View Full Version : 1000 point dark eldar duke list

02-03-2011, 01:33 AM
This is my first list with the new book so it may be bad, so here we go.

Duke Sliscus -150 pt

Warriors x20 sheeder, splinter cannon, Sybarite with power weapon. –225pt

Warriors x10, Shreader, splinter cannon, sybarite W/ Venom blade, W/ raider with night shields. –190pyt

Wyches x10 hydra gaunlets, razorflails, Heakatrix W/ venom blade W/ raider with night shields. -205pt

Hellions x5 helliarch W/ phantasm grenade launcher, stun claw. –115pt

Ravager W/ night shield –115pt

This is for fun and i am open to feedback.

02-03-2011, 02:28 AM
No anti-tank is not a good thing (one serious AT option in the army? That is not a good idea). I would recommend replacing the weapons (all of them, including the sybarite's) on the 20 model Warrior squad with 2 Dark Lances or alternatively, drop the splinter cannons and buy haywire grenades for the wyches.

even at 1000 points, 5 dark lances is going to be a problem at 1000 points--not enough to overwhelm a mech list, too few to really harm elite infantry/MCs. But hopefully the 3+ poison squad will get to make itself a really disgusting pain in the butt.

02-03-2011, 10:47 AM
No anti-tank is not a good thing (one serious AT option in the army? That is not a good idea). I would recommend replacing the weapons (all of them, including the sybarite's) on the 20 model Warrior squad with 2 Dark Lances or alternatively, drop the splinter cannons and buy haywire grenades for the wyches.

even at 1000 points, 5 dark lances is going to be a problem at 1000 points--not enough to overwhelm a mech list, too few to really harm elite infantry/MCs. But hopefully the 3+ poison squad will get to make itself a really disgusting pain in the butt.

removing the weapons only allow me to add 1 dark lance. i am really thinking of just having a normal HQ since it will save me some points. i may need to rework this list.

EDIT: i am thinking of taking out the 20 man group making it a 10 man, add a dark lance, add ravager amd i am 15 points high, so i am thinking of removing the phantasm grenades and add a venom blade to the leader of the warriors that don't have a raider. i lost 10 man and grenades on my fast attack, but i think 4 dark lances is a good trade off.

02-03-2011, 06:46 PM
ok with a bit of tooling around i may have a good list that is even with anti tank and anti troop.


Duke Sliscus -150 pt


Warriors x10, /W dark lance, -115pt

Warriors x10, Shreader, splinter cannon, sybarite W/ Venom blade, W/ raider with night shields. -190pyt

Wyches x10, Hydra gauntlets , Heakatrix W/ Power weapon /W raider with night shields. -200pt

Fast attack

Hellions x5 helliarch W/Phantasm grenade launcher, stun claw. -115pt

Heavy support

Ravager W/ Flickerfield -115pt

Ravager W/ flickerfield -115pt

What i did here is remove 10 modals from the main group as well as the sybarite and replace the cannon and shearder with a dark lance since they won't be moving around alot, and with the duke in the group having the sybarite seem pointless.

i also remove the razorflails and give the Heakatrix a power sword, since i feel having 1-6 extra attacks is better then 3 reroll to hit and wounds, and the power sword will be great when fighting the power armor freaks.

also flickerfield on the ravager sinceit was a misprint, i never ment night shields.

hope to hear feedback.

02-03-2011, 06:56 PM
I would drop the stunclaw. The chances of you being able to get some real use out of it are slim.
With five hellions in the group it just would not work you would have to have two rounds of combat before you could effectively use it.

I would drop the night shields and add flicker fields. The Raider is going to be moving forward into range so the 5+ save will be more effective.

You need to make either the mounted warrior squad or mounted wych squad have 9 models so Sliscus can ride with them.

The way you have it he would have to walk around on foot with the non-mounted warrior squad.

I don't think the squad of warriors on foot will be that effective. They will be on foot with one dark lance and splinter rifles.

What models do you have to use?

02-03-2011, 07:41 PM
I would drop the stunclaw. The chances of you being able to get some real use out of it are slim.
With five hellions in the group it just would not work you would have to have two rounds of combat before you could effectively use it.

I would drop the night shields and add flicker fields. The Raider is going to be moving forward into range so the 5+ save will be more effective.

You need to make either the mounted warrior squad or mounted wych squad have 9 models so Sliscus can ride with them.

The way you have it he would have to walk around on foot with the non-mounted warrior squad.

I don't think the squad of warriors on foot will be that effective. They will be on foot with one dark lance and splinter rifles.

What models do you have to use?

i have the new hellions and i have the stun claw already on sadly, but i have the mounted warroirs made, but i also have about 20-30 old warroirs as well as 10 old wyches, 6 old mandrakes, a old ravager (last modal i painted untill i fall out of warhammer at age 15), and 3 old raiders (thinking about saving them for venom converts) 4 old reavers, oh and a talos and the new urien modal. i can go for the mandrakes instead of the hellians and just try my best with green stuff to make them look like the new ones.

Dark eldar was my first 40k army and after i came back when a gws open very close to my house and not in another county i ran to the wall to see the dark eldar and well just wrath the scene in vacation when they finally make it to wally world only for it to close.

but my plan for the on foot warroirs is to stay in a building at all time and do support fire.

02-03-2011, 08:36 PM
Don't worry about having the stun claw attached, or at least I wouldn't. No one is going to stop you from playing over that and I put that on my hellions too, I hadn't realized what it was. It also looks really cool!

Congratulations on coming back to the hobby. I would experiment and don't be afraid to use those raiders as venoms. I just got three oop ones. They are smaller than the new raiders and I think they will work well.

You could put nine wyches with HWG, hekatrix, and agoniser with the Urien Rakarth representing a normal haemonculus in a raider. The base Haemonculus is only fifty points and gives you a pain token to start off.

You could also add the oop raiders as venoms, mount Duke Sliscus and Kabalite trueborn (represented by warriors). You can give them the extra splinter cannon for more anti-infantry if you want.

It's too bad you don't have one more Hellion that you could use for Baron Sathonyx/: With the FAQ updates to the codex that GW put out he gives you +1 on the roll to see who goes first. And he will have strength 6 on the charge, give the squad stealth, and he has a 2+ invulnerable save as long as he doesn't take a wound, and he has phantasm grenade launchers so you wouldn't need to use points on those. He even makes your Hellions troops
AND HE IS ONLY 105 points!

You could give the Ravager (or two) three dark Lances and flicker fields that would be give you some anti-tank.

Everyone says mandrakes aren't that good but I have never used them.

I hope that helps a little!

02-03-2011, 10:39 PM
I was back in the hobby since 2008, i had to settle with space marines, andi hated them, then i move to choas space marines and enjoy it mush better, most of the old dark eldar modals i bought when i came back becuase i get into phease where i want to ues dark eldar with the old codex but then snap out of it since i read their codex more and more and find it very lacking. when the new codex and models came out i was very happy with petty mush everything.

question, do the haemonculus pain token count to the group he is in or just him? the idea of wyches starting out with feel no pain make them even more deadly.

i do like trueborns more then any other elite units, and i am thinking of adding them latter.

The more i read about the baron the more i like him. as for the duke, i read that he have twin venom blades, i want to think it a twin bladed sword i.e. darth mawl's light saber, but i seen costem made models of him with only one sword, so i am confused from that a little bit becuase i am thinking of turning a left over hellgealve into the serpent bite.

and ya the stunclaw looks cool, and no one will get mad at me if i say he have a hellgealve since i feel people are ok when you downgrade.

maybe i should remove the warroirs on foot for the way you set the wyches up, it sounds good to me.

02-03-2011, 11:20 PM
ok with suggestens i made my new list and it looks good.


Duke Sliscus -150 pt

Haemonculus W/ flesh gauntlet, -70pt


Warriors x9, Shreader, +sybarite W/ Venom blade, W/ raider with flickerfield . –171pt

Wyches x9, HWG, Hydra gauntlets , +Heakatrix W/ agoniser /W raider with flickerfield. –208pt

Fast attack

Hellions x10 +helliarch -170pt

Heavy support

Ravager W/ Flickerfield -115pt

Ravager W/ flickerfield -115pt

i had taken some suggestens from people, and made the duke tag along with the warroirs on the raider, i made the wyches into a very powerful melee unit and added a haemonculus with a flesh gauntlet into the group that make them extra powerful.

i added 5 more hellians and take away some of the juicey stuff sadly but they now more of them meening they live longer then a turn.

this is also my first time making a dark eldar army and i really not good at making listsince i must have evrything round up. i am crazy like that. but with this list all i need to buy new is a ravager, hellien and maybe a box of warroirs just becuase you can't get enough of them and for bits to costom make the duke. lucky me i have a birthday next week.

02-04-2011, 02:54 AM
Yup, the Haemonculus gives the whole unit feel no pain from his pain token.

It is annoying how expensive the Ravagers are/:

And that list looks really good to me. You have anti-infantry and anti-tank as well as shooting and close combat.