View Full Version : Orks vs. Tyranids

02-02-2011, 01:23 PM
Ok, me and a friend usually play lots of friendly games of which usually to armies are played my orks and his tyranids. I always end up losing even though I'm a much more experienced player. So my question to everyone reading this is what ork tactics are good against 'nids and what units are really useful. I have AoBR set with the twenty boys as 'ard boys. Then I have a ten man squad of shhOota boys and 4 PK nobs and a nod with kombi rokkit. Any help would be appreciated.

02-02-2011, 01:51 PM
Well, tactics change depending on whether your opponent is shooting at you or not.

Some ideas: If the Tyranids are not shooty, you should let them come to you, while you blast away, then quickly rush up an squish. On the consolidation, you fall back. There are some units you try to never engage in close combat, unless you have thinned their numbers-- Genestealers!
Against warriors, you should hide your nobs amongst your boyz, then rush up and squish them--- Power Klaws will make short work of warriors. However, the warriors will utterly destroy your boyz.
Aim to wipe out units completely, so you can fall back.

Overall, fighting Bugs is about breaking the momentum of the army. Individual units are not very scary, but combined together, they can be unstoppable. Try to destroy them by parts.

02-02-2011, 04:17 PM
a battlewagon with deff-rolla and a big squad of burnas will do wonders on bugs, also be ready to have some throw away units, like grots or a empty trukk. he assaults them kills and their out in the open, just be careful with multi-assaults.

'Ard Boy
02-26-2011, 08:33 AM

I'm an Ork player and one of my friends has a Nid army too. Usually I try to engage him as soon as possible with my lootas and with everything else that can fire some distance. He is a Nid player who loves CC so this gives me a chance to let him come to me and soften him a bit and then charge him:).

This works most of the times


03-01-2011, 03:15 AM
If you want to watch a bug player cry multi-charge a big bug and small bugs with a squad of boyz. Like a tervigon and some gaunts. You should focus all your attacks on the little bugs that way you can win combat by a bunch (assuming you don't roll like crap). Then the big bug will have to take a lot of saves due to combat resolution. That's what works for me at least.

03-12-2011, 12:33 PM
lots of lootas, pepper the crap out of his front lines, once your satisified with the amount of carnage you did from the shooting then run in with your boyz.

Da Gargoyle
03-12-2011, 05:48 PM
The tactics mentioned so far work if you don't have to deal with flanking moves and that is what creates the biggest hassle.

However depending on points value you have to play with;
2 trukks with choppa boys to counter flank marches including a nob with klaw in each
Front screen of shoota boys to whittle down the assaulting units with a back up mob of choppa boys for counter assault, remmeber that furious charge
at least one unit of loota deff guns, at least 10 strong, they target the assault units 1st turn and then the big nids after that, blow them synapse creatures away.

At least with ork trukks you can give yourself an 18" assault radius from the centre of the board, or protect a favoured side by starting them from there.

From there you need your own cunnin plan, like what the mission is or is yours always annihilate? Also how you set up impacts also. I hate table quarters but that is because I rarely win the roll off to choose.