View Full Version : 1250 IG Hybrid Escalation

02-03-2011, 12:09 PM
Okay, so I'm in an escalation league, and I've posted a couple lists already. I made a Hybrid IG list for 1000 points, and need to add some oomph to get to 1250. I'm going to post my 1000 and 1500 lists below, for a general of where I'm coming from and where I might like to end up.

I also have a 1500 list that I like the look of, so moving towards it would be the goal. I need some practice working with guard blobs instead of just vehicles.

1000 points Hybrid:
CCS 4x Plasma, Chimera: 165

PCS, 3x Flamers: 45
21-man Power Blob (Commissar, 3x PW): 165

PCS, 2x Melta: 50
21-man Power Blob (Commissar, 3x PW): 165

Vendetta: 130
Vendetta: 130

Hydra: 75
Hydra: 75

1500 points Hybrid:
CCS 4x Plasma in a Chimera: 165
CCS 4x Plasma in a Chimera: 165

Stormtroopers 2x Melta in a Chimera: 160
Stormtroopers 2x Melta in a Chimera: 160

PCS 2x Melta: 50
-Power Blob w/ Commissar 3x Power Weapons: 165

PCS 3x Flamers: 45
-Power Blob w/ Commissar 3x Power Weapons: 165
-Power Blob w/ Commissar 3x Power Weapons: 165

Vendetta: 130
Vendetta: 130

Now, I'm not married to the 1500 entirely, but it was made first, and has a good amount of mobility, which I like.

I had trouble with my 1000 points list on Monday against Tau. Str 5 guns on firewarriors against my Str 3 spelled doom when I didn't make the roll to assault through difficult terrain, and the jumping behind cover kept his suits able to hit my vehicles with impunity. I'm hoping Stormtroopers can help with the suits problem as well as any vehicles that other lists might have. Their flexibilty was severely missed.

So, mainly I'm looking for suggestions on what to add to a 1250 list, but I'll take any constructive comments.