couple of lynx. Not too thrilled about the Phantom TBH, it looks like an overgrown Revenant, my Armorcast phantom is much cooler I think.

I read something about a new eldar flier for IA11... if its rules are intriguing, I'll look into getting that.

An Eldar flier eh? That'll be nice

Better be cheaper than the nightwing...consdering thats pointed to include a 4+ save....which every flier gets now. Woot.

02-14-2011, 09:30 AM
An Eldar flier eh? That'll be nice

Better be cheaper than the nightwing...consdering thats pointed to include a 4+ save....which every flier gets now. Woot.

Holofields 4+ save against hits.

SMF cover 4+ save against damage table results.

This is what my group has decided upon and it works great.

Well, I can't agree with that, it looks just like Jes Goodwins concept art. Tracked down an Armourcast Phantom myself last year, took one look at it in person and passed on it, didn't like it at all. Different tastes.

I don't mind so much that it looks the same as Goodwin's art - it just looks like a bigger version of a model I've already got and thats not something I'm too excited about purchasing or painting. I used to play Epic and the Armorcast phantom is a direct copy of that model - which I think looks awesome when you paint it up and give it some real love.

02-14-2011, 09:34 AM
Holofields 4+ save against hits.

SMF cover 4+ save against damage table results.

This is what my group has decided upon and it works great.

Thats how i've been playing it as well....a double 4+ save.

One negates the hit, the other negates the damage...

Didn't stop a 1000 son sorceror managing to bolt of tzeentch both of my Nightwings out of the sky in 2 turns

02-14-2011, 11:47 AM
A damn nob on a warbike shot his rokkit at my phoenix and blew it clear out of the sky.

02-15-2011, 09:16 AM
No Space Wolves´ news about IA 11???