View Full Version : Will GW redo Chaos Dreadnoughts?

Mike X
02-05-2011, 02:59 AM
With the recent overflow of new loyalist Dreadnoughts (and even Ork walkers!), I can't help but look at the old, metal, ugly as sin Chaos Dreadnought with the "rake of doom" arm. Any word on whether they're redesigning them?

02-05-2011, 03:08 AM
Absolutely - but I wouldn't hold your breath. I imagine it will coincide with a new CSM codex so you won't see anything for another couple of years.

The current "Crazed" rule makes them a bad choice but if you insist on a new one go forgeworld in the mean time.

02-05-2011, 03:12 AM
GW have expressed their intention to replace all metal kits, except characters and some elites, with plastic kits so I'd say it is certain to happen. But as Mysterex says, not for a while.

Mike X
02-05-2011, 03:52 AM
Considering their numerous loyalist variations lately, I can't imagine it being very difficult for them to do a Chaos one. I'm amazed they haven't switched to a newer model yet, even with the "Crazed" rule.

The West Coast Knight
02-05-2011, 10:31 AM
GW have expressed their intention to replace all metal kits, except characters and some elites, with plastic kits so I'd say it is certain to happen. But as Mysterex says, not for a while.

I do not think GW has ever said they will stop making metal models that just will not happen
Only things which will sell in larger volume go into plastic kits and as one of the highest volume modesl in the FW range being Chaos Dreds I think you will not see them mess with those sales.
Just do yourself a favor and get a FW Dread it is almost the same amount of money as the metal one anyways.

02-05-2011, 12:00 PM
Absolutely - but I wouldn't hold your breath. I imagine it will coincide with a new CSM codex so you won't see anything for another couple of years.

The current "Crazed" rule makes them a bad choice but if you insist on a new one go forgeworld in the mean time.

The forge world ones coast less then that metal brick to boot!

02-05-2011, 12:29 PM
I do not think GW has ever said they will stop making metal models that just will not happen
Only things which will sell in larger volume go into plastic kits and as one of the highest volume modesl in the FW range being Chaos Dreds I think you will not see them mess with those sales.
Just do yourself a favor and get a FW Dread it is almost the same amount of money as the metal one anyways.

Look at every single codex that has been released in the last few years. The only metal models are characters and certain elites. Everything else is plastic, just like Eldargal said.

02-05-2011, 02:11 PM
Hey I like that metal brick - kinda... well for memories sakes. It's one of the oldest non-special character kits that GW still sells. It's up there in age with that Space Wolf Dread that they're calling Bojn, Khrone Bezerkers, and the handful of other pre 3rd edition kits.

What do you think GW is going to do with the Chaos Dread rules wise? I mean C: SM got the Iron Clad, the Venerable Dread and the Drop Pod to put it in. Blood Angels got the Liberian Dread, the Furioso, the Death Company Dread and the Storm Raven Gunship to carry it. Are we going to see Marked Chaos Dreads? Like Nurlge giving AV 13, Tzeentch giving Venerable, Slaanesh giving I5 and fleet, and Khrone giving extra attacks and furious charge... or the ability to take Veteran Skills... or some crazy new dreads?

02-05-2011, 02:48 PM
i wish they *** possesion to dreads that would come in handy but i like new ba dreads make some good cc dreads conversion

The West Coast Knight
02-05-2011, 03:37 PM
Look at every single codex that has been released in the last few years. The only metal models are characters and certain elites. Everything else is plastic, just like Eldargal said.

Actually Eldar girl mentioned an intention to replace all metal kits with plastic ones and thats just not true.
Some stuff will always be metal.

02-05-2011, 05:06 PM
I do not think GW has ever said they will stop making metal models that just will not happen
Only things which will sell in larger volume go into plastic kits and as one of the highest volume modesl in the FW range being Chaos Dreds I think you will not see them mess with those sales.
Just do yourself a favor and get a FW Dread it is almost the same amount of money as the metal one anyways.

Eldargal said quite clearly "except characters and some elites". Plastic models are getting cheaper to produce; GW are converting more and more things to plastic. There will always be some metal characters and elites, but most things will be plastic. Eventually.

Also, the idea that because FW sell lots of something GW won't make it is rather mad. It's normally the other way round- GW use FW to see what would sell well, and then they make plastic versions. Look at the Piranha, the Valkyrie, the Drop Pod...

02-06-2011, 03:19 AM
Actually Eldar girl mentioned an intention to replace all metal kits with plastic ones and thats just not true.
Some stuff will always be metal.

*sigh* Read it again... >_>

What Eldargal posted: "GW have expressed their intention to replace all metal kits, except characters and some elites, with plastic kits so I'd say it is certain to happen. But as Mysterex says, not for a while."

02-06-2011, 05:28 AM
No I didn't, I said, as has already been pointed out, that they intend to replace all kits 'except characters and some elites'. I emphasise intention because just because they intend to do it does not mean it will happen. There may well be some Troops or Fast Attack which stay metal. But no vehicles will, far too expensive to produce in metal.

Actually Eldar girl mentioned an intention to replace all metal kits with plastic ones and thats just not true.
Some stuff will always be metal.

02-06-2011, 07:54 AM
No I didn't, I said, as has already been pointed out, that they intend to replace all kits 'except characters and some elites'. I emphasise intention because just because they intend to do it does not mean it will happen. There may well be some Troops or Fast Attack which stay metal. But no vehicles will, far too expensive to produce in metal.


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02-06-2011, 03:53 PM
Tbh I love "crazed" rure on them, its make them unique, but yes I fell like we are 100years behind cave man with only one dred type.

02-06-2011, 03:56 PM
With the recent overflow of new loyalist Dreadnoughts (and even Ork walkers!), I can't help but look at the old, metal, ugly as sin Chaos Dreadnought with the "rake of doom" arm. Any word on whether they're redesigning them?

No GW won't. Never. You are stuck with the metal Dreadnought model forever. FOREVER.

02-07-2011, 11:57 AM
Hey I like that metal brick - kinda... well for memories sakes. It's one of the oldest non-special character kits that GW still sells. It's up there in age with that Space Wolf Dread that they're calling Bojn, Khrone Bezerkers, and the handful of other pre 3rd edition kits.

What do you think GW is going to do with the Chaos Dread rules wise? I mean C: SM got the Iron Clad, the Venerable Dread and the Drop Pod to put it in. Blood Angels got the Liberian Dread, the Furioso, the Death Company Dread and the Storm Raven Gunship to carry it. Are we going to see Marked Chaos Dreads? Like Nurlge giving AV 13, Tzeentch giving Venerable, Slaanesh giving I5 and fleet, and Khrone giving extra attacks and furious charge... or the ability to take Veteran Skills... or some crazy new dreads?

Mmmmm yes please, and a named Dreadnought!

Id say for Tzeentch, give the dread 5+ invulnerable save, Furious Charge for Khorne, av 13/13/10 for Nurgle and higher Init for Slaanesh.

02-07-2011, 03:56 PM
The forge world ones coast less then that metal brick to boot!

I just realized that because of the exchange rate forge world dreads are actually cheeper than plastic dreads from GW!!!!!!:eek:
At least here in Denmark:D

02-07-2011, 04:15 PM
With so many bitz out there and the different looks of all the plastic kits out there I have seen some really awesome conversions.Go get a new Blood Angels dread, use the Death Company front plate, scrape off the Imperial symbols and glue on a few Chaos stars and hang a load of skulls on it and you have a Chaos dread. You will feel more proud of what you have made and converted versus GW making one that everyone has. Good luck.

02-07-2011, 08:29 PM
I just realized that because of the exchange rate forge world dreads are actually cheeper than plastic dreads from GW!!!!!!:eek:
At least here in Denmark:D

They're cheaper because you get less options. My buddy dropped $85 US on a Chaplain* dread with three arms and a scenic base. When you actually factor in the weapon options, they get cheaper.

*Yes, the chap dread is more expensive but infused with more awesome.

02-11-2011, 11:23 AM
Imperial Dreadnooughts are one of the Space Marine Ranges best sellers so to say that when the next codex comes round that it won't be updated is foolhardyness. The last time round there were a lot of models that needed updating such as the terminators which were from the same era and with GW only producing so many kits poor old metal dread wasn't retired. This is okay as the FW dreads are awesome and offer you more choice than a plastic kit could. Any plastic kit would allow you to build a generic dreadnought and not a legion specific one.

I would hope that the next codex would be more varied and exciting with rules that allow your imagination to become invested in the model range as it used to be. That way a chaos dread would have more options beyond various weapon fits that would allow GW to go to town on the dread plastic update. ;)

02-11-2011, 11:34 AM
Considering that Chaos Space Marines are one of the "iconic" armies of the game, I will not be surprised if we get a new plastic dread, or at the very least a revision of the "Crazed" rule.

Mm, every time I think of a new CSM codex I begin to salivate uncontrollably. Games-Workshop has a history of overdoing things to make up for mistakes to cover up that they ever happened in the first place...oh man. I can't wait.