View Full Version : My Stormraven Oddessy

Chris Copeland
02-06-2011, 05:09 PM
The kind folks at my LGS asked me to paint up this Stormraven model for display in the store. I had 13 days between the day I get the model and the day of a big event at the store to get it done... feverish modeling and painting ensued! Check it out at: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2072491&id=1318955238&l=34bb70099b

I'm really happy with the final result. I will definitely be picking up one or two more of these... and apply the lessons I learned whilst painting this one...

Any feedback or comments are welcome... cheers! Chris

02-06-2011, 08:39 PM
Chirs, looks good. Just curious about the assault ramp?

Chris Copeland
02-06-2011, 09:13 PM
The fore assault ramp is great. It is nicely articulated. The aft assault ramp isn't very good... it isn't securely attached to the hull. I finally just glued the aft assault ramp into place to save myself the hassle of it falling off anytime anyone opened it...

02-06-2011, 09:31 PM
I was actually wondering why the front assault ramp was inside out?

Chris Copeland
02-06-2011, 10:14 PM
Hmmmm.... I didn't notice that. Ah well, that is the danger of assembling something without instructions, I guess. That will have to go in the "Oh well" column...

Now I have to consider: is this a big enough deal that I should worry about it? It I turn that ramp around I think I'll have to glue it shut in place as it would be too big of a hassle to do otherwise... the other option is to leave it as it is and hope that 99% won't notice...

Thanks for pointing that out. Cheers.

02-06-2011, 11:39 PM
Nice work, though some of the transfers are still showing reflection... Probably easier to get a pen and write the words on. I like the freehand work, I always appreciate freehand.


02-06-2011, 11:42 PM
Hmmmm.... I didn't notice that. Ah well, that is the danger of assembling something without instructions, I guess. That will have to go in the "Oh well" column...

Now I have to consider: is this a big enough deal that I should worry about it? It I turn that ramp around I think I'll have to glue it shut in place as it would be too big of a hassle to do otherwise... the other option is to leave it as it is and hope that 99% won't notice...

Thanks for pointing that out. Cheers.

Sorry, thought it may have been a conscious decision. It still looks good.

02-06-2011, 11:43 PM
How did you get the crisp caution stripes on the back of the air dam? Even using guides I rarely get such straight crisp lines.

02-07-2011, 02:51 AM
Wow, that's an awesome paintjob! Nice work on the freehand designs! =O

02-07-2011, 05:07 AM
That is magnificient, well done! Love the winged chalice.

Just to point out though, its 'odyssey'.:p

Mycroft Holmes
02-07-2011, 11:00 AM
How did you get the crisp caution stripes on the back of the air dam? Even using guides I rarely get such straight crisp lines.

That's a decal. I think they're on the IG tank decal sheet. I've used them on my Drop Pods. They're delicate because they're so large, but they look great once in place.


Chris Copeland
02-07-2011, 11:14 AM
The black and yellow stripes on the smokestack are from the Space Marine Vehicle Transfer Sheet... it's a water-slide transfer (decal).

Thanks for all the compliments, friends!

PS I am mortified that I misspelled "odyssey."