View Full Version : help about IG painting theme, and conversion/tournament questions

02-04-2011, 11:51 PM
Hey guys,

so i'm starting this IG army, and I was thinking about using my favorite color template: White and Gold. Ok, won't be really camo, except in... well, won't be camo :p

Thing is, if I really paint them white and gold, like by using Dwarf Bronze or something, they will look really bling, and I don't really want them to look like lame 80's hip-hop guys. On another hand, pure yellow look really stupid and flashy

But I saw some models where the artist managed to do a gold-like stuff not blinging, for example on the GW officer of the fleet (middle guy here (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?prodId=prod2010020&rootCatGameStyle=)), he has a lot of this

Do one of you know how to manage to do that stuff?

I've quite good painting skills, so I can do what need to be done. If I can avoid using an unrealistic number of colors for one stuff, it's all the better. I like to keep things simple if possible (and I tend to be quite short on the money)

And another question : I'm planning on using a few non-GW models, especially this guy (http://images.frpgames.com/products/product_68548.jpg) for Al Rahem, and the guy on the bottom left here (http://www.thewarstore.com/media/INF280408.jpg) for Marbo

But I want to know how the "only GW models in tournaments" rule works?
- does every model needs to be GW?
- if so, bits from other companies are ok?
- what about forge world?
- if forge world is ok, are there other companies "allowed"?
- does this rule exists in all wh40k tournaments?

for the main part of the army, it's ok, but for these 2 guys... seriously, look at the original models :/ well, they were actually done in the previous century, and you can feel it.. They are soooooo 2nd millenium :D

Well, thanks a lot for answers!

02-11-2011, 09:14 PM
for your painting part of the question, that gold on that officer looks a bit like nmm (i could be wrong though) if it is nmm its quite hard to get a hang of. it requires a lot of blending work, but if you willing to put the effort in then i guess i'd say go for it. - http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21561 that guy does it by just inking a bit and mixing a few colors (no difficult wet blending involved!) if you don't wanna go down that route then i reckon either dwarf bronze, then a brighter gold i.e. burnished/shining gold over the top leaving the dwarf bronze in the recesses, or use gold straight away then wash it with something like gryphonne sepia - this might be less harsh than the other method for shading.

when i painted some sallies a while ago i used dwarf bronze and washed it with leviathan purple - came out a treat.

hope it helps!

02-12-2011, 12:39 AM
Towards the GW only rules....

They SAY only Citadel Miniatures are allowed, but in practice, anything that can be doctored up to look GW-esque would likely get by unnoticed by most. The 51% rule can also be applied, as well as, from the old Roolzboyz back when they actually knew something, if you model something with a non-GW part, as long as you can't tell what it is, or where it's from, you'd get away with it.

The only place where the GW rule applies for the most part is at a GW event (some include GW sanctioned events like Ard Boyz in that, but many locations allow it, like my store does).

John M.

02-12-2011, 01:03 AM
I have heard the 51 rule as well on a per-model basis but I think if you have a 95:5 ratio on the rest of the army, you'd probably be OK.

I think GW aren't quite as harsh as people make out overall, but you may be disqualified from the army competition. If you're really worried, take along a couple of stand-in models in case you run into any problems.

Jay Adan
02-16-2011, 03:12 PM
I don't think that the officer there was even supposed to have metallic gold cuffs, but if you were looking for a color effect like that then you want to work with yellows and browns to get the result you are looking for. Those are the traditional colors for NMM gold.