View Full Version : Armies on Parade

02-02-2011, 05:24 AM
Hey Guys, girls and scary deamon shadows that hang around here.

Not too long ago (Ok nearly a week...) this dropped into my inbox from GW;


I'm sure a great deal of you have seen it yourselves, though I am assuming that GWs email newsletter is the same across the globe. As the article say, those of you across the pond (Americans as I've reliably been informed you like to be called) are used to this event and have had it as a staple of your Games Days for a few years. We in the UK are only just getting it this year, so to me its still a nice shiney concept to get my teeth around.*

So, is anyone from our fair internet realm going to be entering? I know I for one will be. I've got half a notebook's worth of ideas and sketches all ready, most of which are possibly beyond the realms of the physically possible. What ideas are you guys willing to share (gotta keep something back for the competition ;)) and do any old hands have any tips for entering in to such a leviathan task in order to win?

For those of you interested, I'm currently leaning towards using my Kopta Force you may have seen me slowly working on in the Modelling and Painting Forum, though I'll certinaly have to step up the rate at which I get models finished! I've got a pretty good idea for what terrain I'm going to use, including a fairly impressive centre piece in the back right corner of my display, involving half a temple of skulls, a persian gate and a toy train...

*Nice shiney concepts taste like lemon sponge cake, with nice gooey chocolate butter icing in my mind, so I really like getting my teeth round them :D

02-02-2011, 08:36 AM
I rather enjoy Armies on Parade. I've seen some mind blowing painting, conversions and themes. Plus, if I'm not mistaken, participating gets you in the doors before everyone else so you can set up your display. :D

I was excited to try it myself this year as my Ultramarines force is starting to come together. I decided against it however because I would then have to travel to Chicago for Games Day USA, which is 750 miles from me. That's a 12 hour drive. Had GW decided to keep Games Day in Baltimore (like they should have), where its been for the last 20 years it'd be a different story.

02-02-2011, 12:21 PM
I'm really looking forward to this! Have some big ideas, but dunno if I've got time to achieve them...