View Full Version : Improbable Modelling Projects

Unzuul the Lascivious
02-02-2011, 03:45 AM
Take a look at the bottom of this page: -http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/blogPost.jsp?aId=15100054a

This has cost him well over £400 in parts alone. Why are GW showing us stuff like this? 'Ooh, look what WE can do at Games Workshop with our free reign on models and parts and materials that YOU CAN'T HAVE because you're all poor plebs!'
I don't know why it really annoys me. It's like those Apocalypse formations that use say 6 Chaos Daemon Soulgrinders - WHEN WILL MOST PEOPLE AFFORD THAT THEN?

Rant over...

02-02-2011, 04:31 AM
I'm not bothered by the material costs but I'd like to ask another question?

why are they showing us somethingt hat is as badly executed as this?

firstly ordinati are FAR bigger than this (but I could let that slip).
secondly the nova cannon isnt an artillery piece lobbing high-explosives around which would need a recil mechanism but a massive energy cannon (so the barrel is fail²).
thirdly many of the parts arent flush with each other and the general appearance is very makeshift. thats not how AdeptusMechanicus treats it's most dangerous weapons.

before you put a few ork glyphs on this and change the paintjob to be more orky it isnt 1" believable as a model.

hell GW if you want to make us want to get bigger stuff show us pictures of some nicely painted FW titan (legions) in battle formation and not something as expensive and FAR less looking!

Unzuul the Lascivious
02-02-2011, 07:01 AM
Or, instead of showing us crap like this that we can't afford to buy (by the way, soon your sales are going to suffer if you continue with the price hikes), why not show us stuff we ARE interested in, like maybe a sneak peek at some Grey Knights stuff!!! THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT YOU MALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGAN HEADS!!! (avoids censorship)

02-02-2011, 07:28 AM
Its called inspiration, you don't have to copy it if you dont like it, but it shows you an example of whats possible.

Rant away from a high horse if you wish, but I love seeing creations like that personally, sometimes I could create something better, sometimes I could'nt, either way its great to see creativity in the hobby.

02-02-2011, 07:32 AM
Although I agree with you on this particular model and some of the silly apocalypse formations (I'd also add the 'comedy' comic strips of staff members buying stuff), generally I think the what's new today section is pretty good and has led me to spend more time on the official GW site and probably spending more money than I should on full price products on occasion. :(

Unzuul the Lascivious
02-02-2011, 08:36 AM
Dudes, I'm not saying the GW site is bobbins, just that GW are incredibly cynical in their money making ploys. I would have thought perhaps they would produce realistic examples for people to try out, especially in the Apocalypse formation side of things. I almost think they brought out Spearhead as a middle ground option, because so few people looked at the Apoc formations and rushed out to spend £300 on the relevant models.

It certainly is creative, but maybe they should create something within the bounds of the majority of people's price range?

Drew da Destroya
02-02-2011, 08:59 AM
It certainly is creative, but maybe they should create something within the bounds of the majority of people's price range?

They do. It's called standard 40k. Apocalypse wasn't released to replace standard 40k, it was released so people who have been collecting for 10+ years, and have waaaaaaaaaaaaay more plastic crack than is truly necessary, a chance to use all of their models at once.

It also gives the opportunity to combine forces... sure, one person doesn't have 6 soul grinders, but 3 people might.

Sure, Apoc probably drove sales of expensive models (they did release the Baneblade, variants, and the Stompa for it), but you shouldn't be buying standard 40k models to "bulk up" for Apoc.

In regards to the Ordinatus... it did look pretty silly. Although the Baneblade dumping out the back gave me a chuckle.

Brass Scorpion
02-02-2011, 09:05 AM
Its called inspiration, you don't have to copy it if you dont like it, but it shows you an example of whats possible.

Rant away from a high horse if you wish, but I love seeing creations like that personally, sometimes I could create something better, sometimes I could'nt, either way its great to see creativity in the hobby. Spoken like a gentleman, sir. I also enjoy seeing other people's inspired creations. One doesn't have to love every one of them in order to appreciate the thought, time and effort that went into them. And seeing other people's work gives the viewer new perspective and ideas for their own work. As Joel Hodgson once said of Mystery Science Theater 3000, "the right people will get it." In Warhammer, the corollary to that is that "the rest will complain endlessly about it with little or no reason." :(

02-02-2011, 09:59 AM
I think it looks pretty cool. It may be way too expensive for it's cool factor, but I'd still gawk at it if someone brought it in to my local store. My biggest complaint is that the paint job is kind of boring.

02-02-2011, 10:29 AM
Actually in my experience the customer is usually an arrogant, demanding, self obsessed ignoramus who needs to be politely but firmly put in his place.:rolleyes:

I'm not particularly interested in Imperial vehicles but I still think its a nifty conversion, who cares how much it costed?

Or, instead of showing us crap like this that we can't afford to buy (by the way, soon your sales are going to suffer if you continue with the price hikes), why not show us stuff we ARE interested in, like maybe a sneak peek at some Grey Knights stuff!!! THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT YOU MALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGAN HEADS!!! (avoids censorship)

02-02-2011, 11:06 AM
Actually in my experience the customer is usually an arrogant, demanding, self obsessed ignoramus who needs to be politely but firmly put in his place.:rolleyes:

lol ah you never pull the punches!

Unzuul the Lascivious
02-04-2011, 09:50 AM
Well, I can see the points people have made here - and they're all valid. Unfortunately, although the customer usually is a whiny a hole (myself included on this occasion!), they are the ones with the money. Not listening to them means less sales. I guess I am impatient! I think maybe I am instantly reactionary against blatant profiteering but I suppose with GW I shouldn't be, cos at least it means they can put money into developing better models and that.

I consider myself educated and chastised in equal measure!!!!!

02-04-2011, 10:17 AM
Anyone who's been to Warhammer world in nottingham may have seen that even forgeworld have a sense of humour when it comes to models/scenery that you can't afford


lol, a measly power station that costs at least £178

02-04-2011, 12:47 PM
TBF though with FW resin is naturally more expensive to produce, and the models are much more detailed meaning the sculptor has spent more time on it.
The problem with FW is that resin is so difficult to put together-like a multi part plastic kit with finer parts and requires superglue-and GW superglue is awful-forcing you to use loads and buy loads-not really worth it sometimes. :/