View Full Version : This thing just flew in and landed on my keyboard

02-01-2011, 02:30 PM

This kit has some notable features:

The fantail piece is different than the Falcon upgrade kit. It has slots on it to allow for easier installation of the new vertical stabilizers.

The resin they used for this kit might be a bit different than what I've gotten in the recent past (within the month). This stuff is soft. It gums up my file. Its shiney and when I had to straighten out the barrel of the D-cannon, the melting point is a lot lower than, say the resin on the nightwings which I've had the displeasure in building.

Also note that these kits ship with only the falcon hull sprues - and the underslung shuriken cannon only comes with the wave serpent sprue IIRC. I had to kitbash an underslung cannon together.

02-01-2011, 03:10 PM
The d cannon still looks slightly bent imo. Although I am on an IPod. Still looks epic though. I didn't get the nightwing because of what you said in my thread a few weeks back and thank god tbh. I don't know about you guys but like my vehicles to be a bit flush when I give them my 70+ quid...

02-01-2011, 03:15 PM
here's how it started:

02-01-2011, 03:38 PM
That's ridiculous. For the amount of cash you spent can't you get a replacement.

02-01-2011, 03:41 PM
"It's part of the forgeworld experience" is what I'm told when I complain about hideously warped forgeworld bits. Believe me, I would love to get perfectly straight pieces right out of the bag but alas, its not the case with FW.

My last nightwing order, I had a nightwing upper fuselage half that looked like it had been left on top of a basketball on the blacktop in the summer sun for a couple hours. It took me longer with a hair dryer and hot water bath treatments to get it straight than it did to paint the model.

Sad really.

02-01-2011, 04:05 PM
here's how it started:

Normal FW quality control = crap

02-01-2011, 04:11 PM
I just don't understand that about Forgeworld. Everyone I know seems to say "Meh.." when a Forgeworld product arrives in terrible shape. What causes those pieces to be warped? Is it human error or an unfortunate side effect of the material?

I'm inclined to think that it's human error, but I admittedly don't know the ins and outs of the manufacturing process. The stuff is marketed as premium quality products. That's kinda the point and the reason for the stiff price tag. If I'm paying a premium price, I want a premium quality product. If that means the manufacturer has to throw away warped pieces, shouldn't that be one of the factors related to the higher price tag?

Forgeworld products are also packed by hand, so someone has to look at those warped pieces, handle them, and ship them anyway. It's not like they're being missed by a random quality control sampling. It baffles me.

02-01-2011, 04:38 PM

FW uses a plastic resin that is very temperature sensitive. You can't leave FW models in the car on a hot day or else they will end up as goop in the bottom of your model case. As you can see with that D-cannon, I straightened it out as best I could tell with my horrible eyesight via a hair drier alone.

Here's some more funniness that comes from FW products:

Brass Scorpion
02-01-2011, 04:55 PM
That's ridiculous. For the amount of cash you spent can't you get a replacement.All thin Forge World pieces come like that. If everyone who got a piece like that asked for a replacement no one would ever have a finished kit. That's one reason why they recommend their kits only for expert modelers. You should have seen the lances for my Revenant or the wings on my Hellblades when those arrived from England! Some hot water and patience straightened the whole thing out, literally.

I just don't understand that about Forgeworld. Everyone I know seems to say "Meh.." when a Forgeworld product arrives in terrible shape. What causes those pieces to be warped? Is it human error or an unfortunate side effect of the material? While FW does make mistakes, it's mostly the latter. When pieces are pulled out of the mold still warm and malleable they warp. If you read the warnings on their site and on their product instructions, it's a given that you'll sometimes have to "unwarp" some of the pieces you get. Inexperienced hobbyists are warned.

02-01-2011, 05:19 PM
it's a given that you'll sometimes have to "unwarp" some of the pieces you get. Inexperienced hobbyists are warned.

I think the "inexperienced hobbyist be warned" part is a cover for sometimes suspect product quality.

You are right about the pulsars on the revenant. Those things take forever to get perfectly straight - and when you let it sit in the sun coming through a window, they start drooping again. I've realigned my Rev's pulsars about 3 times in the few years that I've had it.

02-01-2011, 05:34 PM
@defenestratus: Do you think its possible to magnetize the D cannon? or is it too large and unwieldy that it must be fixed to the chasis?

02-01-2011, 06:06 PM
Don't cross the steams...
- why?
it would be bad.


02-01-2011, 10:25 PM
Wobbles: all of my fire prisms are magnetized so its definitely possible. Get some of the powerful ones and you'll be more than ok. I'm planning on magnetizing the flyer base like I have for all my others.

If you do magnetize it, take care in making sure that the back half of the cannon that mounts flush to the falcon top mates properly. Again I had to hit it with a hair dryer to get it to conform perfectly to the top. Superglue didn't hurt either.

02-02-2011, 02:24 AM
The warping thing isn't just manufacturing fault. being sensitive to any heat means they warp in other places.

If the box is too close to the exhaust or engine in the delivery van. If its left in a warm postal room etc they warp from that. Its not just FW's fault

My Nightwings both had bent wings. 1 i corrected. The other i didn't so the movable wings both point down, giving my anX wing cross section...

02-02-2011, 11:42 AM

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Pretty! I wanna get a hold of one of these bad boys! It looks quite impressive!

I must say, I've been pretty lucky with me FW purchases. My Scorpions Pulsars are okay (one still needs slight tweaking) and the firestormis pretty good. Didn't align completely right but it actually works in its favour a little bit. Looks like it's designed to spray the sky. Both Revenants are more-or-less perfect.

God only knows what karma I have coming for when I order more stuff from them!

02-02-2011, 12:18 PM
The heat sensitivity thing makes sense. Is that an unavoidable side-effect of the material? That is, is heat sensitivity an acceptable side-effect in that the sculpts would otherwise not be able to be molded, or something like that?

02-02-2011, 12:36 PM
weeble: Yes its due to the material they use. Which is unfortunate because they could use different resin (I've used epoxy resin) to cast their minis that do not have the same heat properties.

In the upcoming weeks, you'll see a weblog of the carrying case that I'm making for my FW resin that will allow for climate control in a parked car.

02-02-2011, 04:28 PM
I'm jealous that they made this Warp Hunter tank, after I shelled out for the Cobra II.

As for resin problems, the Pulsars which came on my Scorpion looked like speghetti when I took them out the bag!
I've had to re-heat them several times in the short time (only about three years) I've owned the model to get them semi-parallel.

Overall, all my Forge World kits have been excellent. Sure the resin CAN be a problem, but it also CAN be easily fixed.

02-02-2011, 06:14 PM
I'm jealous that they made this Warp Hunter tank, after I shelled out for the Cobra II.

Don't be pissed. Cobras are MUCH better.

These things are just going to be around for crowd control in Apoc battles where my back lines get typically full of 30 deep striking chaos terminator champions.

Two aether rifts a turn make me happy.

I've got the first one almost painted.

Will post pics hopefully tomorrow (I'm not a great painter fwiw)

02-02-2011, 07:03 PM
Maybe you guys can help me? My commander cullen sword arrived way warped so I should try a hair dryer to straighten it?

02-02-2011, 09:17 PM
my friend used hot water for modeling purposes of his Eylsian Drop Troopers. Dunked in hot, then 'fixed it' then dunked in cold water.

02-02-2011, 09:20 PM

Got to do some cleanup on it and finish the stupid canopy - then its ready to join the motorpool once my refill on magnets arrives.

My commander cullen sword arrived way warped so I should try a hair dryer to straighten it?

Yes. The way I do it... put slight pressure with your finger to straighten it while you hit the piece with the hairdryer on LOW. Over time, if your finger doesn't burn off, you'll feel less and less resistance. You don't want to hold the hairdryer on the piece too long or else it'll start to melt - but once the piece is easy to bend and straighten then you've got it at the right temperature. Straighten it out, and then once straight I immediately dunk the piece in a glass of room temperature water.

It might take more than one application of this treatment to get it perfect.

02-02-2011, 09:36 PM
Screw it, I finished the canopy and did some cleanup around the gun nozzle. Pretty happy with it. My poor eyesight isn't good enough to be able to paint gems anymore - which sucks. I used to be pretty damn good at them. Such as it is, I suck at painting those bloody canopies even though I must have done 100 of them by now.


02-03-2011, 07:48 AM
Very impressive, and my doesn't the Warp Hunter kit look lovely. I'm trying to wait until IA11 is released until I buy three or so but its so hard.:(

02-03-2011, 07:53 AM
Very impressive, and my doesn't the Warp Hunter kit look lovely. I'm trying to wait until IA11 is released until I buy three or so but its so hard.:(

I'm with you there...i've got a £1000 sititng in my account waiting for the book and the phantom. Then I just make a mega order when all the kits are available for order and get a huge delivery...and maybe take a week off work :P

Currently my list is;
1 Phantom
1 Copy IA11
1 of each of the new aspect squads (looking forward to the undisclosed one)
2 Warphunters
1 of the other new tank
2 of the new closed top war walkers (still rumour only though)

And anything else sneaky and hiding!

02-03-2011, 08:16 AM
Currently my list is;
1 Phantom
1 Copy IA11
1 of each of the new aspect squads (looking forward to the undisclosed one)
2 Warphunters
1 of the other new tank
2 of the new closed top war walkers (still rumour only though)

And anything else sneaky and hiding!

A hell of a list! I'm jealous!

I'm pretty sure the enclosed War Walkers are confirmed. I'd swear I saw a picture of the new transparent canopy in the Forgeworld GD pics.

Here it is, in the top right corner.

02-03-2011, 08:43 AM
Ah cool! Confirm that one the list as well. My eldar army is going to gain nearly 2500 points in one order...sweet. And one day i'll add 2 revenants to escort the big guy as well....

As a question..I bought a Hornet recently...noticed there is a new resin eldar pilot model in it. Guessing the warphunter comes with the standard old plastic falcon pilot?

02-03-2011, 08:45 AM
Very impressive, and my doesn't the Warp Hunter kit look lovely. I'm trying to wait until IA11 is released until I buy three or so but its so hard.

I know this is going to be a bit of a buzzkill, but I'm not all about the kit to be honest. Don't get me wrong, once you unwarp them, the parts fit together nicely - but to me, the gun needs to be bigger. byt about 25%

Its worn off on me already and really the reason I got these things is because I've got .. let me count, 3, 3, 7, 15, total of 28 void shields to go through in my next apoc game and these just get to the crux of the matter. Plus the aforementioned deepstriking terminators for which the aether rift will be lovely.

As a question..I bought a Hornet recently...noticed there is a new resin eldar pilot model in it. Guessing the warphunter comes with the standard old plastic falcon pilot?

No pilot bits. They come on the falcon chassis. If you want FW pilots I might have all the ones I didn't put in any of my fliers. I can look for some if you want them.

02-03-2011, 08:54 AM
Ah cool! Confirm that one the list as well. My eldar army is going to gain nearly 2500 points in one order...sweet. And one day i'll add 2 revenants to escort the big guy as well....

Revenants are **** really. They die way too quickly unless you're super careful with them. At least the Phantoms have structure points to keep them alive for more than a single round.

I stopped buying revenants and went for vampires instead. If GW continues their trend of un-twin-linking the eldar flier weapons, it will have as much firepower as the Revenant, and will be all but immune to Str D weapons, unlimited mobility and just better rules.

02-03-2011, 08:57 AM
Ah cool! Confirm that one the list as well. My eldar army is going to gain nearly 2500 points in one order...sweet. And one day i'll add 2 revenants to escort the big guy as well.

I have two Revenants. One with each weapon option. Gonna grab another two soon. They will escort my Armorcast Phantom when I get him painted. Concentrating on my Non Apoc stuff first (bar my Scorpion Mk II and Towering Destroyer for an upcoming gamer. :p)

I know this is going to be a bit of a buzzkill, but I'm not all about the kit to be honest. Don't get me wrong, once you unwarp them, the parts fit together nicely - but to me, the gun needs to be bigger.

Really? Probably not gonna dissuade me though. I love me some Eldar tanks! Have loads! :D

02-03-2011, 08:58 AM
Well, its not going to kill my buzz, I love the kit.:p I do love the Aether Rift as well, though.

I'll be ordering:

1 IA11
1 Phantom
3 Warp Hunters
3 Lynxes
6 Hornets
3 Squads of Aspects + Exarchs
6 War Walkers

Leaving room for other surprises too of course. So excited.:rolleyes:

02-03-2011, 09:41 AM
Really? Probably not gonna dissuade me though. I love me some Eldar tanks! Have loads!

Here's about 40% of mine.


(pardon their topless nature - prisms cannons all hidden away in a tackle box at the bottom of my closet.)

I'm waiting on finishing the second warp hunter and 6 more warwalkers then I'll take a pic of my mechanized host.

Oh and I've got to get the stupid tempest painted and not looking like an unattractive brick.

02-03-2011, 10:00 AM
Nice! There's just something about Eldar tanks that I love.

I've got 2 Wave Serpents, a Falcon, 2 Fire Prisms, a FW Night Spinner and a Fire Storm painted. I have a further Fire Prism and 2 Falcons on the painting table. I intend to finish them tonight and get them posted on my Arithym plog. Then it's the Scorpion Mk 2. I still have about 2 or 3 Falcons and 4 Wave Serpents in boxes awaiting building.

I'll get a pic of the tank fleet tonight once the three I'm working on are complete!

02-03-2011, 10:06 AM

Thats mine a few months ago. Since then i've added another prism, another falcon, a hornet and Mk2 Cobra. Also not pictured are 2 nightwings, 5 vypers and a phoenix

02-03-2011, 10:25 AM
Love that color scheme!

02-03-2011, 05:40 PM
My entire Grav Tank fleet :


Lord Korven
02-06-2011, 10:23 AM
All three of those grav-tank fleets are extremely impressive!
DrLove42 those fire prisms are nice!

02-09-2011, 12:43 PM

Something totally unexpected happened.

I just got two new fireprism/nightspinner sprues in the mail from FW.

I don't know if these come standard with the Warp Hunter kits or FW is just giving me a freebie because I've been a good customer to them lately....

Damnit now I gotta paint two more falcon hulls. :P

(NOTE: The idea that this kit came with the FP/NS sprue would have been good to know, before I superglued the resin piece to the falcon hull. Bitz order here I come)

02-09-2011, 08:06 PM
Hats off to the painters of these three grav tank fleets :D These schemes are sooooooooo much better than the bog-standard GW neon. I might even have to rip the black-and-white scheme for my Asphodel PDF forces in winter environment.

As far as FW stuff goes, a Vulture was the second large GW kit I built. I was lucky enough to get one the the new hybrid kits instead of the ancient resin brick, thank god. The components were not badly warped at all, I only had to dip the vertical and horizontal stabilizers in 180F water for about five-ten seconds, then some cold water to "set" the components. Painted like a dream after some degreasing, and went together easier than an all-plastic Valkyrie in my opinion (I've built three of those. The fun wears off quickly). I might be a bit luckier than average, but my FW experience (aside from an AI Marauder bomber that was apparently on backorder and took about two months to arrive) has been quite good.

02-09-2011, 08:11 PM
Ok, well, I finally took a pic of my tanks.... and uhh.. other stuff thats not worth mentioning. The nightspinners will be joining the army as soon as the falcon bits arrive.


02-10-2011, 05:36 AM
Niiiiiiiiiiiiiice force! Love your flyers and the Titans are properly drool-worthy!

02-10-2011, 07:28 AM
Very impressive, Defenstratus.:) I really must remedy my own lack of FW flyers when IA11 is released.

02-11-2011, 10:02 AM
Very impressive, Defenstratus.:) I really must remedy my own lack of FW flyers when IA11 is released.

Thank You Thank You

I've been collecting these pointy eared *******s since the RT era so I'd better have a lot of them. Some of those prisms are ex-falcons who got sacrificed when the 5ed rules came out.

I've got a tempest I'm working on right now, and two nightspinners - and in the meantime, I've started building a travel tote to carry all of the pictured models. Here you can see it pictured next to my 85lbs golden retreiver - Tybee:
