View Full Version : Blue Angel Speed Painting, by Finger Paint Gaming

02-02-2011, 05:10 PM
Check out this first speed painting I did on You Tube, I know I need to work on the focus a little bit... But It gets fixed up and is really sharp and crisp towards the end, I promise!


Check out my other videos too! :D

02-02-2011, 06:32 PM
you cheated. you had all the blue done when you started :D

btw is the blue on the chainsword high, lights, shadeing or something done with airbrush? cause the change from dark tones to high tones is awesome.

02-02-2011, 09:39 PM
LOL... I guess you are right... I should have video taped the part where I air brushed it first... haha... but for my first painting vid I was not thinking about it. :P The chain sword and body was all base coated with an air brush. :) Also next time I will also add text in the video stating what colors and washes I'm using at each point. :)

Finger Paint Gaming