View Full Version : Rhinos and Land Raiders

02-07-2011, 11:17 PM
Say I have a squad of possessed w/ a rhino as a dedicated transport and I have a squad of khrone bezerkers that usually ride in my chaos land raider. When rolling for my possessed ability at the start of the game I get lucky and I get the power weapon upgrade. Since the whole squad now has power weapons I want them to ride in the land raider so they can assault out of it.

1) I know that squads always have the option of not entering the game within their transports, however does that mean that they can enter the game within the land raider since it is a heavy support option and not a dedicated transport?

2) Since a rhino and squad are treated as separate units occupying one FOC slot, does that mean that I can still deploy a squad within that rhino, even if it's not the squad that purchased that rhino?


02-08-2011, 12:13 AM
1) Absolutely. Any unit that can ride in a non-dedicated transport can start the game embarked in it.

2) No. Only the unit that purchased a dedicated transport can begin the game embarked in it (otherwise it is empty).

However, I should note that you don't roll for the Possessed until after deployment, which means it is too late to deploy them in the Land Raider.