View Full Version : Eldar Codex - The Fix is right here!

02-11-2011, 08:21 AM
Here is my best shot to update the Codex. I have put more hours into this than any responsible married man should. Please do your very best to show me an example of how to BREAK the game with these rules.

The codex remains intact except for the changes below. My wording is not meant to be rules lawyer legal. I am simply trying to communicate ideas here.

Please consider the whole before ripping any one part. Thanks

Army Special Rules:

Fleet of Foot – Eldar add an extra d6 and drop the lowest anytime they roll dice to determine movement.
Tactical Mastery – Eldar Aspect, jet bike and guardian units lead by an Exarch, a Warlock, or an Independent Character, gain the Hit and Run USR, while the leader is alive.


Shuriken Catapults – Range 18”
Star cannon – ignores cover


Crystal Targeting Matrix – Allows the vehicle to fire 2 primary weapons when moving at cruising speed. (Wave serpents, fire prisms, vypers, and falcons get this. No adjustment to weapon cost)

Force Organization
Craftworlds – You may select an army based on their craftworld. You must follow the selection rules to gain the benefits. Benefits remain through the entire battle.

Biel Tan
a.An Exarch must be selected with each Aspect unit. At least as many Dire Avenger units must be selected as any other troop units.
b.One unit of Exarchs (5-10) from various aspects may be created using point costs from their codex entries. If an Exarch takes an Exarch Ability, all other Exarchs of that Aspect in the unit may benefit. This unit is an Elite choice.
c.Units within 12” of an Avatar gain the Furious Charge USR.

Saim Hann
a.Shining Spear and Guardian Jet Bike units gain the Scout USR.
b.Chieftain – a guardian jet bike unit leader, grants jet bike units the stubborn USR. (+1 WS, BS, A, L, +12 points, +10 power weapon)
c.At least half of troop choices must be Guardian Jet bike units.

a.Spiritseers attached to guardian units may take a second (different) warlock power and use both each turn.
b.The number of Guardian units must be greater or equal to the total number of other troop units.
c.If a warlock is within 12” of a Farseer, add 1 to the Farseer’s LDR stat.

a.Harlequins gain Infiltrate USR.
b.Rangers and Pathfinders gain Relentless USR.
c.Ranger/Pathfinder units reduced to 20% of original unit strength immediately flee and are removed from the table, counting as destroyed.

a.Wraithguard count as troops when taken as a unit of 5 with a spiritseer.
b.The number of wraithguard units must be greater or equal to the number of any other type of troop unit.
c.Spiritseer range for wraith sight is 18”.


Farseer – The Farseer may use the Doom, Guide, and Fortune psychic powers anytime during a friendly movement phase, except while moving. Mind War – No cover saves. Guide – Unit may either reroll misses, or may ignore cover saves. Eldritch Storm – If the psychic test is passed, place a large blast template within 18” of the Farseer. Roll deviation on the template. Any unit touched by the template is considered to be in dangerous terrain until the beginning of the next Eldar turn. Vehicle units instead take a haywire grenade hit on each vehicle.

Warlocks- Conceal psychic ability grants the stealth USR.

Autarchs - When rolling for reserves, the Autarch may group units together and roll once for the group. During scout moves, one troop unit in the friendly deployment zone may make a scout move.

Avatar grants Stubborn to all Eldar units in the army, instead of fearless to units within 12”.

Prince Yriel – May select d3 units. These units, their dedicated transports, and Yriel are held in reserve. Do not roll for these units to enter from reserve. When Yriel arrives from reserve, these units arrive with him and may out flank.

Phoenix Lords gain a 4+ invulnerable save, and may select one unit of their aspect as a retinue. This unit counts as a HQ unit, but does not count against the HQ unit allotment.

Asurmen – Battle Fate grants a 3+ invulnerable save.

Banshees – When a banshee unit selects a dedicated transport with vectored engines and star engines, that unit may treat that vehicle as an assault vehicle.

Striking Scorpions – Stalker - This unit ignores difficult terrain, and may reroll dangerous terrain checks.

Fire Dragons – 2 fire dragons may exchange their fusion guns for Dragon’s Breath Flamers.

Wraithguard - Close combat attacks ignore armor saves. Wraith Cannon – range 18”

Dire Avengers gain haywire grenades, and Avenger Shuriken Catapults are S 5.

Rangers/Pathfinders – Enemy units attempting to deep strike within 12” of this unit deviate an additional d6.

Guardian armor saves improved to 4+. Guardian units may take one weapon platform per 10 guardians. Weapon platforms may be upgraded to Support Weapon Platforms at the cost listed in the codex. The two guardians that would operate the weapon platform now operate the Support Weapon Platform. Guardians gain defensive grenades.

Storm Guardians gain offensive grenades and 4+ armor saves.

Vypers – This unit may move 6” during the friendly assault phase.

Warp Spiders - Death spinner gains rending. Surprise Assault changes to Death Web. Death web is like a Doom Spinner monofilament web attack, with range 18” and small blast.

Shining Spear’s – In place of withdraw, this unit may reroll misses during the first phase of combat when it charges. The laser lance and star lance become range 12”.

War Walkers – Move to Fast Attack

Wraith Lords - The 2nd weapon is not twin linked.

Falcon – Dedicated transport for HQ and Aspect warriors. BS 4

Support Weapon Platform – All weapons act as assault weapons.
D Cannon – small blast.
Shadow Weaver –Like Doom Spinner, but range 36, small blast.
Vibro Cannon – Roll to hit. D6 hits per cannon on one unit within 36”. Wounds on the value of the target’s armor save and is pinning. Vehicle units suffer 1 glancing hit per cannon firing.

Swooping Hawks – Lasblaster becomes an assault 3 weapon. The unit gains a 4+ cover save any turn in which they deep strike. They may deploy by deep strike first turn. They do not deviate when they deep strike. They may deep strike in unit coherency, rather than a deep strike formation.

Dark Reapers – Their save is invulnerable.

12-03-2011, 10:51 PM
**0 (hq) Eldrad
**5 (hq) Farseer Fortune, Guide, Spirit Stones
**0 (e) 1x ten-man Reaper Exarch Squad with EMLs +20 for Fast shot
**4 (hs) 2x five-man Reaper Squad with Exarch (normal launcher), Fast Shot
**7 (hs) 1x three-man Reaper Squad with Exarch, EML, Fast Shot
**6 (t) 3x five-man Avenger squads w/ Exarchs naked
**5 (dedicated) Falcon with Bright Lance
**0 (dedicated) Falcon with Bright Lance, Holofields, Stones
total: 2001

My 23 Reaper, 2 Farseer, 15 Avenger, 2 Tank list:
Each turn it can fire 22 missiles per turn at BS 5 that ignore cover
The important units have 3++ rerollable saves (less than 11% chance to fail when wounded).
Normal Marine Armour dies to mass Reaper Launcher fire.
Horde armies are going to crumple the Plamsa missiles. The one squad firing 20! into the centre line at BS 5 is just going to obliterate everything...
Non-Landraider Transports will turn to slag from focused Krak missile fire.
Landraiders face, Bright Lance + Pulse Laser x2, then Piles of Krak missiles, then 15 haywires...
Reaper squads bubble the Farseers who just buff the most at risk Reapers.
My P-Lasers B-Lances are always moving at cruising speed,
Avengers are sacrificial assault blockers so I can"counter-shoot" assault armies (as they will be wiped out!).
Avengers can also shoot termies (killing 1 pays for 3/4 of the unit almost), haywire tanks, and sit in skimmers for objectives..

It's not the most mobile army, but unless there is a lot of blocking terrain to protect vehicles completely, your changes to Guide make cover saves nothing.
My units are super survivors, at the end of my opponent's Assault can Hit and Run and then shoot their Assaulters...
Always liked Dark Reapers, now I can have an army of them... that will be shootier than any other army and dead hard to kill.

12-08-2011, 08:28 PM
I so your trying to break the codex?? Or are you wish listing....I mean I can do the same thing. Give my swarmlord 10 wounds EW and a 2+ invn save

12-09-2011, 03:05 AM
Sorry man this is completely ridiculous, everything here is completely broken and just insane man. LOL star cannons ignoring cover? Harlequins with infiltrate? phoenix lords that don't take up hq slots? dark reapers with invuls? I play eldar man I don't know what in the holy hell were you thinking lmfao

12-09-2011, 03:29 AM
plus also the fact that wraithguard have power weapons? they have guns not swords or anything like that. Also most of these things don't go with the fluff. And the shuriken catapults should not be s5 man, they are ninja stars not storm bolters, I like the idea of the storm guardians though, withdraw fits with the fluff of the shining spears instead of the re rolls, and I appreciate the idea of craft worlds but they won't go back. GW isn't known for backtracking. And the avatars fearless bubble is more useful then stubborn, I'm not quite sure you understand how this army works.

12-09-2011, 03:33 AM
Gotta agree here. Theres trying to fix a codex. Then theres wishlisting. Then theres this, which is completly mental out of bounds.

You've got some good ideas in there, but a lot of it is just OP nonsense. Do your local group actually let you play with these rules?

The craftworld idea is nice, but as has been said GW won't go back to it. Its more likely there will be an IC from each of the main worlds, who change the FoC a little bit

12-09-2011, 01:56 PM
In my mind Eldar changes are relatively simple in principle(yes I know this is wish listing)
Improve Farseer powers and more options. Option for Seer Councils to boost powers re Psyker Battle squads
Warlocks become true warrior-seers and in there hands witchblades become power weapons
Autarch - Archon statline, Grand Strategy like abilities, and freedom to take exarch powers that only affect him.
Aspects - Incubi statline with Exarchs Klaivex statline (except for 3+ save)
Phoenix lords make Aspect a 0-1 Troop choice
Guardian defenders may take a Heavy weapons platform for every 10 defenders
Storm Guardians may take 2 specials for every 10
Support Weapons - D-Cannon - Large Blast
Vibro Cannon - d6 Hits for Every Cannon in group
Shadow Weaver - Still 48" Large Blast But has designation Web
Web weapons (such as the Weaver and Warp Spider Spinners) cause unit to move as in Difficult Terrain (Note no rending or Dangerous Terrain Test - Like to keep the Night Spinner Special)
Shuriken Catapults get a double profile 12" Assault2 and 24" Heavy2. Dire avengers get Relentless

12-09-2011, 02:15 PM
We're getting trolled here... right?

12-09-2011, 03:13 PM

Dire Avengers gain haywire grenades, and Avenger Shuriken Catapults are S 5.
Can I please have free Blasters (or at least Heatlances) for all my Kabalite Warriors?:D

I must admit, some of these "ideas" could be a nice start to develope something better but the most part is just plain overpowered...

Falcons as dedicated transports and banshees assaulting after disembarking. :eek:
There are no words describing how the Dark Eldar inside me feels about this.
Even the Space Marine inside me feels awkward about the Banshee thing.

03-08-2012, 10:25 AM
I really like a lot of the things you've done actually. Some of the things seem like a big power upgrade, but I think it's necessary with a lot of the Eldar units. Look how many are so woefully underpowered that you never even see them. I like your ideas with the Swooping Hawks, Guardians, Support Platforms...pretty much everything except a few points. Take out:

ASC is S:5
Wraithguard melee attacks ignore armor saves
Starcannon ignores cover
Falcon as dedicated transport

Other than that I love it. :)

03-08-2012, 02:12 PM
Wouldn't it be a little unbecoming for a bunch of guys to hit the dirt covering their heads in presence of a physical manifestation of their warrior god?

03-09-2012, 09:04 AM
I would have to agree that these would be fun rules to use
but would I also think they are a mite too powerful to be used outside of friendly games.

03-09-2012, 09:55 AM
Have to say that I thank falcons as transports works just fine. If you think that's over powered what do you think of blood angels deep striking dedicated land raider redeemers?

03-09-2012, 11:31 AM
Y'know, I was flipping through my Imperial Guard codex, and I think they need to be fixed, too. Here are a few of my ideas:

1. Lasguns are too weak. They should be S 5, AP 4.
2. Orders tests should be passed automatically. Rolling dice is just silly.
3. Chimeras are too expensive. They should be reduced to 20 points.
4. Flak Armor is terrible. It should be 4+.
5. The fluff says the Imperial Guard have unlimited reserves of troops to throw into the fray. Therefore, all squads should automatically have Send in the Next Wave for free, without having to buy Commander Chenkhov.
6. Battle Cannons should be AP 2.
7. Regular Guardsmen should be BS 5, and Vets should be BS 6.

I think that's reasonable. Don't you?

03-09-2012, 12:04 PM
Y'know, I was flipping through my Imperial Guard codex, and I think they need to be fixed, too. Here are a few of my ideas:

1. Lasguns are too weak. They should be S 5, AP 4.
2. Orders tests should be passed automatically. Rolling dice is just silly.
3. Chimeras are too expensive. They should be reduced to 20 points.
4. Flak Armor is terrible. It should be 4+.
5. The fluff says the Imperial Guard have unlimited reserves of troops to throw into the fray. Therefore, all squads should automatically have Send in the Next Wave for free, without having to buy Commander Chenkhov.
6. Battle Cannons should be AP 2.
7. Regular Guardsmen should be BS 5, and Vets should be BS 6.

I think that's reasonable. Don't you?

Oh, Medusas should be Heavy 2-D3 ordinance. It's way too weak as it is.

Also, Leman Russes in squadrons are weaksauce. Each one after the first only costs 1/2 points of the previous one purchased.

03-09-2012, 06:03 PM
I agree, this army would be competitive, but nope GK power, but have a chance against any army with good flavors.

03-11-2012, 07:49 PM
Yeah... I've been suffering as an ulthwe and guardians player for a while, but a lot of stuff here may as well be wishlisting with no regard to balance.
