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View Full Version : 1850 blood angel tourney list needing pointers

02-03-2011, 11:21 AM
heres what i got for now

librarian w/ sheild of sanguinius an unleashed rage

2x assault squad x10 w/ x2 meltagun, powerfist razorback heavy bolter
2x assault squad x10 w/ x2 meltagun, powerfist razorback lascannon

2x baal predator assault cannon

2x stormraven w/ multimelta, plasmacannon an extra armor

comes to 1850 on the dot just needing some insight on if anything might need changed or not
is it a solid list or might have holes an so on

02-03-2011, 02:23 PM
so im guessing that scense no one has posted its a great army list with no problems in what so ever :mad:

02-03-2011, 06:35 PM
Grumpy! No Soup For you!

02-03-2011, 06:38 PM
I just think it looks like every other BA list out there.

Drop a Stormraven and replace a razorback with a Land Raider of some sort. That'll spice things up.
Also, I would change the Rhino guys to flamers. drop the Powerfists in those squads to power weapons, and take hand flamers. This will free up points for a priest. Yay a priest! 20 points left over. Personally, I'd take 2 more hand flamers in the Meltagun squads. Just in case you need more flamers! Either that, or put a locator Beacon on the Stormraven---- nothing like Deep Striking a Land Raider Next to a Stormraven.

HQ 100
100 Librarian

50 Priest

245 Assault Squad
-10 Marines, 2 Meltaguns, Powerfist, Hand Flamer
230 Land Raider Redeemer
-Extra Armor, Multi-Melta
245 Assault Squad
-10 Marines, 2 Meltaguns, Powerfist, Hand Flamer
55 Razorback
-Twin-Linked Lascannon
225 Assault Squad
-10 Marines, 2 Flamers, Hand Flamer, Power Weapon
15 Rhino
225 Assault Squad
-10 Marines, 2 Flamers, Hand Flamer, Power Weapon
15 Rhino

115 Baal
115 Baal

215 Stormraven
Extra Armor, Plasma Cannons, Multi-Meltas

02-03-2011, 07:02 PM
am I the only one that likes to buy Heavy Bolters n' Hv Flamers for my Baals?

Coming on from the side board edge and firing 6 str 5 shots + 4 twin-linked str 6 shots on back armor, to me, sounds like a good idea for 30 points more.

02-03-2011, 07:36 PM
No Tynskel..I, like you have Heavy and Flaming Baals...

Nothing like a Scout move to the side and then a quick jump to the rear to light them up! Or you could come on the side...

02-03-2011, 08:28 PM
I like the heavy flamers. i am almost aways moving over 6 with the Baal so hvy bolters are rarely used. but sice i am aggresasive with it, going for side shots and such it tends to get charges alot. if it survives an assualt which it frequently does due to needing 6s to hit I then can give a helthy dose of heavy flamer to bunched up troops. i almost never scout my Baal I hate depending on reserve rolls.

In regards to transports I have moved away from Razorbacks towards landraiders. i prefer the crusader over the Redeemer. I am actually a huge fan of assault cannons so i will also run standard dreads with them as well and landspeeders with them also.

The problem i have with Razorbacks is that they seem to die with alarming alacrity no matter what they are armed with.

Oh I think your list is fine although I think the libby will die all too quickly in close combat. I almost never run them in power armor anymore although I do occasionally when I want to run a DOA army.

02-04-2011, 12:21 AM
heres what im lookin at when ill be playin the tourney is alot of SM armies maybe a nid an necron also an ork army so thats y i have the longrange weapons so mt baals will play the sides of my razorbacks
the lib is just for cover in a stormraven thats all hes good for

02-04-2011, 06:46 AM
heres what im lookin at when ill be playin the tourney is alot of SM armies maybe a nid an necron also an ork army so thats y i have the longrange weapons so mt baals will play the sides of my razorbacks
the lib is just for cover in a stormraven thats all hes good for

well, if you are fighting space marines, bugs, and possibly orks/necrons, then you will benefit from all the flamers more than the meltaguns. Plasma might be more useful--- the razorback could switch to that.

The librarian is more useful that 'shield'. If that's the reason you chose him, you should be using a different commander, anyhow.

02-04-2011, 11:19 AM
the only reason for 2 melta is for the AT value i expect to see alot of armor on the field

02-04-2011, 04:09 PM
well, you are taking 4 squads with melts. What happens if you encounter a horde? Orks or Bugs will chew you apart if you don't have some flamers to thin their numbers.