View Full Version : Another 2500 Wolf Ard Boy list

02-11-2011, 10:38 AM
These are my alternative lists for 'Ard boyz that really focuses on spamming Grey Hunters and lacks special characters.


10 Grey Hunters - 205 2 Meltaguns, Mark of the Wulfen, Rhino
x 6 - 1230

5 Long Fangs - 115 4 Missile Launchers
x 3

10 Scouts - 175 Meltagun, Wulfen
Wolf Priest - 120 Saga of the Hunter, Melta Bombs, Wolf Tail

5 Thunderwolf Cavalry - 315
- 1 w/ Thunderhammer and Storm Shield
- 1 w/ Meltabombs
x 2 - 630

Total - 2500 exactly

The Grey Hunter squads can pop mech and tear up infantry in combat, but they aren't going to stand up to other players' hammer units. That is what the T-wolves are for. That's 85 power armored bodies before getting to the wolves, and 6 scoring units.


10 Grey Hunters - 230 2 Meltaguns, Wulfen, Powerfist; Rhino
x 4 - 920

10 Grey Hunters - 230 2 Meltaguns, Wulfen, Powerfist; Drop Pod
x 2 - 460

Dreadnought - 150 Multimelta, Heavy Flamer; Drop Pod
Dreadnought - 150 Assault Cannon, Heavy Flamer; Drop Pod

6 Long Fangs - 140 5 Missile Launchers
x3 - 420

Rune Priest - 100 Living Lightning, Storm Caller

10 Scouts - 175 Meltagun, Wulfen
Wolf Priest - 120 Saga of the Hunter, Meltabombs, Wolftail talisman

First turn one of the dreads and a hunter squad will pod in for disruption while the rhinos make their way towards objectives. There really isn't a hammer unit in this army, the hope is just that each squad can function really on it's own to take out or hurt anything, and there isn't anything in the army that I am hurt by losing.

02-11-2011, 10:52 AM
This might be my ignorance of the Wolf 'dex showing, but is there an HQ choice in the first list? One HQ is mandatory, unless 'ard boyz has different rules.

02-11-2011, 10:59 AM
There's a Wolf Priest, sorry I listed him right underneath the Scouts since he goes with them so it might have looked like a transport or unit add-on.

02-11-2011, 11:01 AM
He's got a Wolf Priest hidden in the Scout squad. I had to look for it, too! ;)

LOL - Not Fast enough!

02-11-2011, 11:15 AM
First, I don't do Ard Boy and seldom (can't remember last time) do I played over 1500. So this is just a "Fluff Evaluation"

Looking at the lists, I don't think anyone can complain that they're "Cheese" lists. It's nice to see lists without Named-Characters in a SW list.

Sort of Copy-Pasted the Hunters, but that's to be expected to some degree with Troop choices. I DO like you've maxed your Troop choices in both! I don't like the Meltas (I hate all 1-shot weapons as they always roll 1!), but you need the anti-armour for certain in the 1st list.

If I were to choose - I'd probably go with the 2nd list - just for the unpredictability of the pods. It could back-fire in a competative setting, but looking at the 1st list, it's a Rhino-Rush that has to make it across the table. Pods will have you in his face Turn 1 and he will HAVE to deal with them, giving the rest of the army a chance to get across the field.

Good Luck!

02-11-2011, 11:23 AM
If I were to choose - I'd probably go with the 2nd list - just for the unpredictability of the pods. It could back-fire in a competative setting, but looking at the 1st list, it's a Rhino-Rush that has to make it across the table. Pods will have you in his face Turn 1 and he will HAVE to deal with them, giving the rest of the army a chance to get across the field.

Do you think I should pod both hunter squads turn 1 and let the dreds catch up? or do 1 dred and 1 hunter initially and let the other hunter and dred catch up?

02-11-2011, 11:50 AM
It would depend on the army you were fighting, the mission and the terrain...

Against a heavily Mechanized army with Heavy armour, I would probably go 1 GH and the Melta Dread 1st turn. Need the Meltas to pop-open the cans so the remaing pods can do something. Against most armies, I would go 1 Dread & Hunter - depending on mission and opponent which dread to take. Against a hoard or on a "Heavy Cover" board, I might be tempted to drop both Dreads to use the flamers right away. In a "Grab Objectives" mission I might drop the hunters last Hunters to claim objectives in the final turns.

It would really depend on the situation and your play style.

02-11-2011, 05:33 PM
I like the first list better, but it's a close thing. The forces are spread out very evenly, and those thunder wolves look brutal.

very killy