View Full Version : Old Ork trukks

Bedroom General
02-11-2011, 10:35 PM
I'm looking at spring cleaning my Ork army. I have four of the old trukks, six buggy type vehicles, and I just wondered. My mates wouldn't mind me using these models, but what would happen at a GW store if I put them on a table? Or took 'em to a tourney?
How would you feel If I deployed them against you?

While I'm on this subject I might as well ask the same thing about the old style Rhino chassis, as all of my Chaos force bar the lR is based on it.

02-11-2011, 11:04 PM
Personally, I wouldn't mind, as long as you were 'considerate' with LOS and such, as those trukks are quite a bit smaller than the current ones.

I field a Space Marine army that contains all old rhino chassis style vehicles, and I haven't had any complaints.

If anything, just convert them to be a little beefer. I put all my SM vehicles on bases, not just because it looks good, but also because it makes them a little bigger.

I play against people who field all sorts of models; older models, count-as, etc. As long as you are both flexible and considerate, I don't see the problem.

It's like fielding models with big bases and banners; you have to be reasonable with LOS.

02-12-2011, 12:43 AM
GW doesn't have a habit of making any model obsolete for fear of alienating a LARGE segment of their consumer base. Like another thread is talking about GW models currently, as long as it was made by them, you are good. I play regularly against an Ork opponent who fields fleets of these things, and they still die just as easily as the bigger versions.

02-12-2011, 02:26 AM
My mates wouldn't mind me using these models, but what would happen at a GW store if I put them on a table?

You will come under intense pressure from the red-shirts to buy the new shiny kit but only because it's their job to get you to buy stuff (even if you don't need it).:rolleyes:

But they are a perfectly legal.

02-12-2011, 10:39 AM
I'll hear complaints about older models occasionally, but it's almost always from the sort of people who have to blame their losses on something. "My dice rolls sucked." "This mission isn't fair." "There wasn't enough terrain on the table."

The models are legal, so don't worry about it. You can sell old trukks to uber-competitive tournament players for a small fortune, though.

Bedroom General
02-12-2011, 08:26 PM
Thanks very much people. Its reassuring considering the amount of older model types I have in some armies. I use the old style Obliterators (on the larger base size though) because I cannot bring myself to like the new ones. I generally deep strike with them, so its not like they hide much anyway.

02-13-2011, 09:37 PM
I would have no problems at all. Why would I? You spend alot of time making them, and why would a GW store not let you use them? They are a GW product after all.