View Full Version : New kid on the Block

Noob Marine97
02-10-2011, 12:44 PM
Hi as you guessed i am new and i have 2 army lists, i am basically looking for tip and constructive criticism for me to improve on. Me and my friends play only a 1000 pnt lists :( i am trying to get the points up but they ain't budging its not fair.

So heres the lists:

list 1
Cato sicarius 200
10 man tact squad inc, missile launcher, power fist,melta bombs 210
5 man combat squad 90
Razorback las cannons dozer blade 80
land raider redeemer 240
predator las turret heavy bolter side sponsons 140
attack bike40

List 2
termi chaplain 130
10 man tact squad w/t no melta bombs 205
terminators with chain fist 205
vendred 165
rhino extra Armour dozer blade55
land raider 240

Thanks 4 any answers given

02-11-2011, 02:09 AM
Welcome to the Lounge Noob Marine97.

Make yourself at home and have a great time.

I'm gonna move this thread over to the 40k armylist subforum where it will get a lot more exposure and some answers for you.


02-11-2011, 03:29 AM
I dont play marines, i play guard so someone correct me if I am wrong but you look like you might be having some issues with model count in these lists. Generally, you want to avoid scenarios where you only are fielding a few very point heavy models. For example, you are spending nearly 500 points on a land raider and some termies (I assume these are in the land raider). This is fine in higher point games but in 1000 points you could struggle to get the termies into position since you have very little that your opponent has to worry about besides them.

02-11-2011, 06:19 AM
both lists gotta have 2 Troops and a HQ.

02-11-2011, 08:52 AM
Hi as you guessed i am new and i have 2 army lists, i am basically looking for tip and constructive criticism for me to improve on. Me and my friends play only a 1000 pnt lists :( i am trying to get the points up but they ain't budging its not fair.

So heres the lists:

list 1
Cato sicarius 200
10 man tact squad inc, missile launcher, power fist,melta bombs 210
5 man combat squad 90
Razorback las cannons dozer blade 80
land raider redeemer 240
predator las turret heavy bolter side sponsons 140
attack bike40

List 2
termi chaplain 130
10 man tact squad w/t no melta bombs 205
terminators with chain fist 205
vendred 165
rhino extra Armour dozer blade55
land raider 240

Thanks 4 any answers given

Other than what the other guys have said about needing two troops, don't budge away from Cato. He's Expensive, but awesome. Definitely an overlooked unit in the codex - good blend of killy and army buffing.

Noob Marine97
02-11-2011, 04:39 PM
Thanks for the replies and is there anything you change to make one or both of the lists better
like having more infantry units or something like that.
And to wrap this message up appropriately massive thanks for the responses and happy gaming

