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View Full Version : 200pt DE Kill Team lists.

Uncle Nutsy
02-06-2011, 09:54 PM
I'm trying to put together a 200pt DE kill team list for an upcoming KT tourney and I'm just wondering what to go with.

I have a few potential lists here and I'm looking for some feedback.

3 'tesques (eternal warrior)
5 hellions, helliarch, power weapon (furious charge)

raider with nightshields (infiltrate)
10 trueborn, splinter cannon (relentless)

raider with nightshields (infiltrate)
6 hellions, helliarch, agonizer (furious charge)

7 incubi
klaivex, demiklaive (furious charge)

02-07-2011, 01:58 AM
Whatever can deal with 5 TH/SS Terminators and/or Melta Veterans. Expect to see those two spam lists often, oh and Thunderwolf Cavalry.

02-07-2011, 02:56 AM
my 200 point GK list:
Grandmaster- 145
Master-crafted-weapon 15
Psychic Hood 20
Unguents of Warding 10
Psychic power- Word of the Emperor 10

it's a one man wrecking crew...:cool:

the raider with 6 hellions sounds the nasty'est out of the 3, imo.

02-07-2011, 04:05 AM
my 200 point GK list:
Grandmaster- 145
Master-crafted-weapon 15
Psychic Hood 20
Unguents of Warding 10
Psychic power- Word of the Emperor 10

it's a one man wrecking crew...:cool:

the raider with 6 hellions sounds the nasty'est out of the 3, imo.

As neat as it would be to see a single model in god-mode rampaging around a 2' x 2' table, Kill Team doesn't allow for HQ choices. It is Elite 0-1, Troop 0-2, Fast Attack 0-1.

02-07-2011, 09:14 AM
my 200 point GK list:
Grandmaster- 145
Master-crafted-weapon 15
Psychic Hood 20
Unguents of Warding 10
Psychic power- Word of the Emperor 10

it's a one man wrecking crew...:cool:

the raider with 6 hellions sounds the nasty'est out of the 3, imo.

No HQ in Kill Teams.

What I did with my orks was just 22 (or so) shoota boyz with a Nob. worked out pretty OK.

02-07-2011, 11:53 AM
yeah if you are playing in a tourney or something, but I dont see anything wrong with a 200 pt Kill team game with anything you want in there if playing amongst friends.

we usually do 500 pts, no armor above 12 in our kill team games.

02-07-2011, 01:34 PM
Of course in a friendly game you can do any agreed upon modifications you wish, but allowing other force charts into a 200 point Kill Team game throws off the already weak and perhaps lacking balance that the game type has. HQ choices are pricey and extremely powerful for their points so allowing the slot would likely result in many single-model Kill Team forces. This means that the player circumvents the victory condition of half-strength morale checks and has a super-powered model against a lot of regular infantry.

My big question with Kill Team has always been about vehicles/walkers. Per the Battle Missions Kill Team rules, a Marine player could take a single Venerable Dreadnought or Land Speeder Squadron, but how does that work for the half-strength morale checks? Vehicles never take morale checks so is it assumed that once half of the models on the table are gone and there isn't a living model with Ld then the force turns heel and books it?

02-07-2011, 03:38 PM
You want two solid units that put out a LOT of shots. Given your options, my recommendation would be:

Trueborn (1 squad) (elites)
Venom w/ extra splinter cannon and Nightshields
3 Trueborn w/ blasters
2 Trueborn w/ splinter cannon

A few things about this killteam:

Deployment and special rules are going to be very important here. You need to make your splinter cannons capable of hitting pretty much everything on the board and only exposing those blasters to fire when they absolutely have to be. I'd give both Cannons relentless if possible (the easiest way to do this is to give one relentless and the other Slow and Powerful).

Every turn you will be firing 24 splinter shots and 3 blasters. You also have the benefit of a fast, open-topped transport to bring you in range of enemy armor. I would heavily abuse the splitting-fire ability to really start taking down the opposition quickly.

Uncle Nutsy
02-07-2011, 08:09 PM
It would be awesome to give more than one model relentless, but I can only pick one model to use with that.

how does that work for the half-strength morale checks
Vehicles usually have an assumed leadership of ten.

Whatever can deal with 5 TH/SS Terminators and/or Melta Veterans.

I overheard that someone will be bringing two squads of vets into the fray.

so yeah. I want to be able to absolutely raze other armies. Tau, IG and nids are going to be showing up. So i'm still undecided wether or not to bury them in shots or lock them in CC.

02-07-2011, 11:57 PM
It would be awesome to give more than one model relentless, but I can only pick one model to use with that.

As cactus pointed out, give one model Relentless and the other Slow and Purposeful. Models with Slow and Purposeful also benefit from Relentless.

02-08-2011, 01:19 AM
NEVER try CC in killteams unless you know that you severely outnumber your enemy. And I mean by like 3 to 1 or better. You cannot multi-assault in KT because of the Every Man for Himself rule. Because of this, your models will almost always either chew straight through your opponent (leaving them exposed to return fire) or die embarassingly to a lucky guardsman, leaving him and the rest to open fire on those still footslogging it around the board.

Uncle Nutsy
02-09-2011, 11:59 PM
hmm. much as I'd love to have a venom, I don't really see it happening. Mainly because the model won't be available before the tourney.

so maybe trueborn and a raider?

Uncle Nutsy
03-07-2011, 08:40 PM
Tried it out and it turned out to be a pretty brutal combo. If the dissie didn't take out a model, the balls-to-the-wall speed with chainflails made sure they didn't get back up again.

"hey there tyranid warrior! you go splat now."

"hey there DeathLeaper! you get turned into goo now."