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View Full Version : Space Wolves, 1250 pts

08-30-2009, 04:51 PM
Hey guys.
I got a tourney coming up at the LGW, 1250 pts. Wanna take the puppies out for a walk, and here's what I've come up with:


Wolf Priest (Fang of Morkai, Wolf Pelt, MC bolt pistol) - 118
V Dread (A cannon, Hvy Flamer, smoke launchers, extra armour) - 173

10 Grey Hunters (bolters, 2 P fists, frags) - 220
10 Grey Hunters (bolters, 2 P fists, frags) - 220
15 Blood claws (3 P weapons) - 234

Hvy Supt
LRC (storm bolter, m-melta, extra armour) - 285

TOTAL: 1250

Thoughts please?

08-30-2009, 09:46 PM
A footslogging Grey Hunter is a dead Grey Hunter. Try dropping the Dred and giving each squad a rinoh instead.

08-31-2009, 12:01 AM
If I drop the dread, I need to take a 2nd HQ again still (Retinues rule: SW armies MUST contain an HQ choice per 750 or part thereof).

08-31-2009, 10:18 AM
I got a tourney coming up at the LGW, 1250 pts.

I recommend a Rune Priest over a Wolf Priest (Storm Caller is the BEST psychic power around and a Rune Staff gives you a 10pt unlimited range psychic hood). I'd go with a cheap close combat machine as my second HQ, like a Wolf Guard Battle Leader. Frost Blades are a must (awesome weapon) and don't forget Storm Shields give Space Wolves a 3+ invulnerable.

You only need 11 Blood Claws to get 3 special weapons and I recommend Power Fists over Power Weapons.

Looks like fun!

If I was playing Space Wolves in a 1250pt tournament, I'd go with something like this:

Rune Priest (Frost Blade, Rune Staff, Wolf Pelt)
Wolf Guard Battle Leader (Frost Blade, Storm Shield, Wolf Pelt)

11 Blood Claws (3 Power Fists)
11 Blood Claws (3 Power Fists)
8 Grey Hunters (Meltagun, Power Fist)

Land Raider
Land Raider

Ugh, what a pain this army would be to deal with in a 1250pt game. TWO Landraiders (the lead LR always protected by Storm Caller) with 12 terrible close combat beasts inside.

08-31-2009, 01:58 PM
Ugh, what a pain this army would be to deal with in a 1250pt game. TWO Landraiders (the lead LR always protected by Storm Caller) with 12 terrible close combat beasts inside.

Heh, nice list Mkerr,

Shame I can't run it from lack of models :) (But of course, you weren't to know what I actually have).

I only have one Land Raider (crusader), and can squeeze together one BC pack, and 3 GH packs, mebbe 4.
A few other bits + pieces (2 LF packs, (4xML, 4xHB), scouts (5xsniper, 6x normal), characters, WG pack (3xPF + 6x PW)), and a few rhino chassis (possiblilities: 3x WW, 2x RB(both LC or HB), 4x rhinos, 1x Damocles, 1x 1st ed Pred (AC/LC spons)), plus 3 LS (HF/AC + HB/MM swapable)

And I'm not intending on buying anything new till the new codex + upgrades pack comes out. and even then, it'll most likely be small stuff. Girlfriend + lack of job + lack of space to put anything new = long hard thoughts about new models.