View Full Version : A few rumours (Tau, SoB, Eldar, Necron, DA/BT)

02-07-2011, 01:37 AM
This chap on Warseer just posted that according to a source he has Necrons have been pushed back and:

I am only making a somewhat educated guess here, but my bets are actually on Tau. Sisters are probably 1/2-3/4 done based on when I hear they were started.

Eldar are supposedly late next year.

DA's and/or BT's are supposedly being worked on, with one almost done. (I am unclear as to which of them is being worked on or if both are being worked on.)

Supposedly getting a new race next year too.

Better stop now before too many other people post ahead of me.

This is what I hear, take it with salt. We will see how accurate it is.

You can check it out here (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=292327), if you wish.

02-07-2011, 01:49 AM
Is it bad this rumor is discredited to me alone on the grounds of "New Race Next year"?


02-07-2011, 01:56 AM
I'm quite skeptical myself, but there have been persistent rumours of a new race, most recently for WFB, though. Still, we heard SoB were only delayed by model issues, Necrons were months away and that Tau had only just been looked at and these contradict all those as well.

02-07-2011, 02:03 AM
Is it bad this rumor is discredited to me alone on the grounds of "New Race Next year"?


I was thinking exactly the same thing going through the post.


"Eldar late next year".....sure why not...

"DA/BT being worked on/almost done"......Yeah, well, who didn't see that coming...

"A new race".....oh, that was sad. :( Everything mentally filed as Doubtful/Hogwash.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
02-07-2011, 02:05 AM
Bring back the Space Dwarves mwah ha ha haaaaaaa...

Well if it's reliable, that would be great for SoB players. I can't wait to spend a few more hundred on them again. And as for a possible DA upgrade, my mate will be so happy that day is announced.

02-07-2011, 03:58 AM
I think Tau would be a really easy one to pencil it in. Yes they need some attention to their rules in the 5th edition world (command and control node anyone?) but as far as the scope of the update it would be pretty much confined to writing and playtesting. The entire Tau model line is plastic except for the blisters, Vespids, and the Broadsides (partially). Also, all of their models still look good with the Vespids being the only painfully horrible models in the line. All they would need to do model-wise would be to make a kit or two for any new Auxiliaries or goodies in the new book and figure out a way to update/balance them. Much easier then the massive update of the Dark Eldar or even the update of the Blood Angels.

02-07-2011, 05:13 AM
I can pretty much say with certainty that Necrons are a way off just yet, although the last time I heard anything on them was last year.

Apparently they are getting the "Dark Eldar treatment", in other words a complete overhaul that they don't want to rush.

As I have stated before Sisters are meant to be a way off, although maybe not as far away as I initially thought as some of the betas are already done. Possibly Q1 2012?

However the new race rumour and the Tau I might be able to shed some light on, but again this is only from what I have gleaned through different sources, so is no more reliable than any other rumours.

Tau will be getting a revamp in Q4 2011. I had initially thought they were getting a new Codex but apparently it's just new models.

They will be getting plastic Pathfinders and plastic Vespid Stingwings, and apparently the Crisis and Battle Suit sets are getting a revisit. Some say they are getting a complete resculpt to bring them in line with the FW versions, but I think realistically they are just getting the weapon options added in plastic on a recut sprue.

The new race rumour probably comes from the fact that the Tau are apparently getting a new unit type, which is an unseen before new race along the lines of the Kroot or Vespid.

How this will work without a new Codex I am unsure, but most people generally feel it is just a new model release, but maybe there will be a White Dwarf entry for them?

And then there is also the Summer of Flyers release, and there is a strong feeling the Tau will be getting something for that. I had heard strong rumours of the Barracuda, but now I keep hearing Remora. I do hope it's the Barracuda though.

02-07-2011, 05:21 AM
Plastic Vespids without a redo of the codex would be a massive waste of ressources.

I can imagine how a new Tau unit type can have been mistaken for a new race/codex.

02-07-2011, 05:31 AM
I know what you mean, nobody use Vespids in my area, not because of the models but because of the rules.

I would have put money on a new Codex given the amount of plastics they are releasing (allegedly) but a very good source has said they are not getting a new Codex, just models which does seem a bit strange.

02-07-2011, 05:51 AM
The New race puts a lot of doubt on it to me.

Also if BT/DA are nearly done why would GW release a the FAQ/update for them? That seems silly to me

Tau stuff makes me happy, as does Eldar next year though. But with the rest of it I call a lot of bogus on this

02-07-2011, 07:46 AM
Eldar end of next year does NOT make me happy unless 6th edition is released summer 2012.

Once again Eldar will be the harbingers of doom for the edition they were released in and a year later, they're relegated to middle tier.

02-07-2011, 11:00 AM
Tau will be getting a revamp in Q4 2011. I had initially thought they were getting a new Codex but apparently it's just new models.....

....but I think realistically [XV8] are just getting the weapon options added in plastic on a recut sprue.

I don't think this is very believable. Firstly, much of the Tau Empire codex is built around Target Priority, a game mechanic that no longer exists. Heck, with RAW the Target Lock doesn't even allow you to split your fire because there is no Target Priority mechanic to pass. The LAST thing Tau needs are reworked models.

As for the XV8s all of their weapons are already plastic, as well as the two gun drones that come in the box. The only thing that could be improved is that they could give you two of each weapon option for twin-linking but that is asking a bit much from GW. 10 weapons, 4 support systems, and 2 Gun Drones all for a single model? Sounds far too generous for GW.

02-07-2011, 11:10 AM
The only way I can see this "new race" rumor panning out is either as Tau allies, or if it's a new Chaos Dwarf army book for Fantasy. It makes some sense considering the new Forgeworld chaos dwarf models.

I really hope Necrons are released in 2011. And I say that as a Tau and DA player - I'd much rather seen Necrons out this year than any other army, tbh.

02-07-2011, 11:20 AM
I will be the first to admit that 'crons need an update because they're 3e, their army pricing is totally screwed up as in overpriced, they have no decent anti-heavy vehicle units, and the model range has way too much metal in it and is ridiculously expensive to buy. For those reasons, I can see the necron reboot taking longer than normal. I expect the new codex to come out Q4 2011 at earliest, but more likely next year. I can wait if it gets a release like DE which I was extremely happy with. No rush job, please.

Morgan Darkstar
02-07-2011, 11:46 AM
Hmm Necrons i say its likley to be a october release but i could be wrong. :)

02-07-2011, 11:51 AM
For those reasons, I can see the necron reboot taking longer than normal

True, but we have no idea when work on Necrons was started. There have already been multiple rumors about the 'cron codex being pushed back. If work on the Necrons was started 2+ years ago, a release this year would by no means be a rush job.

02-07-2011, 11:57 AM
True, but we have no idea when work on Necrons was started. There have already been multiple rumors about the 'cron codex being pushed back. If work on the Necrons was started 2+ years ago, a release this year would by no means be a rush job.

How many years were we saying this about Dark Eldar? And how long did they take?

I don't even play Crons and I want them to get one before Tau. The balence of the game is just nicer with another army...

Morgan Darkstar
02-07-2011, 12:08 PM
It would also seem to make sense that they would get the last 3ed codex updated before a 4th ed. on a side note tau have had 2 codexes i think a third before necrons would be harsh lol.

02-07-2011, 12:41 PM
Everyone keeps saying the new race is doubtful, but since I started, a couple months before 3rd Edition they've added:

Sisters of Battle - 1997

Dark Eldar 1998

Necrons - 1998 (WD) / 2003 (codex)

Tau - 2001

It's been awhile, but they did it fairly prolifically once upon a time.

02-07-2011, 12:52 PM
taking a shot in the dark here, but I say it would make a lot of sense from a marketing perspective to release a new Black Templar codex shortly after the 40K MMO comes out (Assuming the Templars are as prominent in that game as the screenshots have led us to believe). So that would put the new codex sometime into 2012 or 2013...sadly.

02-07-2011, 01:44 PM
Don't think Black Templars are the SMs in the Dark Millennium MMO, unfortunately..

Obviously they and the Dark Angels will get updated eventually, but there's not really too much that can be done to differentiate them from vanilla marines past what they've had, it's more about balancing I'd say.
I mean, they already have some unique models and characters, but what can be done further without something LOOK-AT-ME BIG like the Stormraven for the Blood Angels?
I'd imagine Dark Angels getting some form of very-plasmaed Land Raider or Predator..

As far as Necrons go, I'm expecting them to crop up before Tau, we know there are plenty of rumours flying around, most of which are fairly bang on the money.
Necrons are easier to get out since there is less established background in their sole codex, meaning there are less toes you might tread on when adding/retconning.

Plus, whilst their look is fairly standardised, there is still a lot of room for change. Since Tomb Spiders are coming in plastic, there is also the option to change the look of the Destroyers too.
Think of how many different designs there have been for Juggernauts of Khorne? All of a similar style, but slowly and subtly refined.
This is how the Necrons will hopefully be handled.

Tau obviously have a very set style, and a fair amount of units, but where do you go without adding more non-Tau aliens?
The main rumour to come out for Tau is obviously that Crisis/Broadsides will be changed due to their snappable ankles, but past that?
Who knows..

02-07-2011, 04:08 PM
As far as Necrons go, I'm expecting them to crop up before Tau, we know there are plenty of rumours flying around, most of which are fairly bang on the money.

Hopefully the FNP nerf bat is not applied to We'll Be Back (WBB). Very-very lazy of Matt and the gang if that's the route they go.

02-07-2011, 06:37 PM
I'm not saying the Demiurg are coming but I would like to say that I had some very interesting emails back and forth regarding the squats. (I asked to show you but was asked specificly not to). Now at no time did they say they were working on them but they "surgested" that there was room for a squats return. (maybe room ment another race entirally who knows) but the point is I wouldn't write off a "new" race just yet.

Morgan Darkstar
02-07-2011, 07:47 PM
NO JUST NO lol :)

02-07-2011, 08:38 PM
Hopefully the FNP nerf bat is not applied to We'll Be Back (WBB). Very-very lazy of Matt and the gang if that's the route they go.

On the other hand, it would make things a lot easier, and would reduce the casualties they take during close combat. Not to hard to tweak, with a res orb too. The only thing you would have to change would be Monolith portal, which could keep the rules the way they are.

02-08-2011, 03:29 AM
It would also seem to make sense that they would get the last 3ed codex updated before a 4th ed. on a side note tau have had 2 codexes i think a third before necrons would be harsh lol.

How many marine codexes have there been in that time? GW doesn't care about fair, they go with the money...

Morgan Darkstar
02-08-2011, 05:26 AM
C,SM 4th ed Back Templars Dark Angels C,SM 5th ed Space Wolves and Blood Angels unless i am forgetting any

I still think necrons will get a release this year if not october then maybe december.

edit. although they dont generally have a release window in december do they.

Unzuul the Lascivious
02-08-2011, 10:15 AM
Please, not Squats. Just admit that they're best off as Dwarves in Fantasy and leave it at that. I wouldn't even want to play against them. This is because I am Dwarfist.

New race - Call it a wild (and hopeful) stab in the dark, but what about Mechanicum? I know they're generally Imperials, but how cool? Then they could bring out Dark Mechanicum codex in about three or four years. WORK ON IT GW! Seriously,if you have to have Squats, at least pop 'em in a Mechanicum codex...

Other than entirely making up a new set of Xenos (if I hear ONE word about Slaan or Zoats....), I can't see what else it would be.

Yay Summer of Fliers, Papa needs a Void Raven Bomber...!

02-08-2011, 11:05 AM
Don't think Black Templars are the SMs in the Dark Millennium MMO, unfortunately..



Nope, not Black Templars at all...

That said, I personally think the BT Codex is going to coincide with the release of the MMO, which makes me cry because that's like two years away...

02-08-2011, 01:29 PM
[That said, I personally think the BT Codex is going to coincide with the release of the MMO, which makes me cry because that's like two years away...

You just got an update that makes them as good (if not better) than BA in combat, and brought the restup to scratch.....

You don't need one as badly as others do :P

02-08-2011, 04:03 PM
Please, not Squats.

I would like to see a return of the squats. Not the fat viking biker dwarves but something reasonable.

In the old fluf the Squats were miners, engineers and craftsmen. I can see a new Squat race modeled as short thick muscular humans, but not fat. keep the beard but shorter. clothing would be heavy work suits with armor plates. Their understanding of technology, as opposed to the cult of the machine god, would be represented by a higher percentage of special/ heavy weapons per squad and greater use of carapace and power armor.

New race - Call it a wild (and hopeful) stab in the dark, but what about Mechanicum?

I would buy a Mechanicus army.

Other than entirely making up a new set of Xenos (if I hear ONE word about Slaan or Zoats....), I can't see what else it would be.

Ooohhh Space Slan!
Would have to be the skinny frogs like the old models, not the bloated Toad from WHFB

02-08-2011, 05:00 PM
You just got an update that makes them as good (if not better) than BA in combat, and brought the restup to scratch.....

Are you kidding me? Hate to break it to you, but there's no getting around Feel No Pain. Just because my Terminators got 3++ storm shields doesn't mean BT are "up to date." Now, if I had gotten real points adjustments (35 pt Rhinos, not buying grenades, etc) THEN we could say BT were up to scratch.

Have you ever even seen a Black Templar codex?

Granted, I'm not saying it's the worst codex in the world. It isn't. But it sure as hell isn't on par with BA and Space Puppies.

02-09-2011, 03:33 AM
No I havent' seen th codex...and i only know 2 BT players...and i've just been going off what they've said

Unzuul the Lascivious
02-09-2011, 04:35 AM
I would like to see a return of the squats. Not the fat viking biker dwarves but something reasonable.

In the old fluf the Squats were miners, engineers and craftsmen. I can see a new Squat race modeled as short thick muscular humans, but not fat. keep the beard but shorter. clothing would be heavy work suits with armor plates. Their understanding of technology, as opposed to the cult of the machine god, would be represented by a higher percentage of special/ heavy weapons per squad and greater use of carapace and power armor.

Ooohhh Space Slan!
Would have to be the skinny frogs like the old models, not the bloated Toad from WHFB
Re: Squats - meh.

Re: Slaan - they were supposed to be one of the oldest races known to the galaxy, pre-dating even Eldar. Somewhere I seem to remember them in Space attire - just can't think where it was now....
This isn't bad though

http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.thomaswoods.net/portfolio/color/slaanInfantry.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.thomaswoods.net/color2.html&usg=__EHwTPkU8pSrYoJcF-0Y2s7vW628=&h=704&w=522&sz=128&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=cuxmSdwxH4TWEM:&tbnh=161&tbnw=119&ei=jG1STZ7wPIy_gQeB5PmCCA&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dslaan%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D 643%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=449&vpy=238&dur=390&hovh=261&hovw=193&tx=128&ty=118&oei=XW1STeuxJ4WxtAbCqf3zBg&esq=18&page=1&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:

02-09-2011, 10:08 AM
Granted, I'm not saying it's the worst codex in the world. It isn't. But it sure as hell isn't on par with BA and Space Puppies.

Honestly, BT are better than BA in a tournament setting. At last year's Adepticon (before the update) there were plenty of BT players at the top tables, and one of those guys was playing for first. He made some play mistakes and got rolled over by a Chaos Space Marine army, though.

I bet you 5 internet points that you'll see more BT armies in the top 25 at adepticon than BA, and that's saying something when there are so many BA players and relatively few BT players.

BT are out of date but they're still very competitive.

02-10-2011, 04:10 PM
BTW I heard from a reliable source recently, that tau are later this year, With some nice new rules etc :).
Take it witha pinch of salt tho, 1st time ive heard rumours like this from them :)

02-10-2011, 06:46 PM
Hmmm... before everyone utterly discounts the new race rumour, consider that next couple of years ('12/13) could be edition 6 time. naturally, the box will have marines in it, but what "evil" race for them to fight?
Eldar? nope - they're good guys & they're getting a new codex next year
dark eldar - just been done
tau and necrons - just about to get a new codex too
tyranids & orks - just been done
chaos marines - that'd be two MEQ armies
chaos daemons - hmmm.... maybe but unlikely - they're too complicated for a starter set, and a little too contravesial for middle america
so that leaves a slot open for a new race in the running.
there definately are demiurge figures out there, or may be something new

02-11-2011, 11:52 AM
Hmmm... before everyone utterly discounts the new race rumour, consider that next couple of years ('12/13) could be edition 6 time. naturally, the box will have marines in it, but what "evil" race for them to fight?
Eldar? nope - they're good guys & they're getting a new codex next year
dark eldar - just been done
tau and necrons - just about to get a new codex too
tyranids & orks - just been done
chaos marines - that'd be two MEQ armies
chaos daemons - hmmm.... maybe but unlikely - they're too complicated for a starter set, and a little too contravesial for middle america
so that leaves a slot open for a new race in the running.
there definately are demiurge figures out there, or may be something new

They haven't included a new race in the box set since the DE were first released and unless I am much mistaken that is the only time that GW has included a new race in the box set for either 40K or warhammer, so this seems very unlikely. They current trend is to stick new models for existing troop types in (witness Black reach and Blood island).

Also Jervis stated in a standard bearer not that long ago that whilst they would love to do a new race, they simply have too much to do updating the current races and so there are no plans to do a new race for either system.

New aliens for Tau seems most likely (if there are any at all) as the last codex introduced the terribly-modelled Vespid. It will also allow them to address some of the imbalances, as the Vespid did (fast troops with marine-killing weapons)

Uncle Nutsy
02-12-2011, 02:34 AM
BTW I heard from a reliable source recently, that tau are later this year, With some nice new rules etc :).
Take it witha pinch of salt tho, 1st time ive heard rumours like this from them :)


02-12-2011, 03:00 AM
sadly such sources cannot be mentioned, while I myself think it a long shot, ill be happy if its true, my tau are waiting for a new book to brush off the dust.

02-12-2011, 03:28 AM
Are you kidding me? Hate to break it to you, but there's no getting around Feel No Pain. Just because my Terminators got 3++ storm shields doesn't mean BT are "up to date." Now, if I had gotten real points adjustments (35 pt Rhinos, not buying grenades, etc) THEN we could say BT were up to scratch.

Have you ever even seen a Black Templar codex?

Granted, I'm not saying it's the worst codex in the world. It isn't. But it sure as hell isn't on par with BA and Space Puppies.
Well GW has to live up to the Codex Creep trend. Void Puppies and Vampire Devils, will outmatched when the Granite Paladins hit the shelves soon. Look at the Bondage Elves and how they have completely outstripped their previous codexes killy power.

Imagine how nasty the Religous fanatic Teutonic Knights Templar - oh sorry GW, no copyright problems there, Black Templars LOL, will probably be twice as bad as they are now, and the costs will be evened out as per the usual codex updates have done.

Atleast your Army will be getting a new codex years before my favourite army gets one. Chaos Space marine will be last to get an update. Only shortly after Eldar do, So Grey Knights, Sisters of battle, Black Templars, Dark Angels, Necrons, and Tau will atleast be getting their updated codexes in the next 2 years.

Chaos Space Marines and Eldar should get their updates between 3 and 6 months before the 6th edition codex of 40K comes out, as usual.

02-12-2011, 03:55 AM
I think you are overstating things. The new Dark Eldar codex isn't much more killy than the old one was when it was first released, its just been brought in line with the current edition. Blood Angels and Space Wolves are powerful and easy to master, but they are hardly all-powerful. I for one haven't lost to Blood Angels yet with Eldar(or Dark Eldar) and have only lost once or twice against Space Wolves out of a couple of dozen games. The IG codex probably is slightly too powerful, but even against leafblower lists I have a 50/50 win ratio with Dark Eldar and 60/40 with Eldar.

The Grey Knights will be tough, no doubt, but so they ought to be. If you personally find them overpowered, you can simply refuse to play them.:)

02-12-2011, 05:40 AM
If you personally find them overpowered, you can simply refuse to play them.:)

:eek: Dont say things like that its hard enough to get people to game me as it is :(

Uncle Nutsy
02-13-2011, 10:45 PM
sadly such sources cannot be mentioned, while I myself think it a long shot, ill be happy if its true, my tau are waiting for a new book to brush off the dust.

see now that works against your case if you say your source can't be mentioned. If you made it vague enough so it can't be traced, I think I'd believe you. But for now I have to remain skeptical.

02-13-2011, 10:57 PM
You do realize that virtually no one reveals their source within 40k, for a wide variety of extremely good reasons. If he were to say "oh, I'm friends with bob and he let me look at his test copy of the new codex", then bob might not have a job for much longer. There's this thing called confidentiality.

Wait to see if the rumors are true, then attribute reliability to the source. There's no way to differentiate between who might be lying and who isn't lying, outside of historical accuracy.

02-14-2011, 04:40 AM
So Tomb Kings are now confirmed in for May

So thats;
March O&G
April GK
May TK
June - DE 2nd wave? Summer of Fliers?

Whats next?

02-14-2011, 02:37 PM
I would guess we can expect Tau in August if everything goes right and nothing slows production. Again that's just a guess but I'm going to have my money ready by then.

02-14-2011, 02:43 PM
I think you are overstating things. The new Dark Eldar codex isn't much more killy than the old one was when it was first released, its just been brought in line with the current edition. Blood Angels and Space Wolves are powerful and easy to master, but they are hardly all-powerful. I for one haven't lost to Blood Angels yet with Eldar(or Dark Eldar) and have only lost once or twice against Space Wolves out of a couple of dozen games. The IG codex probably is slightly too powerful, but even against leafblower lists I have a 50/50 win ratio with Dark Eldar and 60/40 with Eldar.

The Grey Knights will be tough, no doubt, but so they ought to be. If you personally find them overpowered, you can simply refuse to play them.:)

Oh my God it's nice to see some sanity when I'm lurking in these forums.

02-14-2011, 03:35 PM
5th Edition Fantasy introduced the Lizardmen. It also included Bretonnia, which had existed as an army before but they were completely rethought for that release.
If you think that's an overstatement, I have 3 Bretonnian Organ Guns to show you...

The problem with new races in the starter is that if the race tanks, so does your sales of the starter.

Autarch Eldrad
02-14-2011, 06:19 PM
I think tau, eldar, and dark eldar need their codexes up to date. Tau have one of the worst saves, besides orks. Eldar don't have the right strength or toughness to go up with the space marines. For a close combat, they are no where near the marines, plus marines just have to make a 3+ save or a 2+ invuln. Dark Eldar got messed up with the new rule book. They're heavies now get a +1 penalty on the damage table for being opened top. I would say that Dark eldar would be the next one then Tau and Eldar.

If the rumors are true about the new race, then I hope it is the "Old Ones." That would be cool to see them.

02-14-2011, 06:27 PM
Dark Eldar got messed up with the new rule book. They're heavies now get a +1 penalty on the damage table for being opened top. I would say that Dark eldar would be the next one then Tau and Eldar.

Dark Eldar just got a new codex in October...

No. Just no.

02-14-2011, 06:30 PM
I think tau, eldar, and dark eldar need their codexes up to date. Tau have one of the worst saves, besides orks. Eldar don't have the right strength or toughness to go up with the space marines. For a close combat, they are no where near the marines, plus marines just have to make a 3+ save or a 2+ invuln. Dark Eldar got messed up with the new rule book. They're heavies now get a +1 penalty on the damage table for being opened top. I would say that Dark eldar would be the next one then Tau and Eldar.

If the rumors are true about the new race, then I hope it is the "Old Ones." That would be cool to see them.

Tau don't really have that bad of a save 4+ is half for the FW and 3+ on the battlesuit then theres 4+ invulnerable save that's almost army wide with Shield drones and disruption pods. The kroot could use something in the saves department though.
And you really don't think that they are going to do anything with the BRAND SPANKING NEW Dark Eldar do you?

02-14-2011, 10:46 PM
No. Just no.

Yeah... I'm not sure what he was talking about...

02-15-2011, 01:01 AM
The new Dark Eldar codex is superb, one of the finest GW have ever produced. If the next Eldar codex is half as good I'll be, well, pretty damned dissapointed actually, it should be as good. Nothing wrong with DE. I mean even if you accept Mandrakes are underpowered thats one unit in the whole thing.

Uncle Nutsy
02-15-2011, 02:15 AM
You do realize that virtually no one reveals their source within 40k, for a wide variety of extremely good reasons. If he were to say "oh, I'm friends with bob and he let me look at his test copy of the new codex", then bob might not have a job for much longer. There's this thing called confidentiality.

nah, i'm not asking something like that. just a small tidbit to give a little weight behind the rumour is all. I"m just really really skeptical. :)

Wait to see if the rumors are true, then attribute reliability to the source. There's no way to differentiate between who might be lying and who isn't lying, outside of historical accuracy.

true enough. especially in this day and age.


mandrakes say one thing to me. "hey ratlings. we're gonna make your day hell now." :D

02-15-2011, 02:50 AM
I think tau, eldar, and dark eldar need their codexes up to date. Tau have one of the worst saves, besides orks. Eldar don't have the right strength or toughness to go up with the space marines. For a close combat, they are no where near the marines, plus marines just have to make a 3+ save or a 2+ invuln. Dark Eldar got messed up with the new rule book. They're heavies now get a +1 penalty on the damage table for being opened top. I would say that Dark eldar would be the next one then Tau and Eldar.

If the rumors are true about the new race, then I hope it is the "Old Ones." That would be cool to see them.

Please tell me you're trolling, else this is one of the most fail and pants-on-head retarded posts i've ever read.

The only thing in this entire post thats correct is Tau and Eldar wanting an update. Oh and DE skimmers being Open Topped

02-15-2011, 10:09 AM
Yeah, DE just got a brand new Codex and brand new line of models. They'll be fine for quite some time now. I mean, way to pick out 1 cloud in the DE sky: "their skimmers get +1 on the damage chart." Ignoring, of course, that they can put a Cover Save on all of those said skimmers fairly easily, and the fact that being Open-Topped gives you the advantages of being able to shoot out of it with all passengers, and Assault out of it. So yeah, Fast Skimmers that can shoot a crap-ton of Poison shots out of them. It's really annoying to those armies that rely on high Toughness, like Tyranids. DE are different I'll give you that, but it really was a very nicely written and nicely balanced Codex. One can't just like at Armor Saves in complete isolation and say that is the only factor in determining army balance.

02-15-2011, 01:42 PM
Yeah, If history teaches us anything, the DE are good for another 12-14 years. :rolleyes:

02-17-2011, 11:48 PM
EDIT: missed that someone already responded to the comment I was looking at.

Cheers, Gary

02-17-2011, 11:53 PM
Yeah, If history teaches us anything, the DE are good for another 12-14 years. :rolleyes:

12-14? Please, with the Codex and models they just got, DE are good for like 20 years! :p

02-18-2011, 04:36 AM
The "new" race is a orange ape like spices not unlike the oranatuns of acient terra. I kid you not, orange monkeys that improve rolls for a GK inquisitor.......what a jip!:rolleyes:

02-18-2011, 04:40 AM
Not much of a rumour, and it remains to be seen how informed GW customer service are of future releases, but:

A friend of mine tried to order a couple Exorcists from GW US. The order went through, but when everything shipped they were marked no longer available.

He sent a long email complaining to Customer Service that he bought over $300 in models, but he couldn't use them. They wrote back and said there is a good chance that the army would be redone after April when the Grey Knights are released.

Not sure how reliable this is, but I saw the email.

02-18-2011, 07:45 AM
'After April' is kind of a vague timetable.

My vote goes to the tau also, if the necron push back to 2012 rumours are true.

Then you'd have Tau, Sisters & Necrons updated late 5E and Eldar and CSM saved for early 6E.

02-18-2011, 07:49 AM
Yup, like I said its not much of a rumour, only posted it because we have also had rumours that GW is ramping up its release schedule for this year at least, WFB is getting three army books (Ogre Kingdoms later in the year according to Harry) so if the same happens for 40k we may see Grey Knights, Tau, Sisters of Battle.

03-06-2011, 09:36 AM
hi guys havent posted for a while.

so in my opinion(which some will hate) id like to see a salamanders codex, as much as ppl would hate the idea id love it or at least a upgrade pack for them.

anyhow i reckon 'crons need updating bad, had a flick through the codex as i thought about starting a 'cron army but because the rules i decided against it. SoB need updating imo and then tau need an update.

but thats just my opinion

03-06-2011, 02:43 PM
Tau and SoB will not be getting 5th edition codicies.

03-06-2011, 03:35 PM
hi guys havent posted for a while.

so in my opinion(which some will hate) id like to see a salamanders codex, as much as ppl would hate the idea id love it or at least a upgrade pack for them.

anyhow i reckon 'crons need updating bad, had a flick through the codex as i thought about starting a 'cron army but because the rules i decided against it. SoB need updating imo and then tau need an update.

but thats just my opinion

I have a Salamanders army, and there is absolutely no need for a stand alone codex. None at all.

03-06-2011, 04:20 PM
I have a Salamanders army, and there is absolutely no need for a stand alone codex. None at all.


I have a counts-as army for my own Marine chapter (the Knights of the Ardent Flame), who really are quite a lot like Salamanders. I have no problems at all representing them on the tabletop with the vanilla Marine codex.

Also, what's this nonsense up there about Tau and SoB not getting a 5th 'dex? Why not?
I think I recall on more than one occasion quotes attributed to GW employees mentioning something along the line of all the codices being brought up to 5th edition before 6th is going to come out.

03-06-2011, 04:33 PM
Well, you may be right of course, but that flies in the face of what the reliable rumourmongers have been saying for quite some time, that SoB are due within 12-18 months. Of course Stickmonkey had 6thed coming in Q2 2012 or so, so who knows.:rolleyes: I can't imagine SoB getting one of thefirst 6th ed codices.

Tau and SoB will not be getting 5th edition codicies.

Morgan Darkstar
03-06-2011, 04:46 PM
Tau and SoB will not be getting 5th edition codicies.

is that because a little bird told me?

what evidence do you have to back this up? or is it just wishful thinking? :)

03-06-2011, 05:09 PM
I think I recall on more than one occasion quotes attributed to GW employees mentioning something along the line of all the codices being brought up to 5th edition before 6th is going to come out.

This is true, but it does not mean that all armies will be getting a new codex before 6th ed is released.

03-06-2011, 06:07 PM
Well, you may be right of course, but that flies in the face of what the reliable rumourmongers have been saying for quite some time, that SoB are due within 12-18 months. Of course Stickmonkey had 6thed coming in Q2 2012 or so, so who knows.:rolleyes: I can't imagine SoB getting one of thefirst 6th ed codices.

Or maybe SoB will be one of the last 5th ed codices, while Black Templar or something will be the first 6th ed codex shortly after.

03-06-2011, 11:16 PM
This is may be of interest:

May be my last post for a while as I'm heading to the jungle for a few months...and I'm unsure if I'll have even electricity in the village right now...

Anyhow, looking forward at 40k, I'm going to put down my forecast for 40k codex releases. May or may not be accurate, but its a best guess based on what bits I know...or think I know.

Nov/Q4 - DE
Jan/Q1 - GK (may be as late as March)
Late spring/Q2 - Necrons
Early Fall/Q3 - Witch hunters or Black Templar
Late Fall/Q4 - Tau
Early Spring/Q1 - Black Templar or Witch hunters
Late Spring/Summer/Q2 - 40k 6E
Early Fall/Q3 - 40k Box Set Eldar Vs ??? (plastic aspect warriors?)
Late Fall/Q4 - Eldar
Early Spring/Q1 - Dark Angels
Late Spring/Q2 - Chaos SM
Fall/Q3+ - vanilla SM

I know I'm going way far out, and anything beyond 2011 is going purely into speculation, but I've had conversations that seem to support some of this so time will tell.

Wish me luck and much bug spray and Skink/Kroxigor repellant.

others have backed up his assertions re the 2011 release schedule, though things to change of course. Bear in mind this was posted in late August, long before GK had been announced or major Necron rumours started appearing.

03-07-2011, 03:18 AM
Beingt old the timelines off, so push everything back by one period (eg Necrons say late spring, thats GK's now)

But can hope...

03-07-2011, 06:16 AM
gazing into my crystal ball i forsee crisis battlesuits in boxes of three with commander upgrades included on newly cut sprues a la killer kans and juggernauts.

03-07-2011, 09:43 AM
If Eldar are the first army after 6th ed and Sisters shortly before, I'm happy. I play Grey Knights, Sisters and Eldar:D.

03-07-2011, 10:00 AM
If Eldar are the first army after 6th ed and Sisters shortly before, I'm happy. I play Grey Knights, Sisters and Eldar:D.

This does not bode well for pointy-eared power gamers. The first armies out of the game of a new edition are typically benign on the power scale as the ruleset is still being fleshed out.

03-07-2011, 10:18 AM
I really care if the SoB are the first on the list and thus the lowest level in power again I just want new plastic models a unit that actually represents celestians that would be nice other than that I'm happy with what I got so long as the rhino price tag drops and the immolator becomes alittle more useful.

03-07-2011, 03:41 PM
I had heard that GW was actually dedicated to putting out a Codex for every army in 5th ed before moving on to 6th ed. And isn't the first Codex after an edition always C:SM?

03-07-2011, 08:09 PM
Will these new codicies be hard cover? I was shocked to learn that the new codex or what ever they call it in Fantasy, the Ork book is in Hard Cover and charging $10 more now because of it. So it's almost $40-$50 bucks now.

03-07-2011, 09:13 PM
This does not bode well for pointy-eared power gamers. The first armies out of the game of a new edition are typically benign on the power scale as the ruleset is still being fleshed out.

So, this explains why Space Marines, Space Wolves and Imperial Guard do so poorly in tournaments right :D ? Besides, its the books that are released right before a new release that always get hosed, like Dark Angels and Demons, etc..

03-07-2011, 10:52 PM
Daemons are kinda a special case, as they're a brand new army with a completely unique and different playstyle. It's not surprising they ended up... "balanced", since GW doesn't do enough playtesting to know quite how such an unusual army will perform on the table.

03-08-2011, 03:02 AM
Self censored

03-08-2011, 09:09 AM
Will these new codicies be hard cover? I was shocked to learn that the new codex or what ever they call it in Fantasy, the Ork book is in Hard Cover and charging $10 more now because of it. So it's almost $40-$50 bucks now.
I agree - I was not impressed to hear about this one. Going Hard-Cover only is a slap in the face. And too late.

Especially at a time when people are pushing for "Electronic Copies" to cut down on paper, etc. More people are getting ready to move away from hardcopies. I would think, if anything, GW should be preparing to go the Electronic Media route.

Who knows? If they priced fairly, maybe people would buy their electronic copies legally. As a former tournament organizer, I would be interested. I would NOT buy an Army book or Codex for every force if it's going to be Hardcover.

03-08-2011, 09:32 AM
I agree - I was not impressed to hear about this one. Going Hard-Cover only is a slap in the face. And too late.

Especially at a time when people are pushing for "Electronic Copies" to cut down on paper, etc. More people are getting ready to move away from hardcopies. I would think, if anything, GW should be preparing to go the Electronic Media route.

Who knows? If they priced fairly, maybe people would buy their electronic copies legally. As a former tournament organizer, I would be interested. I would NOT buy an Army book or Codex for every force if it's going to be Hardcover.

I would pay an extra $10-$20 for a quality codex that wont fall apart after a month of use. Although like you I wouldn't have all the (codices?)

I doubt they would go electronic with it because then it's just to easy to download it for free off the internet. I would love it because that's how I would get them. Sorry GamesWorkshop but I already pay out the butt for your stuff and any way I can get something you make on the cheap or for free I'm going to do it, but I will pay for quality if that is the only way I can get it.

03-08-2011, 09:35 AM
they charge enough for their minis, codices SHOULD be downloadable for free...

03-08-2011, 09:39 AM
they charge enough for their minis, codices SHOULD be downloadable for free...

lol. Yeah they SHOULD.

03-08-2011, 11:54 AM
It would make some sense for GW to release a hardcover codex for $45-50 (comes with a free PDF). Or you can buy the PDF alone for $10, kind of like how Paizo does their releases.

All of the codices are available online, regardless of what GW does. They may as well try to make some money off of it by releasing official PDFs. Plus, then they can include errata or fix errors by updating the PDF.

03-08-2011, 01:08 PM
GW strikes me as the kind of slow-to-change company that will fight that as long as possible - like the music industry.

Ghost of War
03-08-2011, 01:13 PM
How does this have to do with rumors for the various listed races in this topic? Game costs money.. more and more. We play it, or we dont. Since we are reading this thread - I assume we are playing it.

Lets talk Necrons :D

Tomb Spyders - go.

03-08-2011, 01:24 PM
Well I had heard that Necron Tomb Spyders were getting a new sculpt is that what you want to talk about? Has anyone else heard this?

Morgan Darkstar
03-08-2011, 01:31 PM
Tomb Spyders - go.

Go.... go where? west maybe :p

Ghost of War
03-08-2011, 02:40 PM
I wanna know what effect the repair MCs have on the army.

03-08-2011, 03:19 PM
I wanna know what effect the repair MCs have on the army.

That is how the necrons keep wbb.

03-08-2011, 03:26 PM
I agree - I was not impressed to hear about this one. Going Hard-Cover only is a slap in the face. And too late.

Especially at a time when people are pushing for "Electronic Copies" to cut down on paper, etc. More people are getting ready to move away from hardcopies. I would think, if anything, GW should be preparing to go the Electronic Media route.

Who knows? If they priced fairly, maybe people would buy their electronic copies legally. As a former tournament organizer, I would be interested. I would NOT buy an Army book or Codex for every force if it's going to be Hardcover.

To be honest, I kind of like the new format for the army books, full colour and just looks and feels great, An electronic downloadable one would be nice especially when playing away from home, However for me nothing beats flicking though my codex or army book whilst mrs deadlift insists on watching e news or americas next top bimbo. :rolleyes:

03-12-2011, 05:55 PM
Here is a thought, codex Sisters of Battle 2ed was the last codex before 3rd edition coming out just a few months after it's release. Codex Witch Hunters was the last codex before 4th edition being released a few months earlier. If stickmonkeys prediction is correct then Sisters of Battle (yes, it will be the rebirth of codex Sisters of Battle because there is no way it would be called Witch Hunters when those are now in C:GK) will be the last codex before 6ed.

This has been the way of GW for the past 15 years or such and we all know GW doesn't change...

As for starter armies I would love to see Sisters of Battle vs Necrons but I doubt it would happen.