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View Full Version : Deathmaster Snikch

02-11-2011, 06:22 PM
Just wondering what's your general experience with him. Is he worth the points and slot?

02-12-2011, 08:53 PM
As long as he doesnt try and assassinate something with a T >5 he is pretty good. I prefer a normal assasin with Warlock augmented weapons personally.

03-26-2011, 03:13 PM
As long as he doesnt try and assassinate something with a T >5 he is pretty good. I prefer a normal assasin with Warlock augmented weapons personally.

I believe this person means toughness <5. The deathmaster excelled at least in my experience in lower point games including lots of slaves... However there are only two real choices when it comes to skaven named chars...

One being Queek Headtaker, the other surprisingly enough being Ikit Claw. There is much debate about this, but there are MANY skaven characters that are overpriced. This is the price we pay for having underpriced (slaves) troops. Believe it or not, this game is very balanced. Skweel Gnawtooth is also worth considering if you like him, or the risk taking, or whatever drew you to skaven in the first place (especially if you have rat ogres. These CAN become a regular infantry chainsaw...).

In other words, ALL skaven have a Job, and MOST of these jobs can be fulfilled with a crap-ton of slaves... if you are willing to spend the cash.

04-18-2011, 09:08 AM
I believe this person means toughness <5.

Are you sure? You are saying that Sniktch should avoid going after things with a toughness less than 5?

I would have thought he would be best against lower toughnesses, what with his many attacks.

As for Ikit, how do you get the most from him? I can't seem to justify the near 400pt cost fo a lvl3 caster.

He is tough, but only I3 with 2 attacks, so he isn't great in combat. Was it ruled that Storm Daemons artillery dice attack ignores armour saves also?