View Full Version : Penal Legion Company Apoc Datasheet

02-05-2011, 08:39 PM
Here is another Apocalypse datasheet I've done up.


What do y'all think?

02-05-2011, 09:19 PM
Sounds like a fun and quite balanced sheet, i'd allow it, but then again, i'd just use an orbital bombardment on it

02-05-2011, 09:59 PM
It's the tarpit to end all tarpits. Perhaps instead of having the choice to combine all squads into one unit, it could be any and all squads into one or more combined units like the regular infantry platoons? Also, it might be interesting to have a squad or two of Veterans armed with shotguns riding herd on them to represent prison guards.

02-06-2011, 03:20 AM
Looks good, but dice math says that far more often than not you are going to get psychopaths. The math says you have a 50-50 chance of getting that particular option, and that's before you add in the "choose any option" roll of a 12. you have a 25% chance of the other two.

But hey, maybe that's what you intended.

A suggestion to make it more balanced though:

Roll d6.
On a 1, the unit takes 2d6 + X wounds as the handlers try to gain control of the mob, where X is the number of startng units in the formation plus the number of commissars included in the formation. It also does not develop any traits for the duration of the game. Armor saves may be taken as normal, cover/invul saves may not.

On a roll of 2 the squad is too unwieldy, and the unit only has the Outflank special rule. It does not get the special additional rules Psychopaths, Gunslingers, of Knife Fighters.

On a 3-5, the unit gets the PP, KF, or GS powers as described in the codex.

On a 12 the unit may choose each turn which of the three traits it wishes, as the entire unit does its best to earn freedom!

So there's a 2/3 chance of success, a 1/3 chance of failure and a 1/6 chance of extreme failure or success. I'm guessing this is more like what you intended for the unit, right?

02-06-2011, 04:09 AM
I think you have forgotten the usual rule of "the units must deploy within 12" of 'something'" if you know what I mean...

02-06-2011, 08:36 AM
I'd make a couple of changes:

1-- remove 3d6 Penal Legionnaires and d3 Commissars--- lets face it, the imperium is ruthless, and so are the Legionnaires
2-- remove 2d6 Penal Legionaires riots, but none of the officers are hurt!

standard chart.
the scouts and stubborn--- penal legionnaires already come with those, why are you taking them away?
11 - Furious Charge Plus a one of the penal choices
12 - Move Through Cover and one of the penal choices.

By the way--- there is no freedom... just mercy from the Emperor.

02-06-2011, 08:23 PM
Played the company in a 7.5k game today.
120 man unit got devastated by an enemy strategic asset: Ambush.
Out of 120, 64 got blown away by the asset. Of those that lived, I tried to do too much with them and got spread too thin. It was fun to play and very Penal Legion like though.

02-06-2011, 10:03 PM
bwhahah! Sounds like the suicide squad did what they should have done! Die!

Its their fault, though. They did defy the Emperor!

heretic marine
02-13-2011, 10:44 PM
nice solid thing