View Full Version : Nightspinner and necrons, when to take dang. terrain test

02-05-2011, 05:26 PM
Okay just a quick question, if I hit a squad of warriors with a night spinner, then on his turn he pulls them through a monolith, when would he take the dangerous terrain test for movement? Before he pulls through, after he pulls through and takes the extra WBB from the monolith, or only if he moves after he gets pulled through, potentially not taking a test at all?

Remember army codexes overwrite BRB rules, ie the errata that states you do not take dang. Tests when deploying out of a tank.

Any I sight would help a lot. :)

02-05-2011, 05:45 PM
Correct me if Im wrong, but the monolith portal removes models from the table, and the nighspinner says next time they move?

If so, it would happen when they exit the portal. The do not move when they are removed, and the token is not removed because of this. They then disembark, moving, and then take the test.

Just my thought.

02-05-2011, 06:52 PM
They would take the tests as they disembark the monalith as long as they havnt already moved to get within the 18" of the portal